U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY APRIL 26, 1998 202/307-0784 HIGH LEVELS OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG DEPENDENCE COMMON AMONG NATION'S JAIL INMATES WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There are high levels of drug and alcohol dependence among the nation's jail inmates, according to a Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey of men and women in local jails between October 1995 and March 1996. More than half of all convicted jail inmates reported having used drugs in the month before their offense, compared to 44 percent in 1989, when the last such survey was conducted. Sixty-three percent of the convicted males used alcohol regularly, as did 50 percent of the females. Sixty percent were using drugs or alcohol or both at the time of the offense for which they were jailed. The survey also showed that a substantial number of jail inmates were unemployed, grew up in single-parent homes, were children of substance-abusing parents or guardians or were sexually or physically abused themselves. Reported drug use increased between the two surveys--in 1989, 78 percent said they had used drugs at least once in their lives, compared to 82 percent in 1996. Marijuana use rose from 71 percent to 78 percent, stimulants from 22 percent to 34 percent, hallucinogens (including LSD and PCP) from 24 percent to 32 percent, depressants (including Quaaludes, barbiturates and tranquilizers without a doctor's prescription) from 21 percent to 30 percent and heroin from 19 percent to 24 percent. Cocaine use was unchanged. Half of the inmates in both years said they had used cocaine. An estimated 54 percent of those held in local jails in 1996 had already been under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system at the time they were arrested for their current offense, about 32 percent had been under probation supervision when arrested, 13 percent had been on parole after serving time and 13 percent had been on bail or bond from a prior arrest when arrested for a new crime. From 1989 through 1996, as the jail population increased by an average 4.6 percent annually, the percentage charged with violent crime increased from 23 percent to 26 percent, while the percent charged with drug law violations remained largely unchanged at about 22 percent of all persons held. During the same period, the percentage of those held with prior sentences decreased from about 77 percent in 1989 to 73 percent in 1996. Forty-four percent were in jail for a violent offense or had prior convictions for a violent offense. Fourteen percent had only current or past charges for drug offenses. At midyear 1997, the nation's jails held 567,079 inmates--up 43 percent from the 395,554 at midyear 1989. Jails, unlike prisons, are locally administered, incarcerating unsentenced individuals and people serving sentences of a year or less. Nearly 39 percent of all jail inmates as children lived in families that had received welfare or public housing assistance. At the time of their arrest, one in five inmates was receiving government assistance--14 percent on welfare, 7 percent on Social Security or Supplemental Security Income and 3 percent on unemployment, workers' or veterans' compensation. About 36 percent of the inmates said they were unemployed before their most recent arrest--20 percent were seeking work and 16 percent not looking. Almost half reported income of less than $600 a month during the month before their arrest. Almost half of all inmates grew up in single-family homes and about 12 percent had lived in childhood homes without either parent. Almost a third said their parents or guardians had abused alcohol or drugs. Nearly half said a family member had been in jail or prison. Almost 48 percent of female jail inmates and 13 percent of male jail inmates report having been sexually or physically abused at least once in their lives. Almost 27 percent of the women and 3 percent of the men said they had been rape victims. In 1996, 90 percent of the jail inmates were male and 10 percent female. Thirty- seven percent were white, 41 percent black, 19 percent Hispanic and 3 percent were from other races, including Asians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians and Alaska Natives. The findings are based on hour-long interviews conducted by the Bureau of the Census for BJS with a nationally representative sample of more than 6,000 inmates from 431 jails. The special report, "Profile of Jail Inmates 1996" (NCJ-164620) was written by BJS Statistician Caroline Wolf Harlow. Single copies may be obtained from the BJS fax- on-demand system by dialing 301/519-5550, listening to the menu, and selecting document number 111 or by calling the BJS Clearing- house at 1-800/732-3277. The BJS Internet site is: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Additional criminal justice materials can be obtained from the Office of Justice Programs Internet homepage at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov # # # After hours contact: Stu Smith at 301/983-9354 mm 4/23/98