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Supports for Adults

Qualified Providers of Support Services or Comprehensive In Home Services for Adults


This site provides initial information to potential employees, contractors and provider organizations interested in selling services to adults with developmental disabilities who manage and control their own budgets and hiring decisions. Most Individuals will be in support services and receive assistance from a brokerage personal agent. Some individuals will have more comprehensive service plans and be receiving assistance from a county services coordinator.

What kinds of providers are there and what are the requirements?

There are separate rules for support services and comprehensive service but what they say about qualifications is the same. Any potential provider should review them and talk with the brokerage and or county to understand expectations.

  • Independent Provider. An independent provider is one individual who personally provides services to a person(s) in support services. This individual does not supervise others who are volunteers or paid staff. This individual may work as a domestic employee or an independent contractor.
  • Provider Organization. A provider organization is an entity primarily in business to serve persons with developmental disabilities and has or uses employees, volunteers, and or contractors to do so.
  • General Business Provider. A general business is an organization or entity that provides services to the general public such as a taxi service, bus company, or general contractor.
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What do I need to do to get informed and qualified?

There are many things interested individuals or organizations can do! The following are recommendations for first steps:

  1. Talk to local staff. They have ideas about what is needed and can walk you through the process.
  1. Review the list of services. Determine what you are experienced in and may sell to individuals with a personal service budget.
  1. Identify the type of provider you are or will be. Review the requirements under this rule. There will be things that you need to do to meet qualifications and standards before you can be paid to support individuals.
Every person working with an individual with developmental disabilities will be required to complete and pass a criminal history check.

There also may be things that you need to do to meet business and tax requirements.

  1. Complete any licensing and certification requirements. Local staff will use the independent provider qualification checklist to assure employees or independent contractors meet requirements.

    The SPD Licensing Unit must assure certification of provider organizations. Existing DD certified or licensed provider organizations (group home, foster care, or employment ATE) are qualified to serve support service customers. New provider organizations are required to submit an application and complete a review process.

  2. Establish a rate (amount to be paid) for the services you are selling.
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How do I figure what I charge for services?

A person wishing to be an employee will generally identify the wage per hour they are willing to work for.

Independent contractors and provider organizations have additional costs and will generally establish a rate per hour or per day they need to cover their costs. A Rate Setting Manual to assist independent contractors and provider organizations in understanding allowable charges and the process for determining costs and identifying rates.

The State is responsible for determining usual and customary costs for services and the policy for payment of each kind of provider and service. These ranges are expected to be updated annually.

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How will I get individuals to serve?

Individuals with service funds are in control of their budget and provider selection. Personal agents or services coordinators assist them to make informed and cost effective decisions and choices from among qualified providers. Individuals, with the help of others important in their lives, will be encouraged to interview potential providers.

What are the expectations when I am providing service?

Both the individual customer and provider should clearly understand the expectations throughout the process of service delivery. Some basics in this working relationship are:

1. Services are based on a plan and goal.
A provider should understand the overall goal and how the supports you are being asked to provide fit into it.

2. There is a job description or service agreement for services
Employees generally have job descriptions. Independent contractors and provider organizations will have an agreement. No matter what documents are used the items clarified are goals, location and frequency of support, health and safety supports, rights and responsibilities of the individual and provider, rate of payment and way all will know supports were delivered. The county or brokerage will have samples of job descriptions and agreements.

3. Provider sends time sheets or an invoice for actual services delivered
Employees submit time sheet. Contractors or provider organizations submit invoices. A separate document must be submitted in the name of each individual served. Each invoice or time sheet must include: provider name, details on dates, locations, and units of service and be signed by the provider or staff representative. Progress notes should be included within or attached to the invoice in the forms and frequency identified in the plan and agreement.

4. The Customer has documented that services have been delivered prior to payment.
Sign off by the individual or his designee or a phone confirmation completed by the personal agent or services coordinator may meet this requirement.

5. Supports and payments will be regularly reviewed.
The personal agent or services coordinator will see and approve all invoices including progress notes. The periodic review of plans and resources will include at least quarterly reconciliation of receipts and at least annual review of major activities, progress and effectiveness. The staff will be working to help the individual and their family to effectively monitor and improve the quality of supports.


What tools can help me understand expectations when I am providing service?

The following tools are available to help existing or potential providers:


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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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