Kids Corner - Oil-Spill Response Preparedness

Although large oil spills from offshore oil platforms are rare events, such spills are possible when a drilling, production or pipeline accident occurs.

Operators are subject to stringent requirements for prevention of spills and must demonstrate a 5,000 barrel-per-day response capability and be prepared for even larger spills.

Northstar Spill Response Vessel, Beaufort Sea Alaska
Northstar Spill Response Vessel, Alaska Clean Seas
Industry has acquired and stockpiled a vast amount of spill-response equipment for use in Alaska. Some of the equipment is stored at the drilling location to provide for an immediate response to a spill. Additional equipment is available from spill-response cooperatives if needed in the event of a very large spill.

The equipment includes everything from large offshore skimming systems and vessels to bird rehabilitation kits.

SOCK Skimmer
Deploying the SOCK Skimmer, Gulf of Alaska
MMS periodically inspects the spill response equipment to ensure that it is available, well maintained, and appropriate for the area of operations.

MMS also requires that operators field test the equipment and conduct response drills to ensure that personnel have been trained in the proper use of the equipment.

MMS Inspects Spill Response Equipment
Inspecting Spill Response Equipment, Chukchi Sea
In-situ burning is recognized as a valuable response tool for use offshore in Alaska. In-situ burning can be very effective in open water with the use of fire-resistant booms and in broken-ice without the use of booms.

Recent offshore burn tests have shown that the smoke plume from in-situ burning would not pose a health threat to onshore communities.

In-situ Burn Demonstration
Fire Resistant Boom Burn Test
It is very difficult to clean up a spill especially under adverse weather conditions and when ice is present. Prevention of spills is still the best means to protect the environment. MMS's regulatory program includes very stringent prevention measures.

MMS also funds research directed toward improving spill prevention and response. If you would like to learn more about our research program, click here.

Rope Mop Skimmer Deployment In Broken Ice
Rope Mop Skimmer Deployment in Broken Ice
This is just one of the many fascinating topics to read about here at the Kids Corner of the MMS Alaska Region page. Click on the "shorts" below for more topics.

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Content: Robin Cacy

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