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Hydrology Laboratory

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WFO Hydrologic Forecast System (WHFS)

Floods, and flash floods in particular, are the leading weather killer in the United States, accounting for an average of 90 deaths annually. Flood related damage is also the source of the largest annual property losses among significant weather disasters. To address this problem and provide an enhanced level of flood and flash flood forecast service, the National Weather Service's Office of Hydrologic Development has developed a hydrologic forecast system designed for implementation at NWS Weather Forecast Offices. This system, referred to as the WFO Hydrologic Forecast System (WHFS) is a collection of applications that support the hydrology program at a Weather Forecast Office. It includes applications for data management, data display, hydrometeorologic modeling, and product management functions. The WHFS is currently deployed at all NWS field offices as part of AWIPS.

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US Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Page Author: OHD webmaster
Page last modified: April 16, 2007
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