Office of Science

EMSL News Highlights

News of EMSL projects and announcements of events are listed in the links provided below.


  • Floods in the Midwest detour Russian student to desert. EMSL provides opportunity for Olga Laskina [pdf, 150kb] from Russia to complete her scholarship when the University of Iowa was flooded.
  • A step toward tailored anion exchangers. Researchers from Stony Brook University used EMSL's 900-MHz NMR spectrometer [pdf, 90kb] to study an unusual and versatile family of materials—layered double hydroxides. Their studies are a solid stepping stone towards made-to-order materials for catalysis, drug delivery, and environmental remediation.
  • Theoreticians crack code for diodes. Scientists from the University of Arizona, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and EMSL decided to see if they could crack the code [pdf, 87kb] for ligand structure and composition.
  • Pass the proton, please. Using resources at the Department of Energy's EMSL, researchers from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory built and analyzed computer simulations of the interactions occurring at the membrane in fuel cells (PNNL research highlight). This research is critical to developing green energy sources.
  • EMSL names Teller as Associate Director. On August 18, Dr. Raymond Teller joined EMSL as the Associate Director for Scientific Resources [pdf, 60kb]. In his new position, Ray is responsible for oversight of EMSL’s scientific capabilities and staff.
  • EMSL helps build new tools to advance protein research. At the Department of Energy’s EMSL, experts in biological sciences from national laboratories and universities have collaborated to develop and deploy tools, such as DAnTE [pdf, 131kb], to further the field of protein research.
  • Yuehe Lin named Laboratory Fellow. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researcher Yuehe Lin, longtime user of the Department of Energy's EMSL, has been named Laboratory Fellow [pdf, 53kb], the highest rank that PNNL science and engineering staff can attain.
  • International Board of Physicists commends molecular beam epitaxy article. Top editors at the Institute of Physics selected the review article written by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Dr. Scott Chambers for its potential to significantly advance the frontiers of materials research. The institute assembles a select set of articles that demonstrate thought leadership in physics and promotes the articles through IoP Select. Chambers' 8-page article reviews the scientific opportunities and challenges of molecular beam epitaxy or MBE (PNNL research highlight).
  • Structural element and center of activity. In a series of studies to relate metal-center protein environments to structure and function [pdf, 100kb], a research team from EMSL and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is using EMSL’s NWChem computational chemistry software and NMR spectroscopy to derive a molecular theory that describes the electronic environment of the metal-amino acid motif, zinc coordinated to four cysteines.
  • New cell for mass spectrometer speeds accurate ion identification. When studying proteins, scientists need instruments that provide reliable, accurate measurements [pdf, 97kb]. A new trapped-ion cell, designed and developed at the Department of Energy's EMSL, provides a two-fold improvement in mass accuracy. This increased accuracy allows scientists to more confidently analyze highly complex mixtures and distinguish between nearly identical molecules in samples.
  • Subatomic particles get philosophical. Researchers are putting a new twist on an elemental analysis capability, using proton-induced X-ray emission at EMSL to help decipher text on ancient scrolls [pdf, 86kb]. The scrolls, believed to be written in Greek and contain Epicurean philosophy, were part of the library of Julius Caesar’s father-in-law in the city of Herculaneum.
  • EMSL user Smith named AVS Fellow. A user of the Department of Energy’s EMSL, Dick Smith—physics professor at Montana State University—was selected as a Fellow in the AVS [pdf, 53kb]: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing.
  • Scientists solve structure of a mysterious protein found in cyanobacteria. Scientists from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory have determined the crystal structure for the 78-residue protein cce_0567 from the cyanobacteria Cyanothece sp [pdf, 89kb]. PCC 51142. The nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift assignments for cce_0567 were made using EMSL’s 500-, 600-, 750-, and 800-MHz NMR spectrometers.
  • MRI bioreactor aids in understanding the physiology of live cells. A first-of-its-kind MRI bioreactor [pdf, 96kb], developed at the Department of Energy's EMSL, provides accurate metabolic information for live cells maintained in a controlled growth environment.
  • From high school through Ph.D., Shawley enjoys decade at EMSL. Charles Shawley has conducted research at EMSL for 10 years [pdf, 66kb], starting when he was in high school.
  • Steven Wiley appointed to Burroughs Wellcome Fund Advisory Committee. Steven Wiley, Lead Scientist for Biology at the Department of Energy's EMSL, was appointed to an advisory committee for the Burroughs Wellcome Fund [pdf, 76kb], a private, philanthropic organization.
  • New study shows hidden secondary phases in cobalt-doped zinc oxide. Scientists at EMSL showed that Co:ZnO treated in zinc vapor [pdf, 164kb] demonstrates ferromagnetism, but the signal originates from minute quantities of cobalt or cobalt and zinc that formed in secondary phases.
  • EMSL launches new look. On June 17, EMSL rolled out a new look [pdf, 101kb] as part of a year-long brand refreshment campaign. The new visual identity will be conveyed to staff and users through new products such as a revitalized website, posters, brochures, presentation materials, and business cards.
  • Science opens doors for rapid diagnosis of exposure. Accurate, portable sensors that detect human and environmental poisons [pdf, 101kb] are a major step closer, thanks to developmental work performed using resources at the Department of Energy's EMSL.
  • Atom-level study shows how methanol interacts with catalyst. With sophisticated computer simulations done at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Institute for Interfacial Catalysis and Southern Illinois University showed how an inexpensive metal oxide catalyst can decompose methanol to produce hydrogen [pdf, 100kb].
  • Newsletter focuses on EMSL. The most recent issue of Pacific Northwest Technology Today is entirely devoted to EMSL. This newsletter is aimed at decision makers in the Pacific Northwest.
  • BioPIXE 6. The 6th International Symposium on BioPIXE was held at EMSL June16-20, 2008. Conference participants discussed advances in biological, medical, and environmental applications of proton-induced X-ray emission.
  • Pulling secrets from blood. Advancements in spectroscopy for proteomics research at EMSL (Innovations Magazine, June/July 2008).
  • Science of Metal-Protein Complex Could Help Generate Energy. Using EMSL resources, scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the University of Hong Kong determined for the first time how much energy it takes to move electrons and protons in a metal-protein complex, advancing scientific frontiers (PNNL research highlight).
  • New catalyst promises solution to flaring. In new work, researchers using EMSL 900-MHz NMR have identified the structure of a catalytic material that can turn methane into a safe and easy-to-transport liquid. The insight lays the foundation for converting excess methane into a variety of useful fuels and chemicals (EngineerLive).
  • One Molecule at a Time. A new, improved computational model that describes the structure and dynamics of water molecules in both small assemblies and the liquid has been developed using EMSL resources (PNNL research highlight).
  • Molecular-level Analyses Reveal Possible Mechanisms Underlying Parkinson's Disease. Recently, researchers derived a combined protein and gene list that constitutes one of the largest descriptive data sets of its kind. Derived by researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and their colleagues at the University of California-Los Angeles, the data set integrates drug-induced change in the abundance of proteins and the expression of genes in two mouse models of brain disease. Comparing molecular-level changes in parallel provided two different sets of regulated genes for a combined list that provides a clearer picture of the mechanisms underlying the progressive neurodegeneration observed in Parkinson's disease (PNNL research highlight).
  • Protein Research Uncovers Surprising Similarities in Diverse Bacteria. Diverse bacteria have more in common than previously thought. Bacteria as diverse [pdf, 119kb] as ocean-dwelling Pelagibacter ubique and bubonic plague-causing Yersinia pestis produce identical proteins, according to scientists using EMSL recouces. Called the "core proteome," this research represents 6 years of gathering and evaluating proteomics measurements.
  • Identifying the thousands of proteins in a cell could become easier, thanks to a new approach [pdf, 169kb] developed by scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Department of Energy's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory. This approach accurately identifies proteins and their modifications with high confidence and low ambiguity.
  • New Approach Identifies Proteins with Confidence. Identifying the thousands of proteins in a cell [pdf, 169kb] could become easier, thanks to a new approach developed by scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Department of Energy's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory.
  • Congratulations to Zhenrong Zhang of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory on being selected as the 2007 recipient of M.T. Thomas Award for Outstanding Postdoctoral Achievement.
  • The 2008 National User Facility Organization (NUFO) meeting was held at the W.R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland Washington on Thursday and Friday April 24-25, 2008.
  • Assigning proteins ID cards. Just as a sequence of numbers on a Social Security card uniquely identifies a person, so do unique sequences of amino acids unambiguously identify proteins (PNNL research highlight). Scientists at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory using EMSL resources have found a new approach that combines these unique sequences with precise data and conventional database searches to correctly identify the thousands of proteins produced by a single cell.
  • Looking for a cheap catalyst. One hurdle to producing hydrogen as an affordable, green alternative to gasoline is the exorbitant price of platinum, gold, and other precious metals used to catalyze or drive the reactions (PNNL research highlight). So, using EMSL resources, scientists from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Institute for Interfacial Catalysis and Southern Illinois University completed a theoretical study on how an inexpensive ceria catalyst can decompose a simple alcohol into hydrogen.
  • Follow that ion. When a large molecule with several extra protons softly lands on a surface (PNNL research highlight), little happens to the molecule, but a lot happens to the protons, according to scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Some of the protons, positively charged subatomic particles, dissipate on impact. Others stay with the molecule through the landing and only slowly leave the scene.
  • Protein Research Goes to Extremes. Recently, an international research team shed light on the ribosomal protein S17E from the archaeal thermophilic anaerobe Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [PDF, 134KB] by determining the protein's structure.
  • Research collaboration seeks blood test for aggressive breast cancer. Mammography and biopsies help find breast cancer (PNNL press release), but even biopsies won't tell the doctor if the cancer will spread. Now, a two-year research project using resources at EMSL hopes to find proteins in blood that could alert doctors to patients harboring not just breast cancer, but the nastiest versions of the disease.
  • Halting Methane Wanderlust. The pipes that rise from oil fields, topped with burning flames of natural gas, waste fossil fuels and dump carbon dioxide into the air. In new work (PNNL press release), researchers have identified the structure of a catalytic material that can turn methane into a safe and easy-to-transport liquid. The insight lays the foundation for converting excess methane into a variety of useful fuels and chemicals.
  • Single-celled bacterium works 24-7. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have gained the first detailed insight into the way circadian rhythms govern global gene expression in Cyanothece (Washington University in St. Louis - press release), a type of cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) known to cycle between photosynthesis during the day and nitrogen fixation at night. The study was published in the April online issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy in the context of a Biology Grand Challenge project administered by the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • SPLAT Makes its mark in flying research laboratory. Experts and state-of-the-art instrumentation from the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory are part of an 80-person team of U.S. and Canadian scientists flying over the North Slope of Alaska (PNNL research highlight) in an intensive month-long field study in April. The group's mission: to measure, with great precision and detail, key elements of the atmosphere to help reveal how the Earth's climate is changing. The Arctic region is an ideal study location because it displays dramatic evidence of global changes such as melting sea ice.
  • Code Improvements Enhance Analysis of Global Cloud Resolving Model Data. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researchers with the developers of the open-source NetCDF Operators (NCO) recently added capabilities for processing geodesic grid data and optimized performance to support efficient manipulation of data sets consisting of many files of tens to hundreds of gigabytes in size. The improved and optimized tools enhance the ability to analyze data generated by the Global Cloud Resolving Model (PNNL research highlight). Some of this work was conducted in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a Department of Energy national scientific user facility located at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Developing a transformational next-generation proteomics measurement platform. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory started work in January 2008 on the Next-Generation Proteomics Measurement Platform (PNNL research highlight). This platform combines new instrumentation and data analysis capabilities for significantly higher throughput proteomics than currently available, as well as informatics capabilities for managing the massive volumes of proteomics data that will be generated.
  • Seeing clearly despite the clouds. Satellites taking atmospheric measurements (PNNL news release) might now be able to see blue skies as clearly as optimists do. Researchers, using EMSL resources, have found a way to reduce cloud-induced glare when satellites measure blue skies on cloudy days, by as much as ten-fold in some cases.
  • Zachery Oestreicher, a user of the Department of Energy's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, was awarded a National Science Foundation grant [pdf, 137kb] to study protein-mineral/bacterial-mineral interactions in Japan this summer.
  • Metal-reducing bacteria [pdf, 321kb] grown in the presence of sulfur and arsenic proved the right combination to produce nanotubes with the chemical properties of metals and semiconductors, giving promise for their application as novel nano- and opto-electronic devices.
  • If the Flintstones had electricity, their wires might have been made of rock. Results in Science Express [March 6, 2008] show that hematite can conduct electrons under certain chemical conditions [pdf, 198kb].
  • EMSL user Bill Weber was selected as an inaugural Materials Research Society Fellow [pdf, 115kb]. He was honored for his "seminal contributions, leadership, mentoring and innovative research on defects, defect properties, ion-solid interactions, radiation effects and models of radiation damage processes in glasses and ceramics."
  • Julia Laskin, Omar Hadjar, and Peng Wang, users of EMSL, show that the science of softly depositing small proteins on a surface is both beautiful and informative [pdf, 114kb]. The images they provided for an invited review article grace a cover of the February 28, 2008, issue of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
  • Using EMSL, scientists determine the crystal structure of a protein [pdf, 163kb] from the blue-green bacteria, Cyanothece.
  • Paul Tratnyek, a member of EMSL's User Advisory Committee and a professor in the department of environmental and biomolecular systems at Oregon Health and Science University's OGI School of Science and Engineering, has received a 2007 OHSU Faculty Senate Award [pdf, 93kb].
  • EMSL researcher Yanwen Zhang has been invited by the National Academy of Engineering to attend the 2008 German-American Frontiers of Engineering Symposium [pdf, 111kb].
  • A new technology, discovered by EMSL users, may halt water treatment filter plugs [pdf, 168kb] by preventing a bacterial slime that fouls the filter.
  • Electrons spur the chemical reaction between hydrochloric acid and ammonia, users from the Department of Energy's EMSL announced in a February 2008 cover article in Science [pdf, 109kb]. The findings may help scientists precisely control the chemistry in systems contained in hydrogen-powered cars.
  • Screening for people that might have type 1 diabetes could eventually be more reliable thanks to five proteins [pdf, 154kb] discovered by users at EMSL. The proteins could help predict type 1, or insulin-dependent, diabetes with higher sensitivity and specificity than current methods, which can vary considerably among testing laboratories.
  • Like waltzing dancers, the two atoms of an oxygen molecule usually behave identically when they separate on the surface of a catalyst [pdf, 128kb]. However, new research from EMSL reveals that on titanium dioxide, the oxygen atoms act like a couple dancing the tango: one oxygen atom plants itself while the other move away, probably with energy partially stolen from the stationary one.
  • Markus Raschke, an Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory user from the University of Washington, has received a prestigious Career Award from the National Science Foundation [pdf, 106kb].
  • Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory researcher Theva Thevuthasan was appointed Chair of the Short Course Executive Committee [pdf, 106kb] for AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing.
  • Don Baer, Laboratory Fellow and EMSL Lead Scientist for Interfacial Chemistry, was elected to a third term as Chair of the ASTM International Committee [pdf, 116kb] E42 on Surface Analysis.
  • EMSL user Bruce D. Kay was appointed to the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee [pdf, 96kb]
  • EMSL user Professor Gerard F. R. Parkin received the 2008 American Chemical Society Award in Organometallic Chemistry [pdf, 113kb] in recognition of his recent achievements in developing models for the active sites of zinc enzymes.
  • Written by EMSL users, an article on a new nanotechnology-based method for measuring blood glucose [pdf, 126kb] was selected as a highly cited paper by Thomson ISI's Essential Science Indicators.
  • EMSL's Steve Wiley has been invited to write a monthly column [pdf, 127kb] for The Scientist. The column will consist of Wiley's thoughts and opinions about life sciences.
  • Both EMSL computational and experimental resources were employed by researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop a method to understand the structure-function relationships in proteins. [pdf, 143kb]
  • EMSL researcher Mark Engelhard was appointed Publications Committee Chair for AVS [pdf, 149kb]: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing.
  • EMSL's Ken Beck received the U.S. Coast Guard Achievement Award [pdf, 118kb] for enabling maritime patrols to reliably communicate in the gullies and gorges of the Columbia and Snake rivers.
  • An article written by EMSL users and collaborators that describes how many common microorganisms create nanowires to transfer electrons was named a hot paper [pdf, 122kb] by ISI's Essential Science Indicators in January 2008. Hot papers are selected because they are cited numerous times within just 2 years of publication.
  • Integration of computational and experimental photoelectron resources has enabled aromaticity research [pdf, 135kb] by EMSL users, leading to a cover in a January 2008 issue of PCCP.
  • A feature article [pdf, 137kb] authored by EMSL users and staff members was published in the The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. The article, "Kinetic Study of Heterogeneous Reaction of Deliquesced NaCl Particles with Gaseous HNO3 Using Particle-on-Substrate Stagnation Flow Reactor Approach," was written by Yong Liu and Alexander Laskin of EMSL, and Jeremy Cain and Hai Wang of the University of Southern California.
  • Scientists from the University of California at Irvine, EMSL and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are shining a spotlight on previously unrecognized processes that produce secondary organic aerosols [pdf, 134kb], which are a significant fraction of the atmospheric aerosol mass. Because little is known about the formation of SOAs, the measured and predicted levels differ by an order of magnitude, stymieing research on how to control these aerosols to mitigate their environmental impact.
  • NWChem Version 5.1 [pdf, 130kb] is now available to users.
  • EMSL user Michel Dupuis was elected Fellow in the American Physical Society [pdf, 116kb].
  • EMSL users Desmond Smith and Dick Smith shared the honor of being named to the 2007 Scientific American 50 list [pdf, 120kb] in January 2008. Assembled by Scientific American's Board of Editors, the list honors 50 outstanding people or teams for their achievements and leadership in shaping established and emerging technologies.
  • Scientists need to rethink the way they model atmospheric organic aerosols [pdf, 129kb] and their impact on global and regional climate change, given the recent findings of EMSL users from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Washington, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. This team, led by Rahul Zaveri of PNNL's Atmospheric Science and Global Change Division, found a discrepancy in the semi-empirical approach commonly used in global models to simulate organic aerosols.
  • Longtime EMSL user Dick Smith was elected to a 3-year term on the Council of the Human Proteome Organisation [pdf, 104kb]. Smith was elected to the Council, the organization's governing body, at the HUPO World Congress in Seoul, South Korea, in October 2007.
  • Greg Exarhos, a frequent user of EMSL, was elected President of AVS [pdf, 112kb]: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing.
  • Long-time EMSL user Lai-Sheng Wang, a professor from Washington State University, was appointed to the 2008 Editorial Advisory Board [pdf, 114kb] of The Journal of Physical Chemistry.
  • EMSL users from the Institute for Interfacial Catalysis at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have used the 900-MHz NMR [pdf, 126kb] to generate the highest resolution spectra ever obtained of a common catalyst support and observed, for the first time, how the support interacts with a catalyst at the atomic scale.
  • Fung Suong Ou, a graduate student who investigated a new method of building nanowires at Rice University, received a prestigious nanotechnology award from the Foresight Nanotech Institute [pdf, 96kb] in October at the Productive Nanosystems Conference in Arlington, Virginia. Ou conducted nanotechnology research at EMSL as part of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Summer Research Institute, where he was mentored by EMSL's Don Baer and Lax Saraf.
  • Satyanarayana Kuchibhatla, a graduate student from Professor Sudipta Seal's group at University of Central Florida who is conducting research at EMSL, received an AVS Graduate Research Award for 2007 [pdf, 81kb].
  • EMSL user Julia Laskin received the U.S. government's highest honor for researchers at the beginning of their careers when she accepted the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers [pdf, 120kb] at the White House on November 1. A senior research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Laskin was honored for her work in fundamental reaction kinetics and ion surface reactions conducted at EMSL.
  • EMSL Chief Technology Officer Dave Koppenaal and five EMSL users were awarded the distinction of 2007 Fellows [pdf, 167kb] of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • The lead investigator of EMSL's Membrane Biology Grand Challenge was installed in early October as a George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg Professor of Biology in Arts and Sciences [pdf, 124kb] at Washington University in St. Louis.
  • Nearly 200 staff and users of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) and their families helped the national scientific user facility commemorate 10 years [pdf, 123kb] of world-leading science. The celebration took place on September 28 and coincided with the announcement of contract award to HP for delivery of EMSL's next-generation supercomputer.
  • HP has been selected to deliver to EMSL a new $24-million supercomputer [pdf, 153kb] that will help users of the national scientific user facility advance molecular science in areas such as aerosol formation, bioremediation, catalysis, climate change, hydrogen storage, and subsurface science.
  • A research team composed of scientists from EMSL, Idaho National Laboratory, and Wichita State University is uniting theory, computation, and experiment to discover exactly how heavy elements, such as uranium and technetium [pdf, 830kb], interact in their environment.
  • Alice Dohnalkova, an expert microscopist from EMSL, received the Diatome Award during the national meeting of the Microscopy Society of America on August 8 in Fort Lauderdale. The award recognizes distinguished scientists who present new and enlightening work in the field of microscopy.
  • EMSL user Alex Punnoose, a physics professor at Boise State University (BSU), received the 2007 Boise State University College of Arts and Sciences Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Award for Distinguished Research—the first BSU professor to receive both awards in the same year. In addition, Punnoose was named winner of the university's 16th Foundation Scholar Award for Research and Creativity.
  • EMSL is playing an important role in understanding atmospheric processes in the Arctic. EMSL user Laura Alvarez-Aviles, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, is using EMSL staff expertise and state-of-the-art instruments to determine the importance of aerosol surfaces in Arctic atmospheric chemistry.
  • Representatives from the University of Manchester visited EMSL on July 23 and 24 to evaluate EMSL as a model for how the university will design and operate its new user facility.
  • A research team from EMSL, PNNL, and the University of Idaho has used room-temperature methods, instead of traditional high temperature methods, to create metallic-iron nanoparticles with varying shapes. The research was featured on the cover of the June 25, 2007, issue of Nanotechnology.
  • EMSL user Valérie Copié, a researcher at Montana State University, and her team have determined an unusual protein three-dimensional structure from nuclear magnetic resonance spectra generated in EMSL's High-Field Magnetic Resonance Facility.
  • EMSL's nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry capabilities have played a role in helping researchers study direct conversion of natural sugars to an alternative source for plastic, fuels, and other industrial and household chemicals. Results of the research were reported in Science (316:1597-1600).
  • EMSL expertise and instrumentation are helping to support an atmospheric field campaign in Oklahoma that seeks a better understanding of how aerosols affect cloud properties, such as water concentration and droplet size distributions. The campaign is also studying how clouds affect properties of aerosols like chemical composition and location in the atmosphere.
  • At the invitation of the National Academies, Roy Gephart, Scientific Facility Lead of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's Chemistry and Physics of Complex Systems Facility, will participate in a workshop on radiation contamination and remediation issues in the former Soviet Union.
  • Resources at the Department of Energy's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory will help support a $27.5-million dollar effort by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to investigate the movement of contaminated groundwater at sites in Richland, Washington, and Rifle, Colorado.
  • EMSL researcher Shuttha Shutthanandan was named recipient of the 2007 Fitzner/Eberhardt Award (pdf, 134kb) for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Engineering Education.


  • EMSL user Michel Dupuis was elected Fellow in the American Physical Society [pdf, 116kb].
  • EMSL users Desmond Smith and Dick Smith shared the honor of being named to the 2007 Scientific American 50 list [pdf, 120kb] in January 2008. Assembled by Scientific American's Board of Editors, the list honors 50 outstanding people or teams for their achievements and leadership in shaping established and emerging technologies.
  • Scientists need to rethink the way they model atmospheric organic aerosols [pdf, 129kb] and their impact on global and regional climate change, given the recent findings of EMSL users from the National Center for Atmospheric Research, University of Washington, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. This team, led by Rahul Zaveri of PNNL's Atmospheric Science and Global Change Division, found a discrepancy in the semi-empirical approach commonly used in global models to simulate organic aerosols.
  • Longtime EMSL user Dick Smith was elected to a 3-year term on the Council of the Human Proteome Organisation [pdf, 104kb]. Smith was elected to the Council, the organization's governing body, at the HUPO World Congress in Seoul, South Korea, in October 2007.
  • Greg Exarhos, a frequent user of EMSL, was elected President of AVS [pdf, 112kb]: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing.
  • Long-time EMSL user Lai-Sheng Wang, a professor from Washington State University, was appointed to the 2008 Editorial Advisory Board [pdf, 114kb]of The Journal of Physical Chemistry.
  • EMSL users from the Institute for Interfacial Catalysis at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have used the 900-MHz NMR [pdf, 126kb] to generate the highest resolution spectra ever obtained of a common catalyst support and observed, for the first time, how the support interacts with a catalyst at the atomic scale.
  • Fung Suong Ou, a graduate student who investigated a new method of building nanowires at Rice University, received a prestigious nanotechnology award from the Foresight Nanotech Institute [pdf, 96kb] in October at the Productive Nanosystems Conference in Arlington, Virginia. Ou conducted nanotechnology research at EMSL as part of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's Summer Research Institute, where he was mentored by EMSL's Don Baer and Lax Saraf.
  • Satyanarayana Kuchibhatla, a graduate student from Professor Sudipta Seal's group at University of Central Florida who is conducting research at EMSL, received an AVS Graduate Research Award for 2007 [pdf, 81kb].
  • EMSL user Julia Laskin received the U.S. government's highest honor for researchers at the beginning of their careers when she accepted the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers [pdf, 120kb] at the White House on November 1. A senior research scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Laskin was honored for her work in fundamental reaction kinetics and ion surface reactions conducted at EMSL.
  • EMSL Chief Technology Officer Dave Koppenaal and five EMSL users were awarded the distinction of 2007 Fellows [pdf, 167kb] of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
  • The lead investigator of EMSL's Membrane Biology Grand Challenge was installed in early October as a George William and Irene Koechig Freiberg Professor of Biology in Arts and Sciences [pdf, 124kb]at Washington University in St. Louis.
  • Nearly 200 staff and users of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) and their families helped the national scientific user facility commemorate 10 years [pdf, 123kb] of world-leading science. The celebration took place on September 28 and coincided with the announcement of contract award to HP for delivery of EMSL's next-generation supercomputer.
  • HP has been selected to deliver to EMSL a new $24-million supercomputer [pdf, 153kb] that will help users of the national scientific user facility advance molecular science in areas such as aerosol formation, bioremediation, catalysis, climate change, hydrogen storage, and subsurface science.
  • A research team composed of scientists from EMSL, Idaho National Laboratory, and Wichita State University is uniting theory, computation, and experiment to discover exactly how heavy elements, such as uranium and technetium [pdf, 830kb], interact in their environment.
  • Alice Dohnalkova, an expert microscopist from EMSL, received the Diatome Award during the national meeting of the Microscopy Society of America on August 8 in Fort Lauderdale. The award recognizes distinguished scientists who present new and enlightening work in the field of microscopy.
  • EMSL user Alex Punnoose, a physics professor at Boise State University (BSU), received the 2007 Boise State University College of Arts and Sciences Award for Distinguished Teaching and the Award for Distinguished Research—the first BSU professor to receive both awards in the same year. In addition, Punnoose was named winner of the university's 16th Foundation Scholar Award for Research and Creativity.
  • EMSL is playing an important role in understanding atmospheric processes in the Arctic. EMSL user Laura Alvarez-Aviles, from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, is using EMSL staff expertise and state-of-the-art instruments to determine the importance of aerosol surfaces in Arctic atmospheric chemistry.
  • Representatives from the University of Manchester visited EMSL on July 23 and 24 to evaluate EMSL as a model for how the university will design and operate its new user facility.
  • A research team from EMSL, PNNL, and the University of Idaho has used room-temperature methods, instead of traditional high temperature methods, to create metallic-iron nanoparticles with varying shapes. The research was featured on the cover of the June 25, 2007, issue of Nanotechnology.
  • EMSL user Valérie Copié, a researcher at Montana State University, and her team have determined an unusual protein three-dimensional structure from nuclear magnetic resonance spectra generated in EMSL's High-Field Magnetic Resonance Facility.
  • EMSL's nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry capabilities have played a role in helping researchers study direct conversion of natural sugars to an alternative source for plastic, fuels, and other industrial and household chemicals. Results of the research were reported in Science (316:1597-1600).
  • EMSL expertise and instrumentation are helping to support an atmospheric field campaign in Oklahoma that seeks a better understanding of how aerosols affect cloud properties, such as water concentration and droplet size distributions. The campaign is also studying how clouds affect properties of aerosols like chemical composition and location in the atmosphere.
  • At the invitation of the National Academies, Roy Gephart, Scientific Facility Lead of the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory's Chemistry and Physics of Complex Systems Facility, will participate in a workshop on radiation contamination and remediation issues in the former Soviet Union.
  • Resources at the Department of Energy's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory will help support a $27.5-million dollar effort by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to investigate the movement of contaminated groundwater at sites in Richland, Washington, and Rifle, Colorado.
  • EMSL researcher Shuttha Shutthanandan was named recipient of the 2007 Fitzner/Eberhardt Award (pdf, 134kb) for Outstanding Contributions to Science and Engineering Education.
  • University of Pittsburgh researcher Jin Zhou has been selected as the recipient of the 2006 M.T. Thomas Award for Outstanding Postdoctoral Achievement.
  • Science Theme Call for Proposals now open - Due March 15
  • Nominations Requested for MT Thomas Award
  • On January 19, PNNL issued a Request for Proposals for a new supercomputer, which will replace EMSL's existing 11.8-teraflop Hewlett-Packard machine. Proposals are due by March 2, 2007, with a contract expected to be awarded this summer.
  • Nearly 175 staff from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory celebrated the first permanent expansion of EMSL (pdf, 123kb) at a January 10 ribbon-cutting. The event celebrated nearly 4,000 square feet of new floor space in the user facility's supercomputing operations area.
  • EMSL News, Volume 4, Issue 1 is now available. It discusses the changes EMSL has undergone in the past year and the exciting path forward EMSL is taking to expand and refresh its equipment.
  • Using EMSL's state-of-the-art mass spectrometry capabilities, researchers successfully conducted one of the largest proteomic studies of the vaccinia virus (pdf, 149kb), a poxvirus nearly identical to smallpox and used as a vaccine to prevent the sometimes fatal disease.


  • EMSL scientific consultants and users are chairing the 5th International Workshop on Oxide Surfaces (IWOX V) to be held January 7 - 12, 2007, in Lake Tahoe, California. Scott Chambers, Michael Henderson, and Chuck Peden, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, along with Charles Campbell of the University of Washington, are arranging the leading international forum for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge basic research in the physics and chemistry of oxide surfaces. Areas of interest for IWOX-V include oxide surface structure and morphology and their relationship to thermal, catalytic and photocatalytic reactivity; dissolution at oxide/solution interfaces; oxide surface electronic structure and magnetic structure; oxides on metals; metals on oxides; and new approaches to oxide surface science. For abstract submission and registration deadlines, as well as other information, see the IWOX V website at
  • EMSL Director Allison Campbell received a prestigious 2006 R&D 100 Award for development of a novel water-based process used for depositing bioactive calcium-phosphate coatings containing therapeutic agents on orthopedic implants and medical devices.
  • In the June issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), Nicole Koropatkin, Himadri Pakrasi, and Thomas Smith of the Membrane Biology EMSL Grand Challenge team describe the first structure determined for a nitrate receptor, that of NrtA in a species of cyanobacteria.
  • A researcher from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has successfully used the subsurface flow and transport capabilities at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory to conduct column and flow cell experiments to assess the viability of adding zero valent iron enhanced with polymer solutions to portions of a permeable reactive barrier at the Hanford Site that have lost reductive capacity.
  • Workshop Announcement: The Development of New User Research Capabilities in Environmental Molecular Science
  • A Radiological Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy Meeting will be held at EMSL on May 1 - 2, 2006. This meeting is intended to promote wider interest and collaborations in radiological NMR spectroscopy and to connect researchers studying radioactive samples by NMR spectroscopy.
  • More than 150 researchers from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory—including 22 EMSL scientists and resident researchers from other research directorates̬were honored for their scientific contributions in 2005.
  • Dr. Sebastien Kerisit has been awarded the 2005 M.T. Thomas Award for his outstanding accomplishments that include seminal and novel theoretical advancements in understanding electron transfer reactions at environmental interfaces and its impact on the field of geochemistry.
  • EMSL's Molecular Science Computing Facility announces its 2007 Computational Grand-Challenge call for proposals. These new Computational Grand-Challenges-designed to allocate computing resources and time to EMSL users-will focus on molecular science research that addresses environmental challenges facing DOE and the Nation.
  • EMSL is seeking user proposals in the science theme areas of biological interactions and interfaces, geochemistry/biogeochemistry and subsurface science, atmospheric aerosol chemistry, and science of interfacial phenomena. Proposals must be submitted by May 12.
  • EMSL Director Allison Campbell was a recipient of the Federal Laboratory Consortium 2006 Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer. Campbell's technology, "Bioactive Thin Film Coatings for Surgical Implants," was licensed to Bacterin, a biomaterials research, commercialization, and development company located in Belgrade, Montana.



  • A Call for Proposals has been issued for use of NMR Spectrometers.
  • Dr. Xin Yang has been selected to recieve the 2003 M.T. Thomas Award for Outstanding Postdoctoral Achievement.
  • EMSL is pleased to announce the formation of Collaborative Access Teams (CATs). CATs are teams of scientists who collaborate using EMSL facilities and equipment to conduct research addressing large, complex challenges in a focused theme area. Two CATs are being launched: one that addresses atmospheric chemistry research and another that focuses on catalysis research.
  • Surface Analysis '04 will be here June 15 - 18, 2004. Register now!
  • EMSL users and potential users are invited to attend EMSL 2004, EMSL's annual users meeting, to be held June 14 - 16, 2004.
  • EMSL is pleased to announce the formation of Collaborative Access Teams (CATs). CATs are teams of scientists who collaborate using EMSL facilities and equipment to conduct research addressing large, complex challenges in a focused theme area. Two CATs are being launched: one that addresses atmospheric chemistry research and another that focuses on catalysis research.
  • EMSL's Computing Facility Announces Call for Computational Grand Challenges. EMSL's Molecular Science Computing Facility—home to the fifth fastest supercomputer in the world—announces its 2005 Computational Grand Challenge call for proposals. These new Computational Grand Challenges—designed to allocate computing resources and time to EMSL users—will focus on molecular science research that addresses environmental challenges facing DOE and the nation.
  • The Electrodynamic Ion Funnel —a revolutionary technology developed by EMSL and PNNL researchers—is one of the recipients of this year's Federal Laboratory Consortium Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer.
  • Scott Studham, Operations Manager of EMSL's Molecular Science Computing Facility, has been invited by Scientific Computing & Instrumentation to provide bimonthly columns about high-performance computing.
  • Symposium: PNWAVS 2004, Mark your calendars for June 15-18, 2004.
  • Symposium: EMSL 2004, Mark your calendars for June 14-16, 2004.


  • Seminar: Byong Hun Jeon - "Reduction of U(VI) at the Solid-Water Interface: Investigation of Biological versus Chemical Processes" EMSL 1077, February 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Allan Bertram - "Ice Cloud Formation, Phase Transition of Atmospheric Aerosols, and Heterogeneous Chemistry" EMSL Board Rm, January 23, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: William Morgan - "Non-Targeted Effects of Ionizing Radiation: Genomic Instability and Bystander Effects" 331 rm69, January 20, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Svetlana Yanina - "The morphological evolution of the Bi2Mo3O12(010) surface exposed to air, H2O and propene" EMSL 1077, January 20, 9:00AM.


  • Kevin Rosso, an EMSL user and researcher from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, has been awarded the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) Award for 2004. Learn More »
  • Gordon Anderson, Technical Group Leader of EMSL's Instrument Development Laboratory, has been named 2003 Systems Engineer of the Year by the International Council on Systems Engineering. Learn More »
  • Researchers at EMSL and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have authored two chapters in the book "Surface Analysis by Auger and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy"-- the first comprehensive treatment on surface analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in more than 10 years. Learn More »
  • The Top 500 Supercomputer Site list, revealed November 18 during the 2003 Supercomputer Conference, ranks EMSL's new 11.8-teraflop supercomputer as the fifth most powerful in the world. Learn More »
  • Paul Ellis, a PNNL researcher who was instrumental to the development of EMSL's world-class magnetic resonance instrumentation laboratories, and PNNL Chief Scientist Tom Ackerman, were among 348 scientists worldwide to receive the prestigious honor of being elected 2003 Fellow by the American Assocation for the Advancement of Science. Learn More »
  • Scott Chambers and Young K. Yoo (Intematix Corporation) are guest editors for the October issue of the Materials Research Bulletin, which highlights a variety of spintronics research, including Scott and Young K.'s article on "New Materials for Spintronics." Scott also co-wrote with Robin Farrow (IBM) the article "New Possibilities for Ferromagnetic Semiconductors."
  • Symposium: PNWAVS 2004, Mark your calendars for June 15-18, 2004.
  • Symposium: EMSL 2004, Mark your calendars for June 14-16, 2004.
  • EMSL's new super computer is operating at full power. The 11.8 teraflop HP Integrity system is designed to enable new insights to environmental and molecular sciences.
  • Call for Nominations: MT Thomas Award, due April 15.
  • Call for Proposals: Molecular Science Computing Facility in EMSL, due May 2. Information.
  • Four EMSL staff, CL Aardahl, SE Barlow, CHF Peden, and RG Tonkyn, are a part of the team who developed an FLC award-winning Engine Exhaust Aftertreatment System.
  • Product Show: QIAGEN, Fermentas, QIAGEN Instruments, Phenix Research Products and QIAGEN OPERON. EMSL 1075/1077, February 6, 10:00-2:00PM.


  • Seminar: Zhiyu Zhang - "Ultrafast Laser Ablation and Plasma Diagnostics" EMSL 1385, November 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wilfred Tysoe - "Structure, Reactivity and Selectivity of Model Single Crystal Catalyst Surfaces" EMSL 1077, October 31, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Scott Miller - "Nanofluidics in Electrochemically-Addressable Carbon Nanotube Membranes" ISB2 Wanapum, October 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tom Jourdan - "Radiochemistry and National Security" EMSL Aud., October 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Gerry Stokes - "Global Change & Human Development: The Future Face of Integrated Assessment" EMSL Aud., October 9, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Paulette Guillory - "Using Composition Space and Hydrothermal Synthesis to Construct Mixed Metal Oxide Fluoride Compounds " EMSL Board Rm., October 7, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Hershel Jude - "Synthesis and Characterization of Two-Electron Platinum Reagents" EMSL Board Rm., October 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: James Dumesic - "Hydrogen from Catalytic Reforming of Biomass-derived Hydrocarbons in Liquid Water" EMSL Aud., September 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Masatake Haruta - "Catalysis and Applications of Gold" EMSL 1077, September 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Massimo Bertino - "Fabrication of Nanostructures with Ionizing Radiation" EMSL Board Rm., September 11, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: David Bacon - "Multiscale Modeling of Radiation Damage in Metals: From Defect Generation to Material Properties" EMSL 1077, September 8, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Alex Punnoose - "Nanoscale Magnetism" EMSL Aud., August 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jennifer Zimmer - "The Mechanism of Intracellular Stabilization of Leukotriene A4" EMSL Board Rm., August 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ziding Feng and Yutaka Yasui - "Statistical, Computational, and Informatics Tools for Biomarker Analysis" and "Design & analysis strategies for proteomic biomarker discovery from complex, high-dimensional SELDI/MALDI-TOF output" EMSL 1075, August 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dayle Smith - "Modeling heme electron transfer: insights, pitfalls and lessons learned" EMSL Board Rm., August 21, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: "Agilent's Vector Signal Analysis " EMSL 1075/1077, August 20, 11:30AM.
  • Seminar: Stephen Lockett - "Analysis of Cells in Their Tissue Context" EMSL 1077, August 13, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Rene Van Grieken - "Microanalysis of Environmental Particles" ETB, Columbia River Rm., August 12, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Taeghwan Hyeon - "Synthesis of Monodisperse Nanocrystals and Nanoporous Carbon Materials" EMSL Aud., August 1, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Wayne Giles - "Mouse Heart Electrophysiology: Is There a Message for Man?" EMSL Board Rm., August 1, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Stephen Valentine - "Ion Mobility/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation Development for Proteomics " EMSL Board Rm., July 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Raymond Gorte - "Recent Developments on Anodes for Direct Fuel Utilization in SOFC" EMSL Aud., July 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Pradipta Bandyopadhyay - "Development and Application of QM/MM method: Enzyme Catalysis and Water Cluster" EMSL Board Rm., July 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Fereydoon Namavar - "Engineering Nanocrystalline, Superhard Ceramic and Metallic films for Orthopaedic Prostheses and Geothermal Applications" EMSL 1077, April 16, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: John Storey - "Why You Should Worry if that Smoking '78 Cordoba Pulls out in Front of You: Engine Exhaust Particle Characterization Research at ORNL" EMSL Aud., April 15, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Zin He - "Discovery of Novel Inhibitors of â-Ketoacyl-Acyl Carrier Protein Synthase III (FabH) " EMSL 1075, April 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yinon Rudich - "Suppression and Promotion of Rain Formation - The Multi-Faced Role of Dust" EMSL Aud., April 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Elena Boscaini - "Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry: applications in food flavor analysis and characterization of membrane materials" EMSL Aud., April 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jiri Janata - "Tuning of Selective Layers for Solid State Gas Sensors" EMSL Aud., March 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Christopher Oehmen - "Novel Safety Factors and Entrainment in the Mammalian Sinoatrial Node: Modeling Studies" EMSL Board Rm., March 24, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: You Qiang - "Nanoclusters and Nanocluster-Assembled Materials" EMSL Board Rm., March 20, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Tao Liu - "CE-ESI MS for the Characterization of High-Mannose-Type N-Glycosylation and Differential Oxidation in Glycoproteins by Charge Reversal and Protease/Glycosidase Digestion" EMSL 1077, March 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Duohai Pan - "Chromophore Structures and Protein Dynamics of Rhodopsin with Time-Resolved Resonance Raman Spectroscopy" EMSL 1185, March 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: James Gole - "Formation, Reactivity, and Phase Transformation in Silicon/Silica, Tin Oxide, and Titanium Oxide Based Nanostructures" EMSL Board Rm., March 17, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Daad Saffarini - "Microbial Metal Reduction: Respiration on the Rocks" EMSL 1075, March 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Geoff Thornton - "Atoms, molecules, vacancies and their interaction on Ti02(110)" EMSL Aud., March 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Geoffrey Duxbury - "A High Resolution Spectrum in 300 Nanoseconds; New Applications of Pulsed Quantum Cascade Lasers" EMSL 1077, March 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jeffrey Urbauer - "Mechanism of Prokaryotic Transcription Regulation by the Anti-sigma Factor AsiA" EMSL Aud., February 27, noon.
  • Seminar: Stephen Callister - "Quantification of Genomic Response to Environmental Perturbation using a Modulus of Stability" EMSL Board Rm., February 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Newcombe - "TNT Biodegradation from Laboratory to Field" EMSL Board Rm., February 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xincheng Yao - "Theoretical and Experimental Optics for Biomedical Research" NSD White Rm., February 21, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Edward Schlag - "Ultra-fast Motions and Charge Transport in Proteins" EMSL Aud., February 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ethan Johnson - "Electrostatic Interactions and Excitation Coupling in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center" EMSL 1077, February 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Paul Holloway - "Phosphors for Electroluminescent and Cathodoluminescent Flat Panel Displays" EMSL Aud., February 11, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Joshua Williams - "Fundamental Investigations of Skutterudite Phase Formation by the Modulated Elemental Reactant Method" EMSL Board Rm., February 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lawrence Pratt - "Computational Investigations of Organolithium Compounds" EMSL 1077, February 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: George Michaels - "Biological Networks Revisited" EMSL Aud., February 7, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Mike Wright - "Subsurface Science Initiative at INEEL" EMSL Aud., February 6, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: David McIlroy - "Nanowires and Nanosprings: Unexpected Catalyst Mediated Growth Phenomena" EMSL 1075, January 24, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric Livesay - "Design and Development of a Scalable, High-Throughput Chemical Synthesizer" EMSL 1077, January 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Paul S. Bagus - "Many body effects for the XPS spectra of transition metal systems: A Theoretical Analysis" EMSL Board Rm., January 16, 10:45AM.
  • Seminar: Taili T. Thula - "The effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on irradiated rat parotid glands" EMSL 1075, January 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Charles Blackledge - "NonZinc Oxide Nanostructures and Optical Properties" ETB, Spokane River Rm., January 13, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Johathan Barr - "Processing Salt-Encapsulated Nanoparticles for High Purity, Ultra High Surface Area Applications" EMSL 1075, January 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Christian Schoneich - "Selective Post-translational Modification of Proteins During Oxidative Stress: Proteomics and Reaction Mechanisms" 331 rm69, January 10, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jennifer Anhalt - "Biodegradation of Imidacloprid" EMSL 1075, January 9, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Katheryn Resing - "Shotgun Proteomics of Mammalian K562 Cells" EMSL 1075, January 7, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Ben Lucker - "Intraflagellar Transport Complexes: A Novel Approach to Elucidate Protein Complex Structure" EMSL 1075, January 6, 1:00PM.


  • Meeting: ScicomP 6 2002, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, August 19-23. Information.
  • Workshop: EPSCoR 2002, June 5-6. .
  • EMSL User Proposal System will be unavailable Friday, 4/12/02 through Saturday, 4/13/02.
  • Symposium: EMSL 2002 and NLCat, May 21-23, 2002. .
  • Symposium: High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy, EMSL, April 12-13, 2002.


  • Seminar: Gary Gilliland - "Structural Genomics: From Structure to Function" EMSL 2585, December 30, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Michael Brelle - "Ultra Fast Charge Carrier of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanoparticles" EMSL 1185, December 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Darryl Bornhop - "Lanthanide Chelates as Multi-modal Molecular Imaging Agents" EMSL Board Rm., December 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Billie Abrams - "Cathodoluminescent Degradation of Sulfide-based Phosphors for Field Emission Displays (FEDs)--Synergism Between Temperature and Electron Irradiation Effects" EMSL Aud., December 12, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Raluca Munteanu - "Copper Doped Palladium Based Catalysis for Catalytic Reduction of NO by CH4" EMSL Board Rm., December 11, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Yoichi Kamagata - "Differential Expression of Methanogenesis Genes of Methanothermobacter in pure culture and in cocultures with fatty acid-oxidizing syntrophs" EMSL Aud., December 5, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xuejun Peng - "Dynamic Complexation in Capillary Electrophoresis: Technique and Application" EMSL Board Rm., December 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Heon Jung - "The operation characteristics of a partial oxidation reactor utilizing metallic monolith catalysts" EMSL 1075, November 26, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: David Kittelson - "Characterization of Nanoparticles from Engines" EMSL 1077, November 22, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael Durstock - "Nanotechnology Aspects of Polymer Research at Air Force Research Laboratory" EMSL Board Rm., November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kwang Kim - "De novo design of functional molecules, nanomaterials, and nanodevices" EMSL 1077, November 4, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Ruihua Fang - "SUM: An Application for Post-Sequest Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis" EMSL 1077, November 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tadashi Maruyama - "Irradiation Damage in B4C and SiC" EMSL Board Rm., November 1, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wei Chen - "Quadrupole Mass Filters Operated in Higher Stability Regions" EMSL 1077, October 31, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Castner - "Surface Characterization of DNA and Protein Monolayer" EMSL Board Rm., October 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Roger Brent - "Towards a Predictive Biology: The Alpha Project" EMSL Aud., October 17, 2:45PM.
  • Seminar: Mary McBride - "Overview of the Autonomous Pathogen Detection System under Development at LLNL" ROB Northwest Rm., October 17, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Peter Feibelman - "How Water Wets a Metal Surface" EMSL Board Rm., October 17, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jizhong Zhou - "Microbial Functional Genomics, Genomic Technologies and Environmental Applications" EMSL Aud., October 15, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Nita Maihle - "Soluble EGF/ErbB Receptors: Form, Function, and Clinical Utility" EMSL Aud., October 11, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Mitsuo Tasumi - "Further Analyses of the Vibrational Spectra of Benzene and trans-Stilbene Based on Density Functional Calculations and Raman Mesurements" Math Seattle Rm., October 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael Nastasi - "Determining the Mechanisms of Cleavage in Hydrogen Ion Implanted Si" EMSL Board Rm., October 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Klaus Muller-Dethlefs - "Non-covalent interactions: a challenge to experiment and theory" EMSL 1077, October 2, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Bonnie Dunbar - "Human Space Exploration: Technical Challenges and Opportunities" Battelle Aud., September 30, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Kevin Gable - "Rhenium-Mediated O-Atom Transfer Reactions: Mechanisms and Implications for Metal-Oxo Reactivities" PSL London Rm., September 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Christopher Mackenzie- "The Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Genome; A Work in Progress" EMSL Board Rm., September 23, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: David Addison - "Quadrics Interconnection Network and Programming Interfaces" ETB Wenatchee River Rm., September 23, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Fabrizio Petrini - "STORM: Lightning-Fast Resource Management for Linux Clusters with the Quadrics Network" ETB Wenatchee River Rm., September 23, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Edouard Azzam - "Damage Signaling from Irradiated to non-Irradiated Cells" EMSL 1077, September 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael Joiner - "Cells are Sensitive to Very Low Doses of Radiation - But Why and How?" EMSL 1077, September 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dabney Johnson - "The Role of the Mouse Genetics and Genomics Program in ORNL's Complex Biological Systems Initiative" EMSL Aud., September 16, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Joachim Walter Ahner - "Future Data Storage and Nanoscience" EMSL Board Rm., September 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rainer Schad - "Materials for Spin-Dependent Transport" EMSL Board Rm., September 10, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Katsumi Tanimura - "Excitation-Induced Instability on Semiconductor Surfaces" EMSL 1075, September 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Marcel Nooijen - "Towards Internally Contracted Multireference Coupled Cluster Theory: Computer Aided Implementation of Advanced Electronic Structure Methods" EMSL Aud., August 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander L. Shluger - "Electron and Hole Traps in the Bulk and at Surfaces of Oxides" EMSL 1077, August 15, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Marcel Nooijen - "From electronic structure to spectroscopy: Short-time dynamics and vibronic coupling" EMSL Aud., August 12, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Sunney Xie - "Single Molecule Approach to Biological Science" EMSL 1077, August 7, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Ian Farnan - "Using NMR Spin-Counting to Quantify Radiation Damage in Minerals" EESB Snoqualmie Room, August 2, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Byeongwon Park - "Nanotribology: Adhesion and Friction of Alkanethiol and Alkylsilane Self-Assembled Monolayer-Molecular Dynamics Computer" EMSL Board Room, July 31, 2:30PM.
  • Seminar: Dieter Kurt Gerlich - "Molecular Ions and Nanoparticles in RF and AC traps" EMSL 1077, July 30, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Alexandre A. Shvartsburg - "Recent Progress in the Technology of Ion Mobility Spectrometry: New Hardware and Data Interpretation Tools" EMSL 1077, July 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rikard A. Wind - "Nanobumps and Microwedges: Towards Chemical Control of Surface Morphology" EMSL Board Room, July 26, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Martin Peonei - "How T-Cells Take Aim at Their Target" EMSL Aud., July 25, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Paul Bagus - "Theoretical Analysis of Core Level Binding Energy Shifts For Metal Clusters" EMSL Aud., July 23, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Deborah Payne - "Computational Cell Environment Prototype" EMSL Aud., July 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Suehiro Iwata - "Electron-Hydrogen Bond: A New Type of Hydrogen Bonds: The structures and spectroscopic properties" EMSL Aud., June 24, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xiang Wang - "Fuel Processing on Pd/Ceria Catalysts" EMSL Board Rm., June 24, 10:00AM.
  • M.T. Thomas Award Seminar: Michael Goshe- "Advanced Labeling and Fractionation Methods for Proteomic Analysis" EMSL Aud., June 19, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Michael McGehee - "Semiconducting polymer LEDs and photovoltaic cells" EESB Snoqualmie Rm., June 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jill Trewhella - "Countering the Biological Threat" EMSL Aud., June 14, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jeremy Monat - "Molecular Engineering of Titanium Dioxide Solar Cells" EMSL 1075, June 10, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Shuh - "Scientific Opportunities at the Advanced Light Source Molecular Environmental Science Phase I Beamline 11.0.2" EMSL 1075, June 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wolfgang Windl - "Scientific Multiscale Semiconductor Process Simulation - Ab-Initio to Continuum" EMSL Aud., June 6, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Mark Casida - "Some Challenges for the Calculation of Excited-State Potential Energy Surfaces from Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory" MATH Seattle rm., June 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Do Heui Kim - "Redox and Structural Properties of Nanocrystalline Ceria-Zirconia-Alumina Three-Way Catalysts" EMSL Board Rm., June 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Martin Mohlenkamp - "Redox An Attack on the Curse of Dimensionality" EMSL Aud., May 31, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Joshua Pomeroy - "Understanding Sputter Deposition: The Role of Particle Incidence Energy During Metal Growth" EESB Stampede Rm., May 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yuri Alexeev - "The distributed data AO driven CPHF" EMSL Aud., May 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Richard Cone - "Fundamentals of Biocalorimetry Thermodynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Complexes" EMSL 1585, May 16, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mitch Doktycz - "Analytical Technology Developments for Genomics" EMSL Aud., May 15, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Ronald Davis - "Functional Genomics of Yeast" EMSL 1077, May 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jon Jacobs - "HIV Vaccine Development: Use of phage display technology to elucidate peptide mimetics of the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120" EMSL 1077, May 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Richard Pagano - "Endosomal sorting and cholesterol-sensitive, rab-dependent transport of sphingolipids" EMSL Aud., May 9, 12:00PM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: NCSA Tutorial - "Porting and Optimizing for Linux Clusters" EMSL 1101, May 8, 3:00-7:00PM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: Jack Dongarra - "High Performance Computing and Self Adapting Numerical Software (SANS) Effort" ISB1 412, May 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Fred Maxifield - "Endosomal Quantifying Membrane Traffic" EMSL Aud., May 2, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Matthew Monroe - "Instrumentation and Application Development Involving Microcolumn Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry" EMSL 1077, April 29, 9:30AM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: Jerzy Jaromczyk, Ch. Staben, B.A. Brown, P.S.P. Zou, K. Sravan - "VisMembrane: a Membrane Protein Structure Visualization Tool: A Collaborative Project in Bioinformatics" EMSL 1101 and ISB1 412, April 24, 12:30PM.
  • Seminar: Jinling Huang - "Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis and Evolution of Ephedra" EMSL 1075, April 15, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: William Hase - "Trajectory Simulations of Peptide Ion Surface-Induced Dissociation" EMSL 1077, March 29, 2:00PM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: Frederica Darema - "Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems" EMSL 1101 and ISB1 412, March 27, 12:30PM. Abstract.
  • Seminar: Tito Viswanathan - "Water-dispersible Conducting Polymers for Corrosion Protection" EMSL 1075, March 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robert Hamers - "Molecular Architecture at Organic-Inorganic Interfaces" EMSL Aud., March 26, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Harold Trease - "NWGrid/NWPhys Code Suite" EMSL Aud., March 26, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Zhen Zhao - "Comparative Study of Bulk and Supported V-Mo-Te-Nb-O Mixed Metal Oxide Catalysts for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene" EMSL 1077, March 22, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: AZ. Panagiotopoulos - "Force Field Development for Phase Coexistence Properties of Fluids" EMSL Aud., March 21, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Scott Studham - "High-Performance Computer Requirements and Projections to 2010" EMSL Aud., March 15, 10:00AM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: Ross Whitaker - "Maximum Likelihood Surface Estimation" EMSL 1101 and ISB1 412, March 6, 12:30PM. Abstract.
  • Seminar: Eric Hughes - "Solid State NMR of Guest-Host Systems" EMSL Board Rm., March 5, 10:00AM. Contact Pamela Kinsey.
  • Seminar: Thomas Schmidt - "Single-Molecule Microscopy in Cell-Signaling Research" EMSL Aud., March 1, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Martin Zacharias - "Simulation of the Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acid Motifs" EMSL aud., March 1, 10:00AM.
  • Access Grid Seminar: Jack Ng - "Spacetime Foam, Black Holes, and Computation" EMSL 1101 and ISB1 412, February 27, 12:30PM. Abstract.
  • Seminar: Zvi Boger - "Efficient Artificial Neural Networks for Sensor Arrays and Other Applications" EMSL Board Rm., February 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Chaitanya Narula - "Recent Advances in NOx Trap Technology" EMSL Board Rm., February 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lin Liu - "GOBASE -- An Organelle Genome Database" EMSL aud., February 20, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Richard Jacob - "Adventures in 3He NMR" 331, Rm. 69, February 15, 3:00PM. Contact Araceli Perez.
  • Seminar: Wibke Sudholt - "Modeling the Photoinduced Intramolecular Charge Transfer of a Prototype Organic Molecule in Vacuum and Solution by Quantum Chemical and Molecular Dynamics Approaches" MATH Seattle Rm., February 11, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Philip Duffy - "Performance of Global Climate Simulations With a High-Resolution Atmospheric Model" ISB2 Wanapum Rm., February 5, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mehmet Sarikaya - "Molecular Biomimetics: Nanotechnology Through Biology" EMSL Board Rm., January 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ying Xu - "A New Framework for Biological Data Clustering Using Minimum Spanning Trees" EMSL Aud., January 25, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Weijun Qian - "Dynamic Imaging of Secretion from Pancreatic Beta Cells by Confocal Fluoresence Microscopy" EMSL Board Rm., January 24, 10:00AM.
  • CANCELLED Seminar: Philip Duffy - "Performance of Global Climate Simulations With a High-Resolution Atmospheric Model" EMSL Board Rm., January 14, 10:30AM.


  • Symposium: Cellular Communication Information Processing at the Cell Surface, the 39th Hanford Life Sciences Symposium EMSL Aud., October 18-19.
  • Meeting: Computational Challenges in the Post-Genomic Age - II September 13-15 2001. Sponsored by PNNL, San Diego Supercomputer Center and Sun Microsystems.
  • Announcement: MSCF Call for Proposals in Environmental Molecular Science Grand Challenge Projects.
  • Press Release: Announcing the joint institute on nanoscience and nanotechnology.
  • Notice: EMSL nearing submission of RFP: The request for comment was sent out to potential offerors on April 16, 2001.
  • The Molecular Science Computing Facility presents a "Computational Chemistry Users Meeting" EMSL, June 18-19.
  • Request for Information - High Performance Computer System Number Two. Request for Information to replace the present high performance computer system. Details are available in the PDF file. Please respond ASAP.
  • CALL FOR PROPOSALS for use of HFMRF, April through October 2001; proposals due January 16, 2001.
  • EMSL Annual Reports. 1999 annual reports for the six EMSL research directorates can be viewed or downloaded from the Products and Research sections.


  • Seminar: Cliff Surko - "Scattering and Annihilation Studies of Atoms and Molecules Using a Trap-based Positron Beam" EMSL 1077, December 17, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Mark Bussell - "New Catalytic Materials for Hydrotreating Catalysis" EMSL 1075, December 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Seong Woo - "Current Status of Ultramicrochemical Process Systems and Their Applications" EMSL Aud., December 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jerry King - "Enzymatic-Initiated Conversions in Critical Fluids" EMSL Board Rm., November 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Chin-Rang Yang - "Analysis of Ku70 Genetic Network Involving Hsp90/Akt Signal Pathway in Human Breast Cancer Cells: A Potential" EMSL Board Rm., November 28, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar:Jeanne Mchale - "Resonance Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Dye-Sensitizers Adsorbed on Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles" EMSL 1075, November 27, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Guozhong Cao - "Template-Based Growth of Oxide Nanorods by Sol-Gel Electrophoresis" EMSL 1077, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Stanley Stearns - "Current Technical Advances in Fundamental Hardware for Low-Volume and High Pressure Chromatography" EMSL 1075, November 19, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander Spoonde - "Computational Analysis of Microarray Data" EMSL 1077, November 16, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Eugene Ilton - "Evidence for Oxidative Coupling of Methane with Manganese Oxides at 25°C and Low Pressures: An XPS Study" EMSL 1077, November 14, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Nicholas Walker - "Gas Phase Studies of the Solvation of Multiply Charged Transitions Metal Ions and the Structures of OCCuX, OCAgX(X=F, CI, Br) and PdCO" EMSL 2185, November 13, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: John Corbett - "Polyatomic Anions and Networks Among Alkali-Metal Salts of the Early p-Metals in Condensed Systems" EMSL Board Rm., November 9, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: William Finney - "Modulated Nonivasive In-Vivo Raman Spectroscopy of Human Blood" EMSL 1185, November 9, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Charles Spangler - "Design, Synthesis and Characterization of New Dendritic Materials for Photonics Applications" EMSL Board Rm., November 9, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Vicki Grassian - "Laboratory Studies of Potentially Important Heterogeneous Reactions in the Atmosphere: Surface Reactions of Nitric Acid and Nitrogen Dioxide on Oxides, Carbonates and Mineral Dust" ISB1 White Bluffs, November 8, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dirk Richter - "Tunable Difference-Frequency Based Mid-IR Laser Sources: Trends, Advances and Spectroscopic Gas Sensing Applications" ISB2 Wanapum Rm., November 7, 2:30PM.
  • Seminar: Nicholas Handy - "Polyatomic Electron Exchange and Correlation" Battelle Aud., November 5, 3:30AM.
  • Seminar: Charles Massin - "Microfabricated NMR Coils" EMSL 2585, November 5, 1:00-3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Christian Schultz - "Potentially New BioMedical Approaches Using Fourier Transform Infrared/Raman Imaging and Spectroscopy" EMSL 1077, October 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Wilson - "Recent Advances in APE1 Chemistry" 331 rm. 69, October 25, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Gregory Lett - "Introduction to Physiome - Demo on Pathway Editor for Network Analysis" MATH Seattle rm., October 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Gary Casuccio - "The Use of SEM Methods to Characterize Particulate Matter" EMSL Aud., October 23, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Michael Baskes - "The future of computational materials science: the roll of atomistics" EMSL Board Rm., October 23, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Laxmikant Saraf - "Synthesis and Characterization of Oxide [Hexaferrites/Manganites] Thin Films : Study of Microwave Losses and Non-Linear Dielectric Properties Related to Ordering Transitions" EMSL Board Rm., October 23, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kannan Krishnan - "Magnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures" EMSL Board Rm., October 22, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robert Hitzemann - "Nuroimaging of Methamphetamine Abuse" ETB Wenatchee River Rm., October 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Igor Lyubinetsky - "Nanofabrication with an STM Using Precursor Molecules" EMSL Board Rm., October 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Matthias Henyk - "Ultra Short Laser Pulse Induced Charged Particle Emission from Wide Band Gap Crystals" EMSL 1185, October 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Venkatesan Krishnan - "Direct Production of Hydrogen Peroxide with Palladium Supported on Phosphate Viologen Phosphonate Catalysts" EMSL 1075, October 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: So Hirata- "Toward ab initio density functional therory" EMSL Aud., October 4, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Peter Northover - "The Life, Death and Afterlife of Metal Artifacts from Archaeological Contexts" EMSL Aud., October 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: William Epling - "Catalytic Synthesis of Isobutanol and Methanol from Syngas: Surface Characterization Driven Improvements" EMSL 1075, October 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Li Zhang - "Structural Characterization of Glycoconjugates by Mass Spectrometry" EMSL 1077, September 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kazuharu Yoshizuka - "MM and MD Calculations of Lanthanide and Actinide Complexes" EMSL Board Rm., September 27, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Ruben Santamaria - "Wavefuctions for Large Molecules from their Fragments" MATH Seattle Rm., September 26, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Nair Sreejayan - "Oxidants, Antioxidants and Human Diseases" EMSL Board Rm., September 24, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jeongkwon Kim - "Studies of Human Myelin Basic Proteins using On-line Capillary Electrophoresis Tandem Mass Spectrometry" EMSL Board Rm., September 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Allison Campbell - "Biomaterials: Past, Present and Future" Columbia Basin College Theatre, Pasco, September 19, 7:00PM.
  • Seminar: David Simpson - "A Novel Method for Interfacing Capillary Electrochromatography to Mass Spectrometry" EMSL 1077, September 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Bahr - "Thin film fracture on engineering alloys in corrosive environments" EMSL 1077, September 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: R.B. Gerber - "Vibrational Spectroscopy, Dynamics and the Development of New Force Fields for Biological Molecules" EMSL 1077, September 6, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Brain Saam - "3He: Visualization of Lung Air Spaces and Beyond" 331 Rm. 69, August 31, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: George Gray - "Recent Advances in High Field and High Resolution NMR" EMSL Board Rm., August 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Daniel Barlow - "Orbital Mediated Tunneling in Metal Phthalocyanines and Porphyrins in the STM Environment" EMSL Board Rm., August 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Thom Mason - "The Spallation Neutron Source: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research" EMSL Aud., August 22, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Deborah Diamond - "Ciphergen from Genes to Proteins: Applications of Novel ProteinChip Technology" EMSL 1077, August 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Samina Azad - "Investigation of the Surface Chemistry of Crown Ethers on Pd (111) " EMSL Board Rm., August 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kalman Pelhos - "Plasma Etching Lithium-Niobate: What is a Surface Scientist to Do?" EMSL 1077, August 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: So Hirata - "Toward ab initio density functional theory" EMSL Board Rm., August 14, 4:00PM.
  • Seminar: Yanwen Zhang - "Application of IBA Techniques at the Uppsala Accelerator Laboratory" EMSL 1385, August 14, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Christopher Paulse - "A Programmer's Introduction to Protein Mass Spectrometry" EMSL 1077, August 13, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Holger Grube - "Imaging and Measurement Capabilities of a Dual-Probe Scanning Tunneling Microscope for Nanoscale Investigations of Materials" EMSL 1075, August 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Syouhei Nishihama - "Advanced Liquid-Liquid Extraction System Using Photochemical Reduction For Metals" EMSL 1075, August 10, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Sofie Xin Tan - "Time-resolved Fluorescence Studies of Model Compounds and Dendrimers" EMSL 1075, August 10, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Daniel Chipman - "Incorporation of Solvation Effects into Electronic Structure Calculations" EMSL 1075, July 30, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Assa Lifshitz - "Molecular hydrogen elimination from 2,5-dihydrofuran, 2,3-dihydrofuran and 2-methyl-2,5-dihydrofuran. Quantum chemical and kinetics calculations" EMSL 1075, July 30, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Vincent Ortiz - "Electron Propagator Recipes for Computational Chemists" EMSL 1077, July 30, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Niels Nielsen - "Solid State NMR Membrane Bound Proteins Part 3" 331 room 69, July 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Niels Nielsen - "Solid State NMR Membrane Bound Proteins Part 2" 331 room 69, July 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Bogdan Bogdanov - "Exploring Potential Energy Surfaces by Pulsed-ionization High Pressure Mass Spectrometry and Computational Quantum Chemistry" ETB Columbia River Rm., July 19, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Kelly Sullivan - "Ab Initio Studies of Nitrogen/Oxygen Anions" EMSL 1075, July 17, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Niels Nielsen - "Solid State NMR Membrane Bound Proteins Part 1" 331 room 69, July 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ramaswami Devanathan - "Atomic Level Studies of Dynamic Defect Production in Ceramics" EMSL 1075, July 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robin Grimes - "Simple Approaches to Predicting Property Trends in Defective Oxides" EMSL Board Rm., June 29, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Thomas Russell - "Three-dimensional control-volume Mixed Finite Element Methods" EMSL Aud., June 25, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: David Dean - "The Application Of Stochastic Differential Equations To Problems In Science And Engineering" EMSL Aud., June 25, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Marshall Rafal - "Upgrading the Environmental Simulation Program (ESP)" ETB Columbia River Rm., June 25, 8:30AM.
  • Seminar: David Dean - EMSL Aud., June 25, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Thomas Russell - "Three-dimensional control-volume Mixed Finite Element Methods" EMSL Aud., June 25, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Edgar Buck - "X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigations of Valence-Electronic Structure: Valence-Electron Spectroscopy With a Spatially Modulated X-Ray Field" EMSL Aud., June 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Edgar Buck - "X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigations of Valence-Electronic Structure: Valence-Electron Spectroscopy With a Spatially Modulated X-Ray Field" EMSL Aud., June 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wayne Goodman - "Toward an Understanding of Catalysis by Supported Metal Clusters" EMSL Aud., June 19, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Ziagong Wang - "Methane Combustion: Thermal Stability of Supported Palladium Catalysts and Preparation of La-Hexaluminate Support Materials" EMSL Board Rm., June 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eugene Kolker & Sergey Stolyar - "Defining the Haemophilus Influenzae Proteome " EMSL Board rm., June 14, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Steven Lower - "Mineral-microbe interactions probed in force and distance nanospace" EMSL 1075, June 14, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robert Continetti - "Fast-Beam Coincidence Imaging Studies of the Energetics and Dynamics of Transient Species" EMSL 1185, June 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Diana Bigelow - "Oxidative Stress in Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle " EMSL Aud., June 7, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Baolin Deng - "Redox Processes in the Aquatic Environment: Applications to Site Remediation " EMSL 1077, June 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Claude Leforestier - "A flexible (and polarizable) water dimer potential determined from molecular beam experiments" EMSL 1075, June 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xu Zang - "Part 1: Cyclic Peptide Libraries: Design and Application for Combinatorial Binding Ligands Discovery Part 2: Intra-molecular Non-covalent Binding Interaction Study: An Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis Approach Part 3: Electrospray Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Mass Spectrometric (FTICR MS) Charaterization of Natural Organic Matter (NOM)" EMSL Board Rm., June 5, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Lee Ferguson - "Analysis and Fate of Sewage Derived Organic Pollutants in the Marine Environment " EMSL Board Rm., June 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Douglas Lawson - "DOE's Environmental Science and Health Program" EMSL Aud., May 31, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shimon Weiss - "Single Molecule Rulers" EMSL Aud., May 30, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Richard Corley - "Development of a 3-Dimensional, Virtual Respiratory Tract (VRT) Model for Studying the Health Implications of Airborne Pollutants " EMSL Aud., May 24, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Joe Mauderly - "Putting the Health Effects of Engine Emissions into Context" EMSL 1077, May 23, 9:30AM.
  • Erwin Poliakoff - "New correlations between vibrational and electronic motion" EMSL 1075, May 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Zdenek Herman - "Dynamics of Chemical Reactions of Molecular Dications" EMSL Board Rm., May 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Joseph Woicik- "X-Ray Standing-Wave Investigations of Valence-Electronic Structure: Valence-Electron Spectroscopy With a Spatially Modulated X-Ray Field" EMSL 1075, May 10, 10:00AM.
  • Moonsoo Kang - "Inelastic Light Scattering By Collective Excitations of Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in the Fractional Quantum Hall Regime" EMSL 1075, May 3, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Al Viggiano - "Ion-molecule Reactions at High Temperature" EMSL Aud., May 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tom Dickinson - "Synergisms at surfaces involving solvents (mostly water) - Nanometer scale implications" EMSL Board Rm., May 2, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Derek Pratt - "Presentation 1:Two-Photon Photoactivation of Serine Proteases Presentation 2: 5-Pyrimidinols: Novel Chain-Breaking Antioxidants More Effective Than Phenols" EMSL/1003, April 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rhonda Skaggs - "Detection Methods for the Determination of Gases Relevant to the Characterization of Atmosphere/Biosphere Interactions: Argon and Carbonyl Compounds" EMSL 1075, April 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Carmel Mothersill - "Radiation-Induced "Bystander Effects" in Cells and Tissues" EMSL Aud., April 10, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Chunbo Yuan - "Lipid-Rafts in Model Membranes" EMSL 1075, April 9, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mark Wingerd - "High-Throughput Separations and Mass Spec Tools for Combinatorial Libraries" EMSL Board rm., April 6, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tom Rescigno - "Continuum Electronic Structure" Math Seattle Room, April 5, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Paul Smith - "The Combined Use of Computer Simulation and Kirkwood-Buff Theory for the Study of Solution Mixtures and Protein Folding." Math Seattle Room, April 5, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Weiliang Gong - "Analytical Electron Microscopy in the Studies of Materials Sciences and Environmental Remediation" EMSL 1075, April 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lifan Chen - "The Polarity of GaN and Ordered InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots" EMSL 1077, March 30, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Zdenek Dohnálek -Winner of the 2000 M.T. Thomas Award - "Growth and Characterization of Thin Nanoporous Films Using Molecular Beams" EMSL Aud., March 28, 3:30PM. Reception Following.
  • Seminar: Alec M. Wodtke - "Electron Attachment Time-of Flight Mass Spectrometry: A new tool for soft ionization" EMSL Aud., March 26, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Chongmin Wang - "Characterization And Tailoring Of Grain Boundary Chemistry For Optimum Material Properties" EMSL Aud., March 26, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robert Gdanitz - "Atoms & Molecules in Chemical Accuracy (AMICA)" Seattle Rm. Math, March 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: JL Campbell - "PIXE Analysis and Imaging in Environmental Science" EMSL Aud., March 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jenny Heidbrink - "Reaction Studies of Substituted Phenyl Radicals by Using Mass Spectrometry" EMSL Training Rm., March 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jesper Traeff - "The Implementation of MPI-2 One-Sided Communication for the NEC SX-5" ROB Northwest Rm 121, March 23, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wai-Yuan Tan - "Applications of State Space Models to Some Biological Problems: AIDS and Cancer" Seattle Rm. Math, March 22, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Michael Feldhaus - "Transdominant Genetics for Target Identification and Validation" Rm. 69, 331 Bldg., March 22, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Gary McVay - "Opportunities in the Solid-state Energy Conversion Alliance - Core Technology Program" EMSL Aud., March 21, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Chunbo Yuan - "Lipid-Rafts in Model Membranes " EMSL 1003, March 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Middlemas - "BDNF Signaling in Neuroblastoma and Neurons" EMSL Aud., March 15, noon.
  • Seminar: Pat Stayton - "Biomaterials That Talk and Listen" EMSL Aud., March 12, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexandra Navrotsky - "Thermodynamics of Zeolites" EMSL 1075, March 12, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Brian Herman - "Oxidative Stress, the Mitochondria and Apoptosis" EMSL Aud., March 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Raymond Daynes - "Dysregulations in Essential Cell-signaling Systems with Aging: Causes, Consequences, and Potential Corrective Interventions" EMSL Aud., March 9, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Darrell Schlom - "Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pennsylvania State University" EMSL 1385, March 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Brian Dockendorff - "Renewable Column Microfluidics" EMSL 1385, March 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander Shluger - "Theoretical modeling of defects in oxides" EMSL 1003, March 5, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Robert Shroll - "Examples of Computational Environmental Chemistry: Atmospheric Energy Transfer and Clay Swelling Thermodynamics " Math Seattle Rm., March 2, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rishi Raj - "Polymer-Derived Ceramics: New Materials, Novel Processing and Futuristic Applications" EMSL 1077, March 1, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Chii-Shiarng Chen - "The Use of Fluorescent Probes to Study Lysosomes: From Lipid Storage Diseases to Free Radical Biology" EMSL Aud., March 1, noon.
  • Seminar: Brenda Farrell - "Dynamics of Fusion Pore Expansion in Endocrine Cells and Neurons" EMSL Training Rm., February 27, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Edmond C. Prakash - "Volume Graphics " ISB 1 White Bluffs Room, February 26, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Ja'nos Szanyi - "IR Spectroscopy of Adsorbed Intermediates in Catalysis" EMSL 1075, February 23, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Varian Vacuum Technologies - "Vacuum Technology" is geared to assist in the training of scientists, engineers and technicians in the art and science of vacuum. EMSL 1077, February 22, 8:30-12:30.
  • Seminar: Steve Wiley - "New Mission Area for the Lab: PNNL Opportunities in Advanced Biological Systems in the Post-Genome Era" EMSL Aud., February 22, noon.
  • Seminar: Christopher T. Reeves- "Hydrodechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride on Ir(110)" EMSL Board Room, February 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Chii-Shiarng Chen - "The Use of Fluorescent Probes to Study Lysosomes: From Lipid Storage Diseases to Free Radical Biology" Columbia River Rm., ETB., February 20, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lijian Ruan - "Development and Investigation of High Performance Dielectric Ceramics" EMSL 1075, February 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Frank Jones - "Regulation of ErbB2/HER2/Neu Signaling in Breast Cancer: How to Improve an Important Prognostic Marker" EMSL Training Rm., February 16, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: James W. Medlin - "Probing the Mechanism of Olefin Epoxidation on Silver Catalysts: A Combined Experimental/Theoretical Approach" EMSL 1075, February 15, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander G. Panov - "NOx Reduction Behavior of Alumina and Zeolite Catalysts in Combination with Non-Thermal Plasma" EMSL 1003 Training Room, February 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Daniel Knauer - "Proteoglycans and the Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein (LRP): New Insights into Classical Paradigms of Receptor Mediated Endocytosis" EMSL Aud., February 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: John Beatty - "Purple Photosynthetic Bacteria: Ecology, Molecular Biology and Genomics" EMSL Aud., February 9, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: R. Lee Penn - "Epitaxial Assembly in Aqueous Colloids: Growth and Microstructural Development" EMSL Aud., February 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Anna Johnson-Winegar - "The DoD Counterproliferation and Chemical/Biological Defense Program" EMSL Aud, February 7, 1:30PM.
  • Lunch 'n Learn: Marjie Kickert - "College Scholarships: Planning for College" EMSL Aud., February 7, Noon.
  • "Recent Linux Security Vulnerabilities" EMSL 1075, February 7, Noon.
  • Seminar: Christopher L. Marshall - "Advanced Catalyst Systems for the Removal of Sulfur from Diesel and Heavy Oils" EMSL 1077, February 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander Sorkin - "Endocytosis of the EGF Receptor: Novel Approaches to Test Old Ideas" EMSL training room, February 6, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Fei Gao - "Multi-scale Computer Simulations of Silicon Carbide" EMSL 1003 Training Room, February 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Enrique Iglesia - "Acid and Redox Catalysis on Oxide Nanostructures" EMSL Aud., February 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dave Nelson - "Experience with Alpine Plants in the Mid-Columbia Region" EMSL Aud., January 31, Noon.
  • Seminar: Klaus Hahn - "Watching Proteins in the Wild: Fluorescent Biosensors for Live Cells" EMSL 1003, January 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xiao-Ying Yu - "Kinetics of the dichlorine anion radical by laser flash photolysis of H202 and NaCl in the aqueous phase" EMSL 1185, January 24, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Eric Ackerman & Peter Lu - "DNA Damage Recognition in Necleotide Excision Repair" "Probing Single-Molecule Conformational Changes and Enzymatic Reactions in Real Time" EMSL Aud., January 23, Noon.
  • Seminar: Erik Pearson, Don Jones and Scott Studham - "PNNL's Newest General Computing Resource" EMSL Aud., January 22, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Hai Wang - "Kinetics of Soot Formation from Combustion -- Accomplishments and Challenges" EMSL board room, January 22, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Zhming Wang - "Silicon-induced nanostructure evolution of the GaAs(001) surface " EMSL Board Room, January 19, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kermit Murray - "New Techniques for Biological Mass Spectrometry" EMSL Aud., January 19, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Miodrag "Mickey" Micic - "Surface Chemistry of Lignin Model Compounds" EMSL 1185, January 16, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Hiroshi Onishi - "Time-lapse STM Imaging of Dynamic Phenomena at TiO2(110)" EMSL Board Room, January 12, 11:00AM.
  • CANCELLED Seminar: Xiao-Ying Yu - "Kinetics of the dichlorine anion radical by laser flash photolysis of H202 and NaCl in the aqueous phase" EMSL 1185, January 8, 10:00AM.


  • CALL FOR PROPOSALS for use of HFMRF, April through October 2001; proposals due January 16, 2001.
  • Institute of Management Accountants, Tri-Cities chapter monthly meeting, EMSL 1077, December 19, 11:45AM. Guest speaker Wally Hickerson, HDR Engineering Inc., will discuss "Regional Economic Impact of Dam Removal." Lunch cost: free/members; $6/nonmembers with RSVP by Dec. 15.
  • EMSL Annual Reports. 1999 annual reports for the six EMSL research directorates can be viewed or downloaded from the Products and Research sections.
  • Analytical Instrumentation for the Next Millennium Workshop Final Report now available.
  • <EMSL 2000 - Technical symposia, tutorials, poster sessions, user meeting and informational sessions, June 19-24, at EMSL.
  • The Pacific Northwest Microscopy Society will hold their Spring meeting at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (Conference Room 1075/1077), May 12-13, 2000. Guest speaker John C. Kinnamon, from the University of Denver, will present "Photoshop digital manipulation of acquired images: 3-D reconstruction from micrographs - what is possible and what is ethical." An evening social will be held Friday at Hedges Winery. Open to the general public. For more information.
  • Molecular Science Software Suite wins 2000 Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer Award.
  • EMSL Director, Dr. Jean Futrell, received the prestigious Erwin Schrodinger Gold Medal 2000 presented by the European Society for Mass Spectrometry. Futrell was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the field of mass spectrometry and its applications to ion-molecule-reactions. He received his medal on February 3, 2000, at a ceremony during the Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, and Surface Physics in Folgaria, Italy.
  • M.T. Thomas Postdoctoral Award Seminar: Xuebin Wang - "Probing Multiply-Charged Anions in the Gas Phase Using Photodetachment Photoelectron Spectroscopy (reception following)" EMSL/Auditorium, February 10, 3:30PM.


  • Seminar: Peter Zimmerman - "The Role of Science Advice in Arms Control" EMSL 1077, December 19, 2:00pm.
  • Seminar: Jay Nelson and Thomas Shenk - "A Potential Role for a Viral Chemokine Receptor in the Acceleration of Atherosclerosis" and "Cytomegalovirus Immediate Early and Earlier Functions: Genetic and Genomic Studies" EMSL Aud, December 18, noon.
  • Seminar: AMNIS Corp - "Development and Application of Novel Instrumentation" EMSL 1012 (Wiley Board Rm), December 18, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Larry Arnstein - "Novel Methods of Obtaining and Storing "Meta-Data" During the Conduct to Biological Research" EMSL 1003, December 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Theresa Ramelot - "Phosphorylation as a Molecular Switch: Implications for the Amyloid Precursor Protein and Alzheimer's Disease" EMSL 1075, December 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Bud Maynard & John Hughes - "Expanding the Scale of HPLC: From Capillary to Preparative" and "Recent Advances in LC/MS" EMSL 1075, December 14, 8:00AM.
  • Seminar: Paul B. Shepson - "Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Department" EMSL 1077, December 13, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Eric J. Weber - "Reductive Transformations of Organic Pollutants in Anoxic Environments: The Interface Between Chemical and Microbial Processes" EMSL Auditorium, December 13, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xueming Yang - "State-to-State Chemistry of the O + H2 > OH + H Reaction: Insertion vs. Abstraction" EMSL 1077, December 13, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: "Proteome Characterization Using ICAT Sand PhIAT" - Tim Veenstra, and "Protein Primary Structure Determined by In-Gel Trypsin Digestion and MALDI-MS Peptide Analysis" - Rick Zangar EMSL Auditorium, December 12, Noon.
  • Seminar: Robert McGraw - "Nucleation and Aerosol Dynamics in Systems with Flow" EMSL 1003, December 11, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Thom H. Dunning, JR. - "Advancing Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing" EMSL Auditorium, December 8, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Philip Cohen - "Multimodel Interaction: Principles, Practice, Impact and Challenges" EMSL Auditorium, December 7, 10:00AM.
  • CANCELLED Seminar: Richard Butler - "Defending Against Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Iraq Case" EMSL Auditorium, December 7, 1:30-3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Yan Wang - "Resolution-enhanced Two-dimensional Infrared Correlation Spectroscopy of Proteins: Unfolding and Refolding of Secondary Structure of Avidin in the Presence and Absence of Biotin" EMSL 1075, December 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Steven S. Cliff - "Time-Resolved Compositional Analysis of Size Segregated Atmospheric Aerosols " EMSL 1075, December 1, 10:00AM.
  • CANCELLED Seminar: William C. Hayes - "Etiology and Prevention of Age-Related Fractures" EMSL Wiley Board Room, November 28, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Hanwant Singh - "Measurements and Atmospheric Chemistry of Oxygenated Organic Species in the Remote Troposphere" EESB Stampede Room, November 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kelly A. Harrison - "Characterization of SRE, a GATA Factor Involved in Iron Transport in Neurospora crassa " EMSL 1077, November 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Steven Wiley - "Dynamic Regulation of the EGF Receptor and Its Signaling Partners" and Brian Thrall - "An Experimental Approach for Identifying Signaling Networks" EMSL Aud, November 16, Noon.
  • Seminar: - "Web of Science" EMSL 1077, November 16, Noon. Contact Mary Frances Lembo.
  • Seminar: Sam Hanash - "Integrating Genomics and Proteomics for the Molecular Analysis of Cancer" EMSL 1075, November 15, 10:30AM.
  • Seminar: Jared M. Chase - "Ecce's New Approach to Modeling Gaussian Basis Sets Using DAV Technologies" EMSL 1075, November 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David R. McGee - "Augmenting Reality with Language" EMSL 1077, November 10, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Gary Hieftje - "New Instrumentation and Measurements for the Laboratory" EMSL Auditorium, November 10, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xudong Fan - "Interface Structure in Silver Doped Aluminum Alloys" EMSL 1075, November 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Cheuk-Yiu Ng - "Advances in Photoionization and Photoelectron Studies Using 3rd Generation Synchrotron Radiation " EMSL 1003, November 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yuri Tsvetkov and Alexander Maryasov - "Pulsed Electron-Electron Resonance and its Application to Peptide Sciences" EMSL Auditorium, November 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yung Doug Suh - "Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy" EMSL 1075, October 30, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ramesh Rachapudi - "Structure-Activity Relationships in Chromium Modified Zeolite Catalysts during Trichloroethylene Oxidation" EMSL 1075, October 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Philip Stork - "Novel Regulators of MAP Kinase Signaling Cascades" EMSL 1077, October 26, noon.
  • Seminar: Thomas Orlando - "Stimulating Times and Studies on Stimulated Processes at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory" EMSL Auditorium, October 25, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dennis Brown - "Stimulation of Aquaporin 2 Water Channel Membrane Insertion in Epithelial Cells, by cAMP-Dependent and cAMP-Independent Trafficking Pathways" EMSL 1076, October 25, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Guanghou Wang - "Cluster Assemblies and Nanostructures" EMSL 1075, October 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Harry Harmon - "Savannah River Site HLW Salt Processing Technology Development Program" EMSL Auditorium, October 23, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dawn Bonnell - "Nanometer Scale Electromagnetic Properties of Oxides" EMSL Training Room (1003), October 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Paul Shepson - "Air-Surface Interactions and New Challenges in Analytical Atmospheric Chemistry" EMSL Auditorium, October 17, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Hongwu Xu - "Structural Transformations, Thermal Expansion, and Energetics of Stuffed Derivatives of Quartz along the LiAlSiO4-SiO2 Join" EMSL 1075, October 16, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Brian Matthews - "Tolerance and Intolerance in Protein Structure and Function" EMSL Auditorium, October 13, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: David Cowley - "Strategic Administration of Today's HPC Systems" EMSL/1075, October 11, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Paul Gjefle - "Availability is Measured in ?Nines? - 99.99 Percent Uptime is ?Four Nines?" EMSL/1075, October 5, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Scott Studham - "NCEP: The Rules for Operational Weather Forecasting" EMSL/1075, September 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael A. Duncan - "IR Spectroscopy of Gas Phase Metal Clusters" EMSL/1077, September 28, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tom Jobson - "Power law relationships between mixing ratio variability and lifetime for atmospheric trace gases - the Junge relationship revisited" EMSL 1077, September 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rama K. Govindaraju - "Efficient User Space and Kernel Space Communications on the RS/6000 SP" EMSL/1003, September 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ponnuswamy Sadayappan and Jagannathan Ramanujam - "Performance Optimization of Scientific Applications" EMSL/1077, September 15, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Vladimir E. Bondybey - "Department of Chemistry University of California, Irvine" EMSL Auditorium, September 14, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dunbar P. Birnie - "Chemical Combat Strategies at the Nano-Scale: Sol-Gel Spin Coating and Striation Defects" EMSL Auditorium, September 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Moritz Hoesch - "Photoemission from Oriented Orbitals" EMSL/1075, September 8, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Joel Savarino - "Chemistry of Stable Oxygen Isotopes: Interest in Atmospheric Chemistry" EMSL Auditorium, September 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yurii Tolmachev - "Can the Sun Lase" EMSL Auditorium, August 24, 12:00PM.
  • Seminar: Hai Luo - "Role of Cr(IV) in the Cr(VI)-Related Free Radical Formation and DNA Damage" and "Soft Landing of Polyatomic Ions at Fluorinated Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces" EMSL/1075, August 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael Tassotto - "Time-of-Flight Direct Recoil Spectrometry: Application to Liquid Surfaces and Steps toward Quantification" EMSL/1075, August 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexander Shluger - "Laser-Induced Reactions in Crystals: Femto-Second Pump-Probe Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Calculations of Self-Trapped Excitons and Holes in Alkali Halides" EMSL/1077, August 17, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Cynthia L. Stokes and David J. Klinke II - "An Integrative Mathematical Model of Asthma: From Biochemistry to Pathophysiology" EMSL Auditorium, August 4, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Tony Skjellum - "Research in Message Passing Standards: Achieving more performance and predictability than MPI-1 or MPI-2" EMSL Auditorium, August 2, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Yong Zhou - "Nonresonant Femtosecond Pump-probe Studies in High Pressure Gas and Liquid" EMSL/1185, July 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dhabaleswar Panda - "Cluster Computing: Where are We Headed?" EMSL Auditorium, July 26, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Phillip Geissbuhler - "X-Ray Interfacial Crystallography of Water on Calcite" EMSL/1075, July 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Carl F. Ijames - "FTMS with Permanent Magnets: How Low is Too Low?" EESB/Snoqualmie, July 14, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: TeaWoo Park, Osamu Tatebe, Yoshio Tanaka, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Sotoshi Matsuoka - "Three short talks 1) Massively Parallel Processor CP-PACS and Parallel I/O+Visualization on it, by Prof. TeaWoo Park, Tsukuba University 2) Recent topics on the Ninf 2.0 as an implementation of Network enabled servers, by Osamu Tatebe, Yoshio Tanaka and Satoshi Sekiguchi, Electrotechnical Lab 3) Global Computing Development in Japan by Prof. Sotoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Satoshi Sekiguchi, Electrotechnical Lab" EMSL/1075, July 13, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: James V. Coe - "Using Clusters to Better Understand Bulk Water" EMSL/1075, July 10, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Gregory S. Harms - "Imaging and Diffusion of the Autofluorescent Proteins in Cells" EMSL/1075, July 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Elsa Chui-Ying Yan - "Second Harmonic Generation as a Surface Probe for Colloidal Particles" EMSL/1185, June 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Thomas Sommerfeld - "Lifetimes of Temporary Dianions" EMSL/1185, June 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dehong Hu - "The Ordered Conformations and Energy Transfer 'Landscape' of Conjugated Polymers" EMSL Auditorium, June 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Weston Borden - "Theoretical Solutions to Experimental Puzzles in the Chemistry of Phenylnitrene and Derivatives -- What Accounts for the Many Differences Between Phenylnitrene and Phenylcarbene?" EMSL/1075, June 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric R Bittner - "Quantum dynamics of exciton trapping and polaron recombination processes in linear polyene systems" EMSL Auditorium, June 9, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Alexander Shluger - "Mechanism of Laser Induced Desorption of Atomic and Ionic Species from Ionic Surfaces" EMSL Auditorium, June 9, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: John A. Sidles - "Molecular Observation as a National Research Initiative" June 5, Part 1: The Mission and Technology--10:00AM EMSL/1077 and Part 2: A Path Forward--1:30PM EESB/2533.
  • Seminar: Oleg Prezhdo - "Non-adiabatic Chemical Dynamics in Condensed Phase / Schrodinger Cats of Chemistry" EMSL/1075, June 5, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Harvey A. Zar - "Free Radical Chemistry of the Hypothermic Liver" EMSL/1077, May 30, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Thomas Cahill - "Application of nuclear and atomic analytical techniques to size-time compositional profiles of aerosols important in atmospheric chemistry and climate" EMSL Auditorium, May 31, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ashley Shultz - "Opportunities for NASA-funded summer collaborations with students from Physics/Engineering Division of Fort Lewis College--An Informal Discussion" EMSL/1075, May 30, 11:30AM.
  • Seminar: Demitris Katakis - "Homogenous Photocatalytic Splitting of Water in the Visible" EMSL/1075, May 30, 10:00AM. Contact Sheri Suarez.
  • Seminar: Alexander Leyderman - "Recent observations on some properties of organic and inorganic glasses" EMSL/1077, May 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Roger E. Miller - "The Fabrication of Noval Cluster Structures in a Quantum Solvent: High Resolution Spectroscopic Studies of Solvent-Solute Interacations" EMSL Auditorium, May 24, 3:15PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz - "Invivo Analysis of Secretory Protein Transport" EMSL Auditorium, May 15, 2:00PM. Contact Jayme Crow.
  • Seminar: John D Fowler - "Big Data Visualization: Techniques and Tradeoffs" PSL/Geneva, May 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric D Glendening - "Exploring Molecular Structure and Reaction Mechanisms using the Natural Bond Orbital Method" EMSL/1075, May 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: David Wright - "Strand Displacement Amplification and Detection of Nucleic Acid Sequences" EMSL/1075, May 10, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Raoul Kopelman - "Optical Nanosensors Inside Living Cells" EMSL Auditorium, April 26, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: C. Buddie Mullins - "Reactions of Methane with Ir Surfaces: Does the Boltzmann Tail Wag this Dog?" EMSL/1077, April 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Naoto Koshizaki - "Nanoparticle Aggregated Film Preparation by Laser" EMSL Training Room, April 19, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jungbae Kim - "Array-Based Sensors and Microscale Enzyme Reactors" EMSL/1385, April 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Chongxuan Liu - "Preliminary Study of Kinetics of Dissimilatory Microbial Reduction of Iron(III)" EMSL/1075, April 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Daniel L. Farkas - "High Resolution Optical Bioimaging" EMSL Auditorium, April 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: William F. Koch - "Chemistry at the National Institute of Standards and Technology: A Medley of Metrology" EMSL Auditorium, April 11, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael F. Dolg - "Quantum Chemical Investigations of Systems with Lanthanides and Actinides" EMSL/1077, March 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tad Anderson - "Coupling Lidar and In-situ Methods to Study Aerosol Effects on Radiative Transfer" EMSL/1077, March 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Felician Muntean - "Low Energy Collision Induced Dissociation: Mechanisim and Applications" EMSL/1077, March 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alla N. Zelenyuk - "In-Situ Aerosol Composition by Mass Spectroscopy" EMSL/1077, March 9, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric I. Altman - "Characterization of Oxide Catalyst Surfaces Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy" EMSL/1077, March 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Joel Bowman - "A tour through 'Multimode': A new code to calculate rovibrational energies of polyatomic molecules" EMSL Auditorium, February 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Richard C. Bell - "Gas-Phase Reactivities of Group V Transition Metal Oxides Gaining Insight Into Catalysis" EMSL/1077, February 28, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: J. Tom Dickinson - "Scanning Force Microscopy Studies of Combined Chemical and Mechanical Stimulation on Inorganic Single Crystal Surfaces: Nanometer Wear, Tip-controlled Deposition, and Particle Removal" EMSL/1077, February 11, 12:00PM.
  • M.T. Thomas Postdoctoral Award Seminar: Xuebin Wang - "Probing Multiply-Charged Anions in the Gas Phase Using Photodetachment Photoelectron Spectroscopy (reception following)" EMSL/Auditorium, February 10, 3:30PM.
  • Seminar: Peter R. Eiseman - "Grid Generation by Topology" Math/Seattle, February 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Caroline A. Enns - "emochromatosis: Tales from the Crypt" EMSL/Auditorium, February 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mario Fendler - "The Luminescence of the Uranyl Ion and the Electronic Structure of Actinyl Ions" EMSL/1077, January 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Galina M. Chaban - "Ab initio Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems and Small Biomolecules" EMSL/1075, January 24, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Laurence Etkin - "Localization of RNAs in Amphibian Oocytes" EMSL/1077, January 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: John J. Reiners - "Signaling Pathways Regulating Ah (aryl hydrocarbon) Receptor Function." EMSL/1077, January 20, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Timothy C. Droubay - "Soft X-ray Spectroscopy and Imaging of Chemical and Magnetic Domains" EMSL/1075, January 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Daniel J. Gaspar - "The Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Hydrocarbons." EMSL/1385, January 14, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Hubertus J. Van Dam - "New Developments in DFT Quadratures." Math/Seattle, January 12, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shawn M. Kathmann - "Tropospheric Nucleation." EMSL/1075, January 11, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wan Y. Feng - "Alkali Metal Cationized Peptides: Energetics and Sequencing." EMSL/1077, January 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Leroy Hood - "Genomics, Proteomics and Systems Biology." EMSL Auditorium, January 7, 2:30PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexei V. Fedorov - "High Energy and Momentum Resolved Photoemission Studies of Quasi-One-Dimensional Blue Bronze K0.3Mo03" EMSL 1385, December 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Boris Sinkovic - "Spectromicroscopy of Magnetic Nanostructures with Photoemission Electron Microscope" EMSL/1075, December 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Hong Luo - "Cartoons Applied to Laser Designs" EMSL/1075, December 16, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Sandwip K. Dey - "High Permittivity BST Films and Electrodes: MOCVD, Nanostructure Evolution, and Properties" EMSL/1075, December 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jeffrey A. Fox - "The Spacecraft Emergency Response System (SERS)" EMSL/Training Room, December 8, 11:15AM.
  • Seminar: John M. Price - "Smart Sensors in Environmental Research" EMSL/Training Room, December 8, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Nicholas R. Natale - "Adventures in Isoxazole Chemistry" ETB/Columbia River, December 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael C. Heaven - "Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Diatomic Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds" ETB/Columbia River, November 22, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Michael Koval - "Gap Junctions and Control of Alveolar Epithelial Cells" EMSL Auditorium, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Nicolas H. Angell - "Reversed and Normal Phase Analysis with Capillary Electrochromatography and Mass Spectroscopy" EMSL/1077, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rich Sudlow - "Technical Forum on Distributed Computing Directions" ISB1/White Bluffs, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lynn L. Trease - "Creating a Computational Grid from Geologic Data and Verification & Validation for the FEHM Code" Math/Seattle, November 19, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Harold E. Trease - "X3D: The Development of a 3-D, Unstructured Computational Physics Code" Math/Seattle, November 18, 9:00AM.
  • Colloquium: A. W. Castleman - "An Ultrafast Look at Reactions in Clusters: Resolving Issues in Atmospheric Chemistry, Materials and Catalytic Science, and Radiation Biology." EMSL/Auditorium, November 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: John Baham - "Biogeochemistry of Fe and P in Seasonally Reduced Hydromorphic Soils (Willamette Valley, Oregon)" EMSL/1585, November 4, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Thomas Malis - "Diamond Knives, Focused Ion Beams, $50k 'Tweezers' and Martian 'Worms'-- The Strange World of TEM Specimen Preparation" EMSL/1077, November 3, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Leyun Zhu - "Protein Structure and Dynamics Revealed Through Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy" EMSL/1185, October 29, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Martin Stute - "Tritium/He-3 Measurements in Young Ground Water: Progress in Applications to Complex Hydrogeologic Systems." EMSL/1077, October 28, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Leslie Loew - "Imaging Physiology in Single Cells." EMSL/Auditorium, October 26, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Timothy A. Devol - "Chromatographic Separation and Measurement of Charged-Particle Emitting Radionuclides." EMSL/1075, October 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Prof. Arthur Utz - "Eigenstate-Resolved Studies of Gas-Surface Reactivity." EMSL/1075, October 22, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Isiah M. Warner - "Environmental & Biomedical Separations Using Polymeric Surfactant in Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography." EESB/Snoqualime, October 20, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Marianne B. Sowa-Rasat - "The Effects of Reactant Vibration and Collision Energy on the Lifetime and Fate of Collision Intermediates." EMSL/1077, October 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David E. Morris - "Uranyl Surface Complexation on Smectites: Combining Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Modeling for a Convergent Description." EMSL/1077, October 11, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Robin D. Rogers - "Green Separation Science and Technology: Aqueous Biphasic Systems, Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, and Crystal Engineering." EMSL Auditorium, October 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Keqi Tang - "API Interface - A Winning Factor in Mass Spectrometer Competition." EMSL 1075, September 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Randy Reibel - "The Removal of Sulfur from Polycrystalline Titanium Surfaces Exposed to Oxygen." EMSL 1385, September 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Peter Ungaro - "IBM's RS/6000 Roadmap for Deep Computing." EMSL 1077, September 8, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Travis Taylor - "Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Clusters: Electronic and Vibrational Structure." EMSL Training Room, August 27, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kristina Taylor - "Metalloproteins: Both Ends of the Mass Spectrum." EMSL 1075, August 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. John Gustafson - "Verifiable High-Performance Computing." MATH/Seattle Room, August 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Falko Netzer - "Structure and Reactivity of Vanadium Oxide/Pd(111): Inverse Catalysts." EMSL 1077, August 17, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Roger Grev - "Relativity Matters." MATH/Seattle Room, August 16, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Stuart Watson - "Efficient and Effective Methods for ab initio Mechanistic Studies." MATH/Seattle Room, August 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Lawrence D. Marks - "UHV Transmission Electron Microscopy of Surfaces." EMSL 1075, August 4, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Douglas B. Hunter - "Tetraphenylboron Degradation on Clay Mineral Surfaces: The Non-Invasive Application of Spectroscopy to Probe Organo- and Geo-Chemical Reactions" EMSL(1075), June 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David W. Piston - "The Private Life of Pancreatic Beta Cells Revealed by 2-Photon Excitation Microscopy." EMSL Auditorium, June 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Hua-Jun Fan - "Gas-phase Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Computational Studies of M-M and M-L delocalization in Organometallic Complexes." EMSL (1185), June 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Martin F. Jarrold - "Proteins and Peptides in the Gas Phase." EMSL Auditorium, May 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Weilin Jiang - "Solid Materials Analysis by MeV Ion Beams." EMSL (1075), May 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Nikolai G. Petrik - "Radiation-Induced Processes at Surfaces and Interfaces of Inorganic Materials." EMSL (1075), May 26, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander I. Boldyrev - "Novel Structures of Hyperstoichiometric Carbon Containing Molecules." EMSL Auditorium, May 24, 10:00AM.
  • EMSL Colloquium: Prof. William P. Reinhardt, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington - "Why is it so difficult to simulate the entropy and free energy of dense molecular fluids? Is there anything to be done?" EMSL Auditorium, May 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Andreas Luttge - "Scanning White Light Phase Shift Interferometry: Technology & Applications." 1003 (Training Room) May 20, 13:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Shuta V. Shutthanandan - "High-Energy Ion Scattering Studies of Solid-Solid Interfaces." EMSL (1385) May 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wolfgang Skorupa - "Ion Beam Processing of Semiconducting Materials: an Overview of the FZ-Rossendorf Activities." EMSL (1075) May 7, 2:10PM.
  • Seminar: Matthias Posselt - "Computer Simulation of Ion-beam-induced Processes in Solids: An Overview of the Activities at FZ-Rossendorf." EMSL (1075) May 7, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William R. Cannon - "Organization in Biochemistry: Enzyme catalysis to genetic networks." EMSL (Seattle Room), May 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Sung C. Kim - "Reactivity (hydrodenitrogenation, HDN) of Methyl-Substituted Indoles over Alumina-Supported NiMo and CoMo Hydroprocessing Catalysts." EMSL (1075), May 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Daniel Friedman - "Recent Developments in Ultrahigh-Efficiency Solar Cells." EMSL (1075), May 7, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David E. Bernholdt - "'Fast' Methods for Correlated Electronic Structure Calculations: The RI-MP2 Approach ." EMSL (Seattle), May 5, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David McIlroy - "Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis and Applications." EMSL (1184), May 4, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Zhi-Yang Xue - "In Situ Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation of C4 Hydrocarbon Selective Oxidation over Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide (VPO) Catalysts." EMSL (1077), May 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. M. Bonner Denton - "Advances in the Application of Array Detectors for Improved Chemical Analysis from X-ray to IR." EMSL Auditorium, May 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Jack J. Dongarra - "NetSolve: A Network Server for Solving Computational Science Problems." EMSL Auditorium, May 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Patrick Ayotte - "Perturbation of H-bonded water networks by anions and an excess electron." EMSL (1077), May 3, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Prof. Janice L. Musfeldt - "Spectroscopic Studies of Oxide-Based Materials in High Magnetic Fields." EMSL William R. Wiley Board Room, May 3, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander Panov - "Room Temperature Photo-Oxidation of Toluene and p-Xylene Adsorbed on Ba Exchanged Zeolites" EMSL (1075), April 30, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Prashant Kamat - "What makes semiconductor nanoparticles unique as photocataysts?" EMSL (1003), April 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Feng Wang - "Thermochemical Determinations and Gas-phase Transacetalization Reactions Studied by Tandem Mass Spectrometry." EMSL (1077), April 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric Prouzet, Ph.D - "Ordered Mesoporous Silica Obtained Through an Assembly Mechanism With Nonionic Surfactants: Different Pathways to Adjust Both Porosity and Morphology." EMSL Training Room (1003), April 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Victor Nesati - "Stability of Noncovalent Protein Complexes in the Gas-Phase Studied by ESI-MS/MS." EMSL (1077), April 15, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Yu-Luan Chen - "Cytochrome c-Cytochrome b5 Noncovalent Complexes." EMSL (1077), April 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William J. Weber - "Defects and Defect Processes in Ceramics." EMSL Auditorium, April 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Paulo B. Miranda - "Surface Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Surfactants at Solid/Liquid Interfaces." EMSL 1003, April 12, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Nikolai Gorbounov - "Radiation-induced activation of nitric oxide synthase II in D2XRII murine bone marrow stromal cells." EMSL 1077, April 12, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jay C. Amicangelo - "Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Photophysical Studies of Arene-Derivatized Zirconium Phosphonate Layered Materials." EMSL 1077, April 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Satoshi Kawata - "Near-Field and Two-Photon Microscopy Research in Osaka." EMSL Auditorium, April 7, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Professor James B. Anderson - "Quantum Monte Carlo: ab initio ... ad finem." Math/Seattle Room, April 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David Cory - "Recent Developments in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Methods and Applications at MIT." EMSL 1075, April 5, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dominique Guyomard, Ph.D. - "Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries." EMSL Training Room (1003), April 2, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shupan Gan, Ph.D. - "Atomic-Scale Study of III-V Chemical Vapor Deposition." EMSL 1385, April 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Michalis Velegrakis - "Studies of Structural and Optical Properties of Metal Ion-Doped Noble Gas Clusters." Math/Seattle Room, April 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Steven L. Bernasek - "Molecular Models of Corrosion Inhibition Surface Chemistry." EMSL Auditorium, March 31, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Yuriko Tanaka - "Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Using a Photo-Sensitive Cantilever - A Photocantilever." EMSL 1077, March 25, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ann W. Grant - "The Growth and Reactivity of Metals on Oxides: Influence of Surface Additives and Dispersion." EMSL 1385, March 23 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xiaodong Ma - "Fabrication and Stability of Supermolecular Assemlies by Langmuir-Blodgett Film Techniques," and "Photodegradation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lake Superior and Related Watersheds." EMSL 1077, March 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Bruce Magun - "Ribosomes are Sensors of Cellular Damage That Mediate the Activation of Stress Kinases." EMSL Auditorium, March 12, 8:30AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Hongfei Wang - "Molecular Adsorption on Microparticle Surfaces by Non-linear Optics." EMSL Auditorium, March 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Steve M. Huss-Lederman - "Strassen's Algorithm: A Practical Method for Fast Matrix Multiplication." Math/Seattle, March 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Shoichi Tachimori - "Recent Progress in the Development of Novel Extractants for Actinides by Molecular Design in JAERI." Math Seattle Room, March 8, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Glenn R. Teeter - "Current Issues in Surface Relaxation." EMSL 1003, March 5, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander Laskin - "Thermal Reactions of Aromatic Compunds with Fused Benzene Ring." EMSL Wiley Board Room, March 1, 11:00AM. Contact: Jayme Crow.
  • Seminar: Alexandre Shvartsburg - "Tricapped Trigonal Prism Motif and the Structural Transitions in Group IV Element Clusters." EMSL 1077, March 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Tooru Matsumiya - "Computational Science Related to Materials Structure Evolution." EMSL 1077, February 26, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tina Nenoff - "Novel Bulk and Thin Film Membrane Phases of Inorganic Crystalline Molecular Sieves." EMSL Training Room, February 26, 10:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Jaromir Ruzicka - "Bead Injection Spectroscopy--A New Tool for Study of Bioligand Interactions and Receptor-Ligand Binding." EMSL Auditorium, February 25, 9:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Michael B. Goshe - "A Novel Method Using Alkyl H/D Exchange to Identify Amino Acid Residues Involved in Peptide-Protein Interactions." EMSL 1077, February 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Andreas Volkmer - "Multidimensional Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Aqueous Solution: Technique and Applications." EMSL 1003, February 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William Rogers - "Thin Film Stynthesis by Design--The Growth of Group III/Nitrides." EMSL Auditorium, February 11, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Vinod Subramaniam - "Biological Applications of Multiphoton Excitation In Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy." EMSL 1003, February 8, 10:00AM.
  • Jun Kim - "Time and Frequency Domain Determination of the Electron Vibration Coupling In Negatively Charged Water Clusters." EMSL 1077, February 8, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Barry Hess - "Integrated Frameworks using the Product Realization Environment Developed by Sandia." EMSL 1077, January 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Karen Salvage - "Modeling Combined Microbiological and Geochemical Reaction Systems Using HYDRO-BIO-GEO-CHEM." EMSL 1003, January 13, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shaul Mukamel - "Multidimensional Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Collective Excitations in Conjugated Molecules and Biological Complexes." EMSL 1003, January 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Brett Didier, George Chin - "VNC: A Remote Screen Sharing Tool for Working with External Collaborators/Users." EMSL 1007, January 4, 1:30PM.


  • Presentation Video: "A Virtual NMR Facility," Pelton, JG, Keating, KA. Presented at a meeting of the U.S. National Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NRC/NAS), May 16, 1999, Berkeley, CA. A
  • Symposium Video: Prof. J.H. Weaver, University of Minnesota, Welch Award recipient at the American Vacuum Society 46th International Symposium in Seattle, October 25-29, 1999. A 36 minute RealVideo movie of the seminar is available for viewing.
  • EMSL Technologies Win 1999 R&D 100 Awards
  • Environmental Health: Interface Between Biology and Technology
    37th Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment
    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington
    October 19-20, 1999
  • The symposium will provide an opportunity for scientists from different disciplines to discuss important questions in environmental health and the impact of emerging technologies on this important area. Technology development and economic growth in the 21st century will benefit greatly from research at the confluence of molecular biology, information science, and the physical sciences. To understand biological structure and function in living systems, the productive exploitation of knowledge acquired during the highly productive genome era will become one of the grand challenges as the scientific community struggles to understand biological structure and function in living systems.
  • The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has embarked on a new initiative in environmental health in which cell signaling, proteomics, bioinformatics, and computational biology are prominent components. We hope you can join us to explore the potential of these exciting technologies in a post-genome era of science and to use the information obtained to improve our understanding of environmental health.
  • For more information, access the symposium web site at
  • EMSL Colloquium
    September 17, 1999
    10:00 a.m.
    EMSL Auditorium
  • Professor William H. Miller, University of California-Berkeley, will speak on "Use of the Semiclassical Initial Value Representation to Include Quantum Effects into Molecular Dynamics Simulations."
  • Abstract: The semiclassical (SC) initial value representation (IVR) provides a practical way of including quantum effects (interference/coherence, tunneling, zero-point energy, symmetry, etc.) into classical molecular dynamics simulations. The 'forward-backward' variant of the SC-IVR is especially appealing and efficient. The theoretical development will be described as well as itts application to a variety of molecular phenomena (eigenvalues of van der Waals complexes, reactive flux correlation functions, femtosecond pump-probe spectra, molecular energy transfer).
  • Pacific Northwest Workshop on Phase Separation in Silicates and Related Materials Chair: L. René Corrales.
  • Environmental Molecular Sciences Symposia and 1st EMSL Users' Meeting--July 21-24.
  • Dr. Richard Ernst awarded 1999 Northwest Lectureship in Physical Chemistry. Lecture and reception on June 1.
  • EMSL Web Site wins Crystal Award of Excellence.
  • State-of-the-art, 800-MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer arrives. Expected to be in operation in mid-March.
  • Dr. Jean Futrell selected as next EMSL Director.
  • Dr. Matthew T. Sieger 1998 M.T. Thomas Award winner, will present a seminar on his research on February 18 at 3:30pm in the EMSL Auditorium.
  • Call for proposals: High-Field Magnetic Resonance Facility call for proposals is open until January 29, 1999.
  • Call for proposals: MSCF Computational Grand Challenge Applications call for proposals is open until December 18, 1998.
  • Symposium: Thirty-Sixth Hanford Symposium on Health and the Environment - Cell Signaling and Computational Science for Molecular Biology November 4-5, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
  • Novotny Recognized for Outstanding Postdoctoral Achievement [12/22/97]
  • MSCF Request for Proposals [10/30/97]
  • Single Molecule Spectroscopy page has been added to the Chemical Structure and Dynamics Group listing [09/15/97]
  • EMSL Symposium on Molecular Sciences for the Environment [09/10/97]
  • William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory [10/21/96]


  • Seminar: Dr. Alexei V. Fedorov - "High Energy and Momentum Resolved Photoemission Studies of Quasi-One-Dimensional Blue Bronze K0.3Mo03" EMSL 1385, December 20, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Boris Sinkovic - "Spectromicroscopy of Magnetic Nanostructures with Photoemission Electron Microscope" EMSL/1075, December 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Hong Luo - "Cartoons Applied to Laser Designs" EMSL/1075, December 16, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Sandwip K. Dey - "High Permittivity BST Films and Electrodes: MOCVD, Nanostructure Evolution, and Properties" EMSL/1075, December 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jeffrey A. Fox - "The Spacecraft Emergency Response System (SERS)" EMSL/Training Room, December 8, 11:15AM.
  • Seminar: John M. Price - "Smart Sensors in Environmental Research" EMSL/Training Room, December 8, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Nicholas R. Natale - "Adventures in Isoxazole Chemistry" ETB/Columbia River, December 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Michael C. Heaven - "Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies of Diatomic Lanthanide and Actinide Compounds" ETB/Columbia River, November 22, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Michael Koval - "Gap Junctions and Control of Alveolar Epithelial Cells" EMSL Auditorium, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Nicolas H. Angell - "Reversed and Normal Phase Analysis with Capillary Electrochromatography and Mass Spectroscopy" EMSL/1077, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Rich Sudlow - "Technical Forum on Distributed Computing Directions" ISB1/White Bluffs, November 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Lynn L. Trease - "Creating a Computational Grid from Geologic Data and Verification & Validation for the FEHM Code" Math/Seattle, November 19, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Harold E. Trease - "X3D: The Development of a 3-D, Unstructured Computational Physics Code" Math/Seattle, November 18, 9:00AM.
  • Colloquium: A. W. Castleman - "An Ultrafast Look at Reactions in Clusters: Resolving Issues in Atmospheric Chemistry, Materials and Catalytic Science, and Radiation Biology." EMSL/Auditorium, November 8, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: John Baham - "Biogeochemistry of Fe and P in Seasonally Reduced Hydromorphic Soils (Willamette Valley, Oregon)" EMSL/1585, November 4, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Thomas Malis - "Diamond Knives, Focused Ion Beams, $50k 'Tweezers' and Martian 'Worms'-- The Strange World of TEM Specimen Preparation" EMSL/1077, November 3, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Leyun Zhu - "Protein Structure and Dynamics Revealed Through Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy" EMSL/1185, October 29, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Martin Stute - "Tritium/He-3 Measurements in Young Ground Water: Progress in Applications to Complex Hydrogeologic Systems." EMSL/1077, October 28, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Leslie Loew - "Imaging Physiology in Single Cells." EMSL/Auditorium, October 26, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Timothy A. Devol - "Chromatographic Separation and Measurement of Charged-Particle Emitting Radionuclides." EMSL/1075, October 25, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Prof. Arthur Utz - "Eigenstate-Resolved Studies of Gas-Surface Reactivity." EMSL/1075, October 22, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Isiah M. Warner - "Environmental & Biomedical Separations Using Polymeric Surfactant in Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography." EESB/Snoqualime, October 20, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Marianne B. Sowa-Rasat - "The Effects of Reactant Vibration and Collision Energy on the Lifetime and Fate of Collision Intermediates." EMSL/1077, October 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David E. Morris - "Uranyl Surface Complexation on Smectites: Combining Spectroscopy and Thermodynamic Modeling for a Convergent Description." EMSL/1077, October 11, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Robin D. Rogers - "Green Separation Science and Technology: Aqueous Biphasic Systems, Room Temperature Ionic Liquids, and Crystal Engineering." EMSL Auditorium, October 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Keqi Tang - "API Interface - A Winning Factor in Mass Spectrometer Competition." EMSL 1075, September 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Randy Reibel - "The Removal of Sulfur from Polycrystalline Titanium Surfaces Exposed to Oxygen." EMSL 1385, September 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Peter Ungaro - "IBM's RS/6000 Roadmap for Deep Computing." EMSL 1077, September 8, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Travis Taylor - "Anion Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Clusters: Electronic and Vibrational Structure." EMSL Training Room, August 27, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Kristina Taylor - "Metalloproteins: Both Ends of the Mass Spectrum." EMSL 1075, August 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. John Gustafson - "Verifiable High-Performance Computing." MATH/Seattle Room, August 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Falko Netzer - "Structure and Reactivity of Vanadium Oxide/Pd(111): Inverse Catalysts." EMSL 1077, August 17, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Roger Grev - "Relativity Matters." MATH/Seattle Room, August 16, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Stuart Watson - "Efficient and Effective Methods for ab initio Mechanistic Studies." MATH/Seattle Room, August 13, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Lawrence D. Marks - "UHV Transmission Electron Microscopy of Surfaces." EMSL 1075, August 4, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Douglas B. Hunter - "Tetraphenylboron Degradation on Clay Mineral Surfaces: The Non-Invasive Application of Spectroscopy to Probe Organo- and Geo-Chemical Reactions" EMSL(1075), June 17, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David W. Piston - "The Private Life of Pancreatic Beta Cells Revealed by 2-Photon Excitation Microscopy." EMSL Auditorium, June 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Hua-Jun Fan - "Gas-phase Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Computational Studies of M-M and M-L delocalization in Organometallic Complexes." EMSL (1185), June 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Martin F. Jarrold - "Proteins and Peptides in the Gas Phase." EMSL Auditorium, May 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Weilin Jiang - "Solid Materials Analysis by MeV Ion Beams." EMSL (1075), May 27, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Nikolai G. Petrik - "Radiation-Induced Processes at Surfaces and Interfaces of Inorganic Materials." EMSL (1075), May 26, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander I. Boldyrev - "Novel Structures of Hyperstoichiometric Carbon Containing Molecules." EMSL Auditorium, May 24, 10:00AM.
  • EMSL Colloquium: Prof. William P. Reinhardt, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington - "Why is it so difficult to simulate the entropy and free energy of dense molecular fluids? Is there anything to be done?" EMSL Auditorium, May 21, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Andreas Luttge - "Scanning White Light Phase Shift Interferometry: Technology & Applications." 1003 (Training Room) May 20, 13:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Shuta V. Shutthanandan - "High-Energy Ion Scattering Studies of Solid-Solid Interfaces." EMSL (1385) May 10, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Wolfgang Skorupa - "Ion Beam Processing of Semiconducting Materials: an Overview of the FZ-Rossendorf Activities." EMSL (1075) May 7, 2:10PM.
  • Seminar: Matthias Posselt - "Computer Simulation of Ion-beam-induced Processes in Solids: An Overview of the Activities at FZ-Rossendorf." EMSL (1075) May 7, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William R. Cannon - "Organization in Biochemistry: Enzyme catalysis to genetic networks." EMSL (Seattle Room), May 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Sung C. Kim - "Reactivity (hydrodenitrogenation, HDN) of Methyl-Substituted Indoles over Alumina-Supported NiMo and CoMo Hydroprocessing Catalysts." EMSL (1075), May 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Daniel Friedman - "Recent Developments in Ultrahigh-Efficiency Solar Cells." EMSL (1075), May 7, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David E. Bernholdt - "'Fast' Methods for Correlated Electronic Structure Calculations: The RI-MP2 Approach ." EMSL (Seattle), May 5, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David McIlroy - "Nanostructured Materials: Synthesis and Applications." EMSL (1184), May 4, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Zhi-Yang Xue - "In Situ Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation of C4 Hydrocarbon Selective Oxidation over Vanadium-Phosphorus-Oxide (VPO) Catalysts." EMSL (1077), May 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. M. Bonner Denton - "Advances in the Application of Array Detectors for Improved Chemical Analysis from X-ray to IR." EMSL Auditorium, May 4, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Jack J. Dongarra - "NetSolve: A Network Server for Solving Computational Science Problems." EMSL Auditorium, May 3, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Patrick Ayotte - "Perturbation of H-bonded water networks by anions and an excess electron." EMSL (1077), May 3, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Prof. Janice L. Musfeldt - "Spectroscopic Studies of Oxide-Based Materials in High Magnetic Fields." EMSL William R. Wiley Board Room, May 3, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander Panov - "Room Temperature Photo-Oxidation of Toluene and p-Xylene Adsorbed on Ba Exchanged Zeolites" EMSL (1075), April 30, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Prashant Kamat - "What makes semiconductor nanoparticles unique as photocataysts?" EMSL (1003), April 29, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Feng Wang - "Thermochemical Determinations and Gas-phase Transacetalization Reactions Studied by Tandem Mass Spectrometry." EMSL (1077), April 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Eric Prouzet, Ph.D - "Ordered Mesoporous Silica Obtained Through an Assembly Mechanism With Nonionic Surfactants: Different Pathways to Adjust Both Porosity and Morphology." EMSL Training Room (1003), April 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Victor Nesati - "Stability of Noncovalent Protein Complexes in the Gas-Phase Studied by ESI-MS/MS." EMSL (1077), April 15, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Mr. Yu-Luan Chen - "Cytochrome c-Cytochrome b5 Noncovalent Complexes." EMSL (1077), April 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William J. Weber - "Defects and Defect Processes in Ceramics." EMSL Auditorium, April 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Paulo B. Miranda - "Surface Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Surfactants at Solid/Liquid Interfaces." EMSL 1003, April 12, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Nikolai Gorbounov - "Radiation-induced activation of nitric oxide synthase II in D2XRII murine bone marrow stromal cells." EMSL 1077, April 12, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jay C. Amicangelo - "Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Photophysical Studies of Arene-Derivatized Zirconium Phosphonate Layered Materials." EMSL 1077, April 12, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Satoshi Kawata - "Near-Field and Two-Photon Microscopy Research in Osaka." EMSL Auditorium, April 7, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Professor James B. Anderson - "Quantum Monte Carlo: ab initio ... ad finem." Math/Seattle Room, April 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David Cory - "Recent Developments in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Methods and Applications at MIT." EMSL 1075, April 5, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dominique Guyomard, Ph.D. - "Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries." EMSL Training Room (1003), April 2, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shupan Gan, Ph.D. - "Atomic-Scale Study of III-V Chemical Vapor Deposition." EMSL 1385, April 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Michalis Velegrakis - "Studies of Structural and Optical Properties of Metal Ion-Doped Noble Gas Clusters." Math/Seattle Room, April 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Steven L. Bernasek - "Molecular Models of Corrosion Inhibition Surface Chemistry." EMSL Auditorium, March 31, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Yuriko Tanaka - "Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy Using a Photo-Sensitive Cantilever - A Photocantilever." EMSL 1077, March 25, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Ann W. Grant - "The Growth and Reactivity of Metals on Oxides: Influence of Surface Additives and Dispersion." EMSL 1385, March 23 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Xiaodong Ma - "Fabrication and Stability of Supermolecular Assemlies by Langmuir-Blodgett Film Techniques," and "Photodegradation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Lake Superior and Related Watersheds." EMSL 1077, March 15, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Bruce Magun - "Ribosomes are Sensors of Cellular Damage That Mediate the Activation of Stress Kinases." EMSL Auditorium, March 12, 8:30AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Hongfei Wang - "Molecular Adsorption on Microparticle Surfaces by Non-linear Optics." EMSL Auditorium, March 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Steve M. Huss-Lederman - "Strassen's Algorithm: A Practical Method for Fast Matrix Multiplication." Math/Seattle, March 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Shoichi Tachimori - "Recent Progress in the Development of Novel Extractants for Actinides by Molecular Design in JAERI." Math Seattle Room, March 8, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Glenn R. Teeter - "Current Issues in Surface Relaxation." EMSL 1003, March 5, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Alexander Laskin - "Thermal Reactions of Aromatic Compunds with Fused Benzene Ring." EMSL Wiley Board Room, March 1, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Alexandre Shvartsburg - "Tricapped Trigonal Prism Motif and the Structural Transitions in Group IV Element Clusters." EMSL 1077, March 1, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Tooru Matsumiya - "Computational Science Related to Materials Structure Evolution." EMSL 1077, February 26, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Tina Nenoff - "Novel Bulk and Thin Film Membrane Phases of Inorganic Crystalline Molecular Sieves." EMSL Training Room, February 26, 10:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Jaromir Ruzicka - "Bead Injection Spectroscopy--A New Tool for Study of Bioligand Interactions and Receptor-Ligand Binding." EMSL Auditorium, February 25, 9:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Michael B. Goshe - "A Novel Method Using Alkyl H/D Exchange to Identify Amino Acid Residues Involved in Peptide-Protein Interactions." EMSL 1077, February 19, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Andreas Volkmer - "Multidimensional Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Aqueous Solution: Technique and Applications." EMSL 1003, February 18, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. William Rogers - "Thin Film Stynthesis by Design--The Growth of Group III/Nitrides." EMSL Auditorium, February 11, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Vinod Subramaniam - "Biological Applications of Multiphoton Excitation In Scanning Near Field Optical Microscopy." EMSL 1003, February 8, 10:00AM.
  • Jun Kim - "Time and Frequency Domain Determination of the Electron Vibration Coupling In Negatively Charged Water Clusters." EMSL 1077, February 8, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Barry Hess - "Integrated Frameworks using the Product Realization Environment Developed by Sandia." EMSL 1077, January 14, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Karen Salvage - "Modeling Combined Microbiological and Geochemical Reaction Systems Using HYDRO-BIO-GEO-CHEM." EMSL 1003, January 13, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Shaul Mukamel - "Multidimensional Femtosecond Spectroscopy and Collective Excitations in Conjugated Molecules and Biological Complexes." EMSL 1003, January 7, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Brett Didier, George Chin - "VNC: A Remote Screen Sharing Tool for Working with External Collaborators/Users." EMSL 1007, January 4, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Michael R. Sievers - "Oxidation of CO and Reduction of CO2 by Gas Phase ZrO andZrO2 Cations." EMSL 1385, December 21, 11:00AM.
  • Seminar: Bing Xue - "Manipulation of Coherence in two-color resanant Enhanced Multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of SO2." EMSL/1077, December 11, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Igor Lyubinetsky - "STM Assisted Nanostructure Formation Using Precursor Molecules." EMSL/1077, December 14, 9:00AM.
  • Professor Carl J Seliskar - "Spectroelectrochemical Sensors - Concept, Incorporation of Planar Waveguides and New Optical Materials." EMSL Auditorium, December 7, 3:00PM.
  • Professor William R Heineman - "Strategies for New Chemical Sensors." EMSL Auditorium, December 7, 1:30PM.
  • Seminar: Professor Casey Hynes - "Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Proton Transfer Reactions at the Surface of Ice." EMSL/1075, December 4, 10:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. James Wu - "Pulsed Plasma Surface Modification to Improve the Biocompatibility of Materials." EMSL/1075, December 4, 9:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Steven Jefferts - "Laser Cooled Atomic Clocks." EMSL Training Room, December 3, 9:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Massimo F. Bertino - "Scattering and Reactivity of Hydrogen on Transition Metal Surfaces." EMSL/1077, November 30, 10:00 AM.
  • Greg Schenter - "Statistical Mechanics in Environmental Molecular Science." EMSL Auditorium, November 20, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jennifer Campbell - "Development of the Linear Ion trap Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer." EMSL/1077, November 16, 10:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Daniel Crawford - "A Theoretician's Nightmare: Some Dramatic Failures of Molecular Couples Cluster Theory." Math/Seattle Room, November 16, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Emily Crawford - "Use of Multiple Network Interfaces for Reliability and Quality of Service in Cluster Computing." EMSL/1077, November 16, 9:00 AM.
  • Robert Lancaster - "Aerosols: A study of Global Warning at the Molecular Level." Math/Seattle Room, November 13, 2:00 PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Robert Dunn - "Calcium Regulation of Nuclear Pore Permeability." EMSL Auditorium, November 13, 10:00 AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Malcolm Chisholm - "Metal-Metal Multiple Bonds: Inorganic Functional Groups." Columbia Basin College Library Room L-102, November 10, 7:30 PM.
  • Seminar: René Corrales - "The Statistical Mechanics of Networked Oxide Materials." EMSL Auditorium, November 6, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Jim Rustad - "Structure and Reactivitiy of Iron Oxide Surfaces and Interfaces." EMSL Auditorium, November 6, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Hai-Lung Dai - "Laser Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Optics on Surfaces and in Colloids." EMSL 1003 (Training Room), November 5, 3:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Mamadou Diallo - "The Caltech-Howard Collaborative Research Program in Nanoscopic Environmental Science and Technology." EMSL 1585, November 4, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Jarek Nieplocha - "Portable programming tools for high performance parallel computers." EMSL 1003 (Training Room), November 3, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. David Citrin - "Dynamics of electronic Wavepackets in Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Structures." EMSL Auditorium, October 30, 11:00AM.
  • The twelfth Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar, held October 10, brought together people from Academia, Industry and Government to discuss numerical analysis and scientific computation.
  • Seminar: Mr. Kelsey M. Forsythe - "Path Integral Simulations of Condensed Materials." Math/Seattle Room, October 19, 9:30AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Daniel A. Buttry - "Ultratrace Detection Near Surfaces Using Interfacil Capillary Electrophoresis." EMSL Training Room, October 16, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Professor Thomas McCord - "Surface Composition of the Icy Galilean Satellites from the NASA Galileo Mission to Jupiter." EMSL/1075, October 14, 2:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Lin Rao - "Software Development: From Desktop Applications to Distributed Computing." EMSL/1185, October 6, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Amy Mullin - "Energy and State Resolved Collisional Relaxation of Highly Excited Molecules: The Fire Extinguisher or the Fire Hose?" Wiley Board Room, EMSL, October 6, 1998, 4:00PM.
  • Seminar: Mary Ann Ciuffini - "An Overview of NCAR's Supercomputing Environment." EMSL/1075, October 2, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Patrick McCurdy - "The Chemistry of Select Radicals in Plasmas." EMSL/1003, October 2, 9:00AM.
  • Seminar: Yan Yu - "Using Surface Methods to Probe the Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics and Reactivity of the Alkanethiols on Au(100)." EMSL/1185, October 2, 10:00AM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Cliff Johnston - "The Nature of Water Near Mineral Surfaces." EMSL/1075, September 21, 1:00PM.
  • Seminar: Dr. Sreenivas Kota - "Bioavailability of Iron in Contaminated Aquifer Sediments." EMSL/1075, September 17, 9:00AM.
  • Prof. Colin Marsden - "Exploring Structural Chemistry by Computation in Toulouse." EMSL/1003, September 14, 11:00AM.
  • Dr. Ravi Kukkadapu - "Spectroscopic Studies of Layered Double Hydroxides and Fe-oxides Using Mossbauer, NMR and other Techniques." EMSL 1075, August 24, 1:00PM.
  • Martin Lepage - "Dissociation of organic molecules under low-energy electron impact: The case of methanol." EMSL Auditorium, August 24, 9:00AM.
  • Dr. Peter Stair - "Surface chemistry in Vacuum and in Zeolites." EMSL Auditorium, August 19, 2:00PM.
  • Mark Johnson - "Structural Aspects of Anionic Hydration via Cluster Ion Vibrational Spectroscopy." EMSL Auditorium, August 17, 10:00AM.
  • Dr. Thomas Gouder - "Surface and Thin Film Research on Actinides." EMSL Auditorium, August 14, 9:00AM.
  • Irving Herman - "Optical probing of surfaces during etching." EMSL Auditorium, July 23, 10:00AM.
  • Richard J. Smith - "Hydrogen Absorption in Titanium: A Comparison of Measurements Using Elastic Recoil Detection and Nuclear Resonant Reactions." Room 1302, July 15, 10:00AM.
  • Prof. Ramamoorthy Ramesh - "Fundamental and Applied Studies of Ferroelectric Thin Films." EMSL Conference Room 1385, July 9, 10:00AM.