Educational and Research Experiences by Immediate Needs * Location * Sponsor * Name

Note: Full descriptions of each position are available as PDF files. You will need a copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe Web site.

Recent Grads Needed Immediately

Just Posted

Internship Project Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management (OWM). The appointment will be served with the Water Permits Division (WPD). EPA partners with authorized States to develop, support, and manage the National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to protect and restore the environmental health of the nation’s waters. WPD is looking for an individual who is interested in being involved as an environmental scientist or environmental engineer in a national environmental program. The intern will participate on the Water Quality Team which develops materials to help implement guidance with respect to NPDES. Applicants should have received a bachelor's degree in environmental science, environmental engineering, chemistry, biology, toxicology, or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See Project EPA Water 2008-118.

Research Participation Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Office of the Chief Science Officer
Immunization Safety Office
Atlanta, Georgia

Project Description: A project is available in the Immunization Safety Office, Office of the Chief Science Officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia. Possible projects include public health projects associated with Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment Network (CISA). These projects are intended to improve and enhance the network. Candidate must have a BA or BS with advanced clinical degree (e.g., RN, NP), 3 years of clinical experience and basic knowledge of the scientific method/research study design. Applicants must possess excellent leadership, organizational and communication skills, be self-motivated and demonstrate meticulous attention to detail. Exposure or knowledge of epidemiology is highly desirable but not required. See project CDC-OCSO-2008-0024.

Internship Project Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management (OWM). EPA partners with authorized states to develop, support, and manage the National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to protect and restore the environmental health of the nation’s waters. OWM is looking for an intern who is interested in the fast-paced and dynamic field of outreach and communications and has interest and/or experience with urban stormwater issues. Activities may include participating in the development of new web-based tools for the stormwater program, participation in the enhancement and maintenance of the NPDES web site, and in developing training or outreach efforts aimed at specific stormwater constituencies. Applicants should have received a bachelor's degree or higher in communications, marketing, environmental studies, or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-117.

Postgraduate Internship Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Region 8
Office of Ecosystems Protection and Remediation
Denver, Colorado

Project Description: An internship is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 8’s Office of Ecosystems Protection and Remediation in Denver, Colorado.   The internship will be served with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Team. The TMDL Team is responsible for leading Region 8’s TMDL program and supporting related watershed protection activities. The mission of the program is to work towards healthy watersheds by assisting states, territories, and tribes to meet their water quality standards. The intern will be involved in researching and evaluating data bases that could be considered for a program like the TMDL program in which status and progress of draft and final documents need to be tracked. Applicants should have received a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the environmental sciences or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-116.

Postgraduate Internship Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management (OWM), Water Permits Division in Washington, DC. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partners with authorized states to develop, support, and manage the National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to protect and restore the nation’s waters. The Water Permits Division is seeking an intern interested in participating on a team of legal and technical staff who analyze and evaluate state and federal implementation of the NPDES program under the Clean Water Act.  An applicant should be a law student in their final year or a law school graduate with background in environmental policy or environmental science. See project EPA Water 2008-115.

Postgraduate Internship Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management, Water Permits Division (WPD) EPA partners with authorized states to develop, support, and manage the National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to protect and restore the environmental health of the nation’s waters.  WPD is seeking an individual with strong analytical and computer skills interested in the Program Management, Analysis, and Data (PMAD) Team in the State and Regional Branch. Applicants should have received a bachelor’s or a master's degree in environmental science, environmental engineering, agricultural engineering, chemistry, biology, toxicology, public administration, information technology, or a related area within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-114.

Postgraduate Internship Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Science and Technology (OST). EPA partners with authorized states and tribes to manage water quality programs to protect and restore the environment health of the nation’s waters. OST is looking for an individual to join a dynamic team focused on how to use environmental modeling to better inform EPA, state, and municipal decision makers on options for improving water and watershed management decisions and activities in support of Clean Water Act goals. Applicants should have received a master’s degree in environmental engineering, agricultural/biological engineering, or environmental science received within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-113.

Internship Program Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office Of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW) in Washington, DC. OWOW manages the ocean and coastal protection, wetlands and watershed assessment programs. OWOW’s Assessment and Watershed Protection Division (AWPD) is responsible for overseeing non-point source, water quality monitoring and watershed-related activities.The goal of this project is to allow the intern to train with the Monitoring Branch, within the Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, and observe and participate in water quality projects in action. The intern will participate in the various components of the EPA’s water programs and observe how they work together to support EPA water quality goals and reporting requirements. Applicants should have received at least a bachelor’s degree (master’s degree is preferred) within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-112.

Postgraduate Internship
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.
Rural Water Permit Programs

An internship is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wastewater Management, Water Permits Division. EPA partners with authorized States to develop, support, and manage the National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program to protect and restore the environmental health of the nation’s waters. The intern will participate on a team finalizing regulations for regulating discharges from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and developing guidance, training, and outreach materials. Applicants should have at least a bachelor’s or a master's degree in environmental science/engineering, environmental policy, natural resources management, hydrology, agricultural science/engineering, economics, biology, chemistry, or related areas within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-111.

Postgraduate Research Participation Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Center for Environmental Assessment
Cincinnati, Ohio

Project Description: A research project training opportunity is available through the Postgraduate Research Participation Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. As part of EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment, NCEA is conducting a study entitled “The Massachusetts’ Epidemiological Study of Birth Outcomes and Disinfection Byproduct Exposures.” This study will help address research needs identified by EPA’s program offices. It will include an examination of the potential risk of adverse reproductive outcomes, such as birth defects, fetal death and fetal growth retardation, in relation to different types of water disinfection and disinfection byproduct exposures. The participant will be mentored by an NCEA team member. This participant will have latitude in exercising independent initiative and judgment in the research commensurate with the level of training. Applicants must have received a master’s or doctoral degree in epidemiology, environmental sciences, statistics, public health or a related field relevant to this project within five years of the desired starting date. See project EPA-NCEA 2008-04.

Internship Program Opportunity
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Atlanta, Georgia

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA), Wetland Regulatory Section in Atlanta, Georgia. The intern may be involved in several types of projects which may include conducting assessments of existing characterizations for various District determinations focusing on the effects of Rapanos on the new extent of jurisdictional boundaries, and, or pollutant or pollution impacts resulting from changes to the extent CWA jurisdictional waters. The intern may be involved in investigating the available technical information refining the definition, significant nexus to traditionally navigable waters and extent of waters of the United States, states, Commonwealth, and tribes; potential water quality impairments that may result from implementation of Rapanos guidance.Applicants should have received a master’s degree in hydrology, environmental engineering, aquatic ecology, aquatic biology, forestry, or life science field of study and management within four years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-108.

Postgraduate Internship Program Opportunity
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Water Quality Protection Division, Region 6
Dallas, Texas

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 6 Water Quality Protection Division (WQPD) in Dallas, Texas.The EPA Region 6 Marine and Wetlands Section, under the supervision of a chief, manages and conducts key coastal activities under the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA), National Estuary Program, the Gulf of Mexico Program, the Coastal America Initiative, the Coastal Zone Management Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. The intern will be involved in the activities of the CWPPRA team within the Marine and Wetlands Section. The assignments require involvement with multiple federal agencies, state and local governments, fellow team members and offices within EPA, nonprofit organizations, and other stakeholders in the protection, management, and restoration of wetland resources. This internship will provide exposure to a broad range of environmental and policy issues surrounding wetlands protection and restoration. The applicant should have received a master’s degree in a related science or engineering field within five years of the desired starting date. See project EPA REG 6-WQPD 2008-01.

Internship Program Opportunity
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 3 Office of Environmental Programs (OEP) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The intern will be located in the Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division (EAID), Office of Environmental Programs (OEP). The intern will be trained by OEP’s Permits and Enforcement Team (PET) which is responsible for the implementation of programs to protect wetlands and aquatic resources. The intern will learn about 1) laws, regulations, and standards related to the CWA Section 404 program, and 2) will also learn how to apply GIS and other computer based planning tools to facilitate improved approaches to decision-making in the pilot watersheds. The project will investigate the possibility of using a watershed-based planning approach under CWA Section 404 within an EPA Region 3 watershed(s) to stimulate a more efficient and effective approach to planning and permitting by focusing program efforts on protecting and enhancing the most important aquatic resources in a given watershed. The applicant should have received a bachelor’s or master’s degree in engineering, environmental science, physical sciences, or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2008-103.

Postgraduate Research Participation Program
National Center for Environmental Assessment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, Ohio

Project Description: A research project training opportunity is available with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. Under the guidance of a research mentor and other EPA investigators, the participant will contribute to the Causal Analysis/Diagnosis Decision Information System (CADDIS). CADDIS is a knowledge base with decision-support tools that enables environmental managers to determine the probable causes of biological impairments in aquatic systems. The research participant will join EPA scientists in developing methods for integrating, deriving, and synthesizing ecological information for the purpose of understanding and identifying causes of ecological effects and degradation of aquatic systems.Applicants should have received a master’s or doctorate degree in ecology or other appropriate scientific field within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA-NCEA 2008-01.

Internship Program Opportunity
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water in Washington, D.C.  The internship will be served in the Water Security Division (WSD) which is primarily responsible for implementing activities to assist water utilities (drinking water and wastewater) in protecting their infrastructure from intentional acts (e.g., terrorist attacks) and national disasters. The intern will learn processes by which water sector utilities assess vulnerabilities and consequences, and the activities needed for responding to and recovering from contamination events. Applicants should have received at a bachelor’s public health or economics within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA Water 2007-98.

Postgraduate Research Participation Program
National Center for Environmental Assessment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Cincinnati, Ohio

Project Description: A research project is available through the Postgraduate Research Participation Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. As part of EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment, NCEA is conducting a study entitled “The Massachusetts’ Epidemiological Study of Birth Outcomes and Disinfection Byproduct Exposures.” NCEA is seeking a highly motivated individual to be involved in this project. The research participant will be heavily involved in the data management and analysis aspects of this study which may include data quality control issues by assisting with the following: collecting data and developing an exposure database, verification of analytical results and resolving issues regarding missing data and erroneous entries, data entry, processing, quality control assurance, and analysis. Applicants should have received a master’s degree in epidemiology, environmental health, or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA-NCEA 2007-02.

Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Analyst
Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project description: The Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory has several openings for research associate positions beginning immediately. These positions involve the use of geographic information systems in hydrological modeling, and ecological indicators and regional simulation of ecological impacts. The candidate should be willing to work closely with other research staff in multiple capacities including contributing to a team designed to develop integrated ecological models and supporting the GIS and data needs of research team members. A master’s degree in geography, ecology, soil science, forestry or related field is required. See project ORNL08-24-ESD.

Postgraduate Research Associate in Fuels, Engines, and Emission Research
Engineering Sciences and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project description: The successful candidate(s) will perform research on advanced emission control technologies and/or advanced engine combustion. Emission control research for internal combustion engines will likely have an emphasis on understanding the effect of chemical reactions taking place inside NOx abatement devices, oxidation catalysts, and/or particulate filters. Engine combustion research may include effects of fuel chemistry on PCCI combustion, HCCI combustion, and/or low-temperature combustion. Ph.D. or Master’s degree required. A background in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, or chemistry is preferred, although other disciplines might also be considered. See project ORNL08-13-ESTD.

Postgraduate Research Associate in Systems Engineer in Enterprise Knowledge-Based Systems
Engineering Science and Technology Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project description: Individual will conduct research and development in the areas of transportation security and transportation system planning and assessments and will help design, develop, and implement enterprise decision support systems. The individual will work with researchers in the Decision Engineering Group, Engineering Science and Technology Division, and across ORNL. Applicants should have an M.S./Ph.D. in operations research, systems engineering, engineering management, decision sciences, modeling and simulation, and computer science, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. See project ORNL08-14-ESTD.

Research Associate/Technician in Molecular Biosciences
Chemical Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project Description: The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary team that is developing multi-length scale physicochemical and modeling methods to analyze the structure of lignocellulosic biomass. The research objective is improvement of biomass conversion to bioenergy by understanding the micro- and nano-scale structure of plant-derived biomass. The candidate will be responsible for cultivation of plants and bacteria, purification of hydrolytic enzymes, and preparation of biomass for analysis by high resolution methods including atomic force microscopy, neutron and X-ray scattering. Applicants must have completed a M.S. or B.S. degree in biology, biochemistry, wood chemistry or a related discipline with relevant knowledge and experience. See project ORNL08-12-CSD.

Research Participation Program
Center For Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
College Park, Maryland

Project Description: A project is available in the Research Participation Program at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The appointee will be assigned to the Emergency Coordination and Response Team in College Park, Maryland. In order to be prepared to respond to emergencies, CFSAN has an emergency response training program and maintains an emergency response plan. This project involves communication and coordination with various scientific, regulatory, and policy officials. The fellow should ideally have a master’s of public health or master’s of science degree with a major in microbiology, food science, or another appropriate field. Candidates with a bachelor’s degree in a related science with the technical expertise and experience necessary for the performance of the tasks will also be considered. See project FDA CFSAN 2007-22.

Research Participation Program
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
College Park, Maryland

Project Description: A project is available in the Research Participation Program at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The appointee will be assigned to the Office of Food Safety (OFS) in College Park, Maryland. The research fellow will assist the Agency’s review of processes and equipment design to determine if they meet regulatory requirements and to review current regulation requirements. A doctoral degree received within the past five years is preferred. The scope of this project involves FDA’s regulatory mission and the safety of the nation’s food supply. Therefore the fellow must have pursued studies leading to a doctoral degree in the area of food engineering. See project FDA CFSAN 2007-18.

Research Participation Program
National Vaccine Program Office
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: A project is available in the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., to work on evaluation of outcomes of recommendations made by the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). Candidates should have at least a bachelor’s degree in ethics, philosophy, public health, science, or a health-related field. The participant will work with NVPO personnel to catalogue recent recommendations made by the NVAC, select agreed-upon measures of outcomes of those recommendations, collect data on the outcomes, and prepare a report summarizing recommendations, measures, and outcomes. Current work on a master’s degree in public health will be considered as advantageous. See project DHHS NVPO 2007-0001.

Postgraduate Research Participation Program
National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Project Description: Postgraduate research projects are currently available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA). The appointments will be served in the Environmental Media Assessment Group (EMAG) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The appointments are for an interdisciplinary project that will entail appointing up to eight postgraduate researchers with expertise in a range of scientific disciplines. These research participants will be assigned to an interdisciplinary research project involved in the review and evaluation of currently available scientific information for the purpose of developing integrated science assessment documents. These assessments form key scientific support for future EPA regulatory decisions. Assigned projects may include reviewing scientific literature on the criteria air pollutants within specific disciplines and entering relevant data into a database. Applicants should have received a degree in a field relevant to environmental sciences, such as epidemiology, ecology, toxicology, biology, statistics, physics, chemistry, computer science or information management within four years of the desired starting date. See project EPA NCEA-RTP 2007-03.

Research Participation Program
National Exposure Research Laboratory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Project Description: A research project is available through the Research Participation Program at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL) at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Under the guidance of a research mentor in the Atmospheric Modeling Division (AMD), the research fellow will participate in conducting statistical analysis in support of a health assessment. The assessment will examine approaches to track potential respiratory health impacts resulting from control actions. The applicant should have received a master’s in mathematics, statistics, or a related field within four years of the desired starting date. See project NERL-AMD-RTP 2007-04.

Research Participation Program
Center For Food Safety And Applied Nutrition
U.S. Food And Drug Administration
College Park, Maryland

Project Description: A project is available in the Research Participation Program at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The appointee will be assigned to the Risk Assessment Coordination Team in College Park, Maryland. He/she will be trained in government requirements for the Internet and research and use current technologies to improve CFSAN’s communication with its stakeholders. The project will focus principally on a major restructuring of CFSAN’s Internet site (including usability and accessibility) and the implementation of various web cast technologies, by working with various components within CFSAN-OIT and the FDA CIO’s Office. A bachelor’s degree received within the past five years is required. See project FDA CFSAN 2007-15.

Internship/Research Participation Program
Region 5 Chicago Regional Laboratory (CRL)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Chicago, Illinois

Project Description: A research project is available with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Chicago Regional Laboratory (CRL) in Chicago, Illinois. The purpose of this project is to include additional analytes into the Office of Water’s LC/MS/MS method for triazine pesticides. This will require that the intern has a background in analytical methods related to LC/MS with good laboratory practices. The intern will be trained by CRL staff scientists in the analysis and reporting of environmental data and the planning and conducting of oral or poster presentations. The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or other physical science with a background in environmental issues. See project EPA Region 5-CRL-2007-02.

Postdoctoral Research Positions
Microbial Ecology
Biosciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project Description: Postdoctoral positions are available in the newly formed Biosciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in the Microbial Ecology and Physiology Group (formerly in the Environmental Sciences Division) for individuals with training in microbiology, molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry. Successful candidates will join a multi-disciplinary team of investigators who apply advanced genomics-enabled techniques to understand the activity and ecology of microorganisms in various environments of national importance. Candidates must have a Ph.D. or master’s degree with demonstrated experience in microbiology, molecular biology, or a related field. See project ORNL07-6-BSD.

Research Associate/Technician
Center for Structural Molecular Biology
Chemical Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Project Description: The Center for Structural Molecular Biology (CSMB) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory seeks a research associate/technician. The group is engaged in research related to protein structure and function using small angle scattering and crystallographic techniques. As a member of CSMB, the candidate will be responsible for purifying and characterizing a wide variety of recombinant proteins. Applicants must have completed an M.S. in biology, biochemistry, molecular biology or a related discipline, or possess equivalent knowledge and experience. See project ORNL07-3-CSMB.

Internship Program Opportunities
Office of Water
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: An internship project is available at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW). OWOW manages the ocean and coastal protection, wetlands and watershed assessment programs. OWOW’s Assessment and Watershed Protection Division (AWPD) is responsible for overseeing the national nonpoint source, total maximum daily load programs, and the national monitoring program. The intern will be involved with a number of operational and background research tasks for planning and implementing the Survey of the Nation’s Lakes and the Survey of the Nation’s Rivers. Key activities could include assisting with operational support for the Surveys including coordinating field training sessions and lab QA/QC activities, and assisting with communications/outreach activities in support of the Surveys. The applicant should have received a bachelor’s or master’s degree within three years of the desired starting date, or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date in a scientific field emphasizing some aspect of environmental management, including ambient water resource conditions, aquatic biology, limnology, ecology, or natural resources. See project EPA Water 2006-77.

Post Graduate Research Internship
Environmental Restoration Technology Section
Savannah River Site
Aiken, S.C.

Project Description: The Environmental Restoration Technology Section (ERTS) of the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) has a research opportunity available for a recent college graduate with an education in environmental engineering, science, and/or geology. ERTS conducts applied research and development in environmental characterization, monitoring and remediation with emphases on more effective and lower cost techniques. The successful candidate will support ongoing long-term evaluation of remediation efforts with a focus on understanding long-term processes and the transition of partially remediated sites to more passive self-sustaining remedial systems. See project SRS-06-01.

Internship Program Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Assessing Pollutants from Airport Deicing and Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations: The Engineering and Analysis Division (EAD) is in the Office of Science and Technology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA). EAD is the office charged with protecting our nation's waters, oceans, wetlands, and watersheds. The EAD team of biologists, chemists, statisticians, engineers, economists, risk assessors and others develop and apply state-of-the-art engineering, mathematical and science tools to the analysis and control of pollutants in rivers, lakes, streams, and puddles. EPA’s mandate under the Clean Water Act is to maintain and improve water quality in cost-effective ways. The intern will be assigned to and trained by chemical, civil and environmental engineers, and scientists to acquire and analyze data that may lead to regulatory controls on pollutants in effluents from wastewater treatment facilities and airport deicing operations. The intern will learn to interact collaboratively with a multi-disciplinary team of environmental professionals. The applicant should have a master’s degree in chemical, civil or environmental engineering within three years of the desired starting date or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Knowledge or experience in chemical recycling and municipal wastewater treatment is desirable. See project EPA Water 2005-41.

Internship Program Opportunities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Water
Washington, D.C.

Project Description: The Office of Science and Technology (OST) is one of four offices within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water. OST applies science and technology to protect water quality. OST staff is multi-disciplinary and includes statisticians, biologists, chemists, engineers, economists, and others. The intern will be involved in projects that evaluate pollutants remaining in water discharges after treatment. In particular, the program is planning two studies on “Publicly Owned Treatment Works” (POTWs) for which data will be evaluated. The intern will be trained within the statistics program in OST’s Technology and Statistics Branch. As a member of multi-disciplinary teams, the intern will provide statistical analyses of pollutant and other data collected from POTWs. The applicant must have received a master’s degree in statistics or a closely related field within three years of the desired starting date or completion of all requirements for the degree should be expected prior to the starting date. Advanced coursework in statistical theory and expertise in SAS programming are desired. See project EPA Water 2005-40.

Internship Program Opportunity
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Seattle, Washington

Project Description: The National Marine Fisheries Service has an opportunity available for a recent college graduate with an education in biology or marine affairs. The intern will be involved with NMFS scientists and staff in managing a major Pacific salmon recovery and restoration grants program. The intern will work closely with the Deputy Regional Administrator, a NOAA data management team, and the program grantees. Applicants must demonstrate that they have or will receive a bachelor's degree or higher with a major field of study in biology (preferably fisheries science) or marine affairs during the period between June 2001 and June 2005. Experience in research, monitoring, and evaluation would be helpful. Additional desirable experience and/or knowledge includes habitat restoration, ecosystem interactions, Pacific salmonid species and life histories, and natural resource policy. See project NOAA2005-04.

Postgraduate Research Opportunities
Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command
Central Identification Laboratory
Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii

Geographic Information Systems: The Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command, Central Identification Laboratory at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, has an urgent need to fill a position for a Postgraduate Research Associate in Geography with experience in Geographic Information Systems. In coordination with other researchers and the JPAC Central Identification Laboratory (CIL) scientific staff, the participant will perform spatial data analysis and develop a wide variety of GIS products to support JPAC’s mission to recover and identify missing American servicemen from operations during WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War. The ideal candidate will have at minimum a Bachelor’s degree and be near completion of a postgraduate degree in GIS or related field, possess professional experience using GIS, databases, ESRI Arc tools, or any satisfactory combination of experience and training which demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities to participate in the technical activities described in the posting. See project CILHI 2005-02.

Internship Program
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Habitat Conservation Division
Boise, Idaho

Geographic Information Systems Analyst: The Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA Fisheries has an internship for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst to provide analyses of biological and other natural resource information utilizing GIS and related technology. The internship is offered through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) post-graduate program. The successful candidate will serve as a GIS Analyst for NOAA Fisheries' Idaho State Habitat Office in Boise, Idaho. This internship is full-time and entails technical assistance on the Snake River Basin Adjudication (SRBA) conservation plans that are being developed between the State of Idaho, private parties, and Federal agencies. Requirements include a completed undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university. The applicant's studies should have an emphasis on computers and natural resource management applications of GIS technology. See project NOAA2005-03.

Internship Program
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Habitat Conservation Division
Boise, Idaho

Fishery Biologist: The Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA Fisheries has an internship for a fishery biologist with a background in salmonid life history and habitat requirements, and education/experience in the effects of forest management and stream flow on salmonids. This internship is offered through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) post-graduate program. The successful candidate will serve as a Fisheries Biologist for NOAA Fisheries' Idaho State Habitat Office in Boise, Idaho. This internship is full-time and entails technical assistance on the Snake River Basin Adjudication (SRBA) conservation plans that are being developed between the State of Idaho, private parties, and Federal agencies. Requirements include completion (within the past three years) of an undergraduate program at an accredited college or university, or enrollment in or completion (within the last three years) of a graduate program at an accredited college or university. The applicant's education should be in biological sciences with emphasis in fishery biology, ecology, and effects of land management on fish habitat. See project NOAA2005-01.

Plum Island Animal Disease Center Research Participation Program:
Postdoctoral and Postgraduate Research Appointments

Project Description: The Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) Research Participation Program provides opportunities for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduates, students and visiting scientists to participate in research activities on foreign animal diseases. This Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Office of Research and Development, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Positions are available in veterinary medicine, pathology, immunology, molecular biology, virology, epidemiology, and other disciplines related to understanding pathogenesis, immune response and vaccine and antiviral development against foreign animal diseases. Plum Island is located off the eastern tip of Long Island, requiring daily travel by government ferry from either Orient Pt., NY or Old Saybrook, CT. See project PIADC.

Research Participation Program
U.S. Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Project Description: The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is currently seeking a postgraduate epidemiologist. The Research Participation Program in the 10th Aerospace Medicine Squadron provides opportunities to participate in on-going research projects in the areas of injury and
illness surveillance, population health reengineering and clinical preventive medicine. See project USAFA 2004-01.

Federal Aviation Administration
Native American/Pacific Islander and Native American/Alaskan Native
Internship Program
Washington, D.C.

Aviation research, computer science, engineering, law, mathematics, science, and related technologies: Spend 15 weeks at a FAA facility this Spring Semester as an intern in the aviation field. For more information see http://www.orau.gov/orise/edu/FAA/gi-gugAANA.htm. Applications needed NOW for Spring Semester.


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