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Search Strategy Used to Create the
Space Life Sciences Subset on PubMed

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This strategy was developed by NLM and the NASA SPACELINE Office and is intended to retrieve citations of interest to those working in the field of space life sciences research. This subset can also be used in a search as space [sb].
Example: exercise AND space [sb]

Strategy last modified June 2008.

((spaceflight [mh] OR 
spaceflight [text word]) OR 
(space exploration [mh] OR 
space exploration [text word]) OR 
(space medicine [mh] OR 
space medicine [text word]) OR 
(aviation medicine [mh] OR 
aviation medicine [text word]) OR 
(biosatellite [mh] OR 
biosatellite [text word]) OR 
(biosatellites [mh] OR 
biosatellites [text word]) OR 
(gravity [mh] OR 
gravity [text word]) OR 
(gravistimulation [mh] OR 
gravistimulation [text word]) OR 
(g force [mh] OR 
g force [text word]) OR 
(microgravity [mh] OR 
microgravity [text word]) OR 
(zero gravity [mh] OR 
zero gravity [text word]) OR 
(low gravity [mh] OR 
low gravity [text word]) OR 
(reduced gravity [mh] OR 
reduced gravity [text word]) OR 
(gravisensing [mh] OR 
gravisensing [text word]) OR 
(graviresponse [text word]) OR 
(graviperception [text word]) OR 
(geotactic [text word]) OR 
(geotropism [mh] OR 
geotropism [text word]) OR 
(geotaxis [text word]) OR 
(increased gravity [mh] OR 
increased gravity [text word]) OR 
(high gravity [mh] OR 
high gravity [text word]) OR 
(hindlimb immobilization [text word]) OR 
(hind limb immobilization [text word]) OR 
(tail suspension [mh] OR 
tail suspension [text word]) OR 
(microgravity simulation [mh] OR 
microgravity simulation [text word]) OR 
(weightlessness models) OR 
(orbital simulation [mh] OR 
orbital simulation) OR 
(cosmonauts [tw] OR 
cosmonaut [text word]) OR 
(space walk [tw] OR  
spacewalks [tw]) OR 
(hze particles [mh] OR 
hze particles [text word]) OR 
(solar activity [mh] OR 
solar activity [text word]) OR 
(solar flare [mh] OR 
solar flare [text word]) OR 
(solar flares [mh] OR 
solar flares [text word]) OR 
(solar particle event [mh] OR 
solar particle event [text word]) OR 
(solar particle events [mh] OR 
solar particle events [text word]) OR 
(gravity suit [mh] OR 
gravity suit [text word]) OR 
(gravity suits [mh] OR 
gravity suits [text word]) OR 
(antigravity suits [text word]) OR 
(antigravity suit [text word]) OR 
(celss [mh] OR 
celss [text word]) OR 
(sealed cabin ecology [mh] OR 
sealed cabin ecology [text word]) OR 
(breadboard project [mh] OR 
breadboard project [text word]) OR 
(closed ecological systems [mh] OR 
closed ecological systems [text word]) OR
bioregenerative systems [text word]) OR 
(lower body negative pressure [mh] OR 
lower body negative pressure [text word]) OR 
(space motion sickness [mh] OR 
space motion sickness [text word]) OR 
(space sickness [text word]) OR 
(coriolis acceleration [mh] OR 
coriolis acceleration [text word]) OR 
(coriolis effect [mh] OR 
coriolis effect [text word]) OR 
(mars [mh] OR 
mars [text word]) OR 
(martian [text word]) OR 
(moon [mh] OR 
moon [text word]))  OR 
(albrecht-buehler g OR  
amidon gl OR  
angelaki de OR  
antipov vv OR  
arnaud sb OR  
badhwar gd OR  
baisch f OR  
balcer-kubiczek ek OR  
baldwin km OR  
benton ev OR  
berthoz a OR  
bikle d OR  
black fo OR  
blakely ea OR  
blomqvist cg OR  
bloomberg jj OR  
bonde-petersen f OR  
booth fw OR  
braam j OR  
briegleb w OR  
bucker h OR  
buckey j OR  
bugbee b OR  
bungo mw OR  
butler bd OR  
cann ce OR  
charles jb OR  
cintron n OR  
cogoli a OR  
cogoli-greuter m OR  
convertino v OR  
cowings p OR  
cucinotta f OR  
curtis sb OR  
czeisler ca OR  
danilchik mv OR  
daunton n OR  
dickman jd OR  
dose k OR  
doty sb OR  
dudley ga OR  
duke pj OR  
eckberg dl OR  
edgerton vr OR  
farhi le OR  
fitts rh OR  
fortney s OR  
fox ge OR  
frangos ja OR  
fuller ca OR  
gaffney fa OR  
ghadiri mr OR  
gharib c OR  
goldberger al OR  
greenisen m OR  
greenleaf je OR  
grindeland r OR  
guell a OR  
guikema ja OR  
hangarter r OR
hargens a OR
hasenstein kh OR
helmreich r OR
helmstetter c OR
herskovits eh OR
hinghofer-szalkay h OR
hlastala mp OR
hoban-higgins t OR
homick j OR
horneck g OR
horrigan dj OR
horwitz ba OR
hughes-fulford m OR
huntoon c OR
ingber d OR
janes hw OR
jee ws OR
kaufman pb OR
keil lc OR
kirsch ka OR
knapp cf OR
koch kl OR
kozlovskaya i OR
krikorian ad OR
kronenberg a OR
lackner jr OR
lambertsen c OR
landis w OR
lane hw OR
lange rd OR
layne cs OR
leach cs OR
leblanc ad OR
lett j OR
lewis ng OR
lintilhac pm OR
loeppky j OR
lomax t OR
lysakowski a OR
macelroy r OR
mancinelli rl OR
markham ch OR
mcdonald pv OR
mcfeters g OR
mckay cp OR
mckay ds OR
mcnulty pj OR 
meehan rt OR
merfeld d OR
mergenhagen d OR
money k OR
moore-ede m OR
morey er OR
morey-holton e OR
muday g OR
murakami dm OR
musgrave me OR
nealson kh OR 
nevzgodina l OR
nicogossian a OR
oman c OR
paloski wh OR
parin v OR
pawelczyk ja OR
perachio a OR
peshock r OR
peterka r OR
pickard bg OR
pierson dl OR
pilmanis a OR 
poovaiah bw OR
prisk g OR
purdy re OR
raulin f OR
raven pb OR
reschke mf OR
ronca ae OR
ross md OR
rothschild lj OR
roux sj OR 
rowe dw OR
rumbaugh d OR
runnegar b OR
sack fd OR
salisbury f OR 
sams cf OR
sauer rl OR
schimmerling w OR
schneider vs OR
schor rh OR
schwartz aw OR
sinclair wk OR
sonnenfeld g OR
souza ka OR
spangenberg db OR
sulzman f OR
tairbekov m OR
tibbitts tw OR
tipton cm OR
tischler me OR
tixador r OR
tobias tc OR
tomko dl OR
"tomko d" [au] OR
townsend lw OR
vailas a OR
vandenburgh h OR
vann rd OR 
vatner sf OR
vinnikov ia OR
waldren ca OR
waligora jm OR
wall c 3rd OR
west jb OR
whalen rt OR
 wheeler rm OR
whitson p OR
wiederhold ml OR
wiener el OR
winget cm OR
wolgemuth d OR
worgul bv OR
young lr)  OR
(jsubsets  OR
(aviakosm ekolog med [ta] OR
int j radiat biol [ta] OR
radiat res [ta] OR
kosm biol aviakosm med [ta] OR
aviat space environ med [ta] OR
adv space biol med [ta] OR
orig life evol biosph [ta] OR
space life sci [ta] OR
undersea biomed res [ta] OR
riv med aeronaut spaz [ta] OR
undersea hyperb med [ta] OR
extremophiles [ta] OR
j vestib res [ta] OR
hum factors [ta] OR
ergonomics [ta] OR
med sci sports exerc [ta] OR
appl human sci [ta] OR
high alt med biol [ta] OR
journal of human ergology [ta]))  OR
(space flight [mh] OR
"space flight"[tw] OR
extraterrestrial environment [mh] OR
"extraterrestrial environment"[tw] OR
"extraterrestrial"[tw] OR
aerospace medicine [mh] OR
"aerospace medicine"[tw] OR
submarine medicine [mh] OR
"submarine medicine"[tw] OR
space suits [mh] OR
"space suits"[tw] OR
space suit [mh] OR
"space suit"[tw] OR
spacecraft [mh] OR
"spacecraft"[tw] OR
"spacelab"[tw] OR
"skylab"[tw] OR
"interplanetary"[tw] OR
"space shuttle"[tw] OR
space craft [mh] OR
"space craft"[tw] OR
aerospace [tw])  OR
((space [ti] AND biology [ti]) OR
apollo [tw] OR  sputnik OR 
biosputnik OR
soyuz OR
soiuz OR
salyut OR
saliut OR
kosmos OR
aragatz OR
"parabolic flight" OR
"kc-135" OR
"sounding rocket" OR
"space station" OR
spacehab) OR
(gravitation [mh] OR
"gravitation" [tw] OR
"microgravitation" [tw] OR
"microgravitational" [tw] OR
hypergravity [mh] OR
"hypergravity" [tw] OR
"hypergravitational" [tw] OR
"hypergravitation" [tw] OR
"hypergravities" [tw] OR
hypogravity [mh] OR
"hypogravity" [tw] OR
"hypogravitation" [tw] OR
"hypogravitational" [tw] OR
"gravity perception" OR
gravitropism [mh] OR
"gravitropism" [tw] OR
"geotropic" [tw] OR
"geotropically" [tw] OR
"gravitactic" [tw] OR
"gravitactically" [tw] OR
"gravitary" [tw] OR
"gravitating" [tw] OR
"gravitationally" [tw] OR
"gravitational" [tw] OR
gravitationnelle OR
gravitationsphysik OR
gravitationsphysiologie OR
"gravitaxis" [tw] OR
"gravitic" [tw] OR
"gravitino" [tw] OR
"gravitinos" [tw] OR
"gravitionertial" [tw] OR
"gravito" [tw] OR
"gravitoelectromagnetism" [tw] OR
"gravitoinertial" [tw] OR
"gravitomagnet" [tw] OR
"gravitomagnetic" [tw] OR
"gravitomagnetism" [tw] OR
"graviton" [tw] OR
"gravitons" [tw] OR
"gravitoreceptive" [tw] OR
"gravitotropic" [tw] OR
"gravitransduction" [tw] OR
"gravitropes" [tw] OR
"gravitropic" [tw] OR
"gravitropically" [tw] OR
phototropism [mh] OR
"phototropism" [tw] OR
"phototropic" [tw]) OR
(hindlimb suspension [mh] OR
"hindlimb suspension"[tw] OR
(("hindlimb"[tw] OR
"hindlimb"[MeSH Terms] OR
skeletal) AND (unload OR unloaded OR
unloading OR  unloads))) OR
(head-down tilt[mh] OR
"head-down tilt" [tw] OR
hypokinesia[mh] OR
"hypokinesia" [tw] OR
weightlessness simulation[mh] OR
"weightlessness simulation" [tw] OR
space simulation[mh] OR
"space simulation" [tw] OR
weightlessness countermeasures[mh] OR
"weightlessness countermeasures" [tw] OR
astronauts[mh] OR
"astronauts" [tw] OR
"astronaut" [tw] OR
nasa[mh] OR
"nasa" [tw] OR
"aeronautics" [tw] OR
"weightless" [tw] OR
weightlessness[mh] OR
"weightlessness" [tw] OR
"aquanaut" [tw] OR
"aquanauts" [tw] OR
"spaceman" [tw] OR
"spacemen" [tw] OR
("telemedicine" [MeSH Terms] OR
"telemedicine" [tw]) AND ("aviation" [MeSH Terms] OR
"aviation" [tw]) OR
"extravehicular" [tw] OR
extravehicular activity[mh] OR
"extravehicular activity" [tw] OR
"high-g acceleration" [tw] OR
"g-loc" [tw] OR
"linear acceleration " [tw]) OR
(nasa [ad] OR
((goddard [ad] OR
johnson [ad] OR
kennedy [ad] OR
marshall [ad] OR
stennis [ad] OR
glenn [ad]) AND space [ad]) OR
centre national etudes spatiales OR
(centre [ad] national [ad] etudes [ad] spatiales [ad]) OR 
dfvlr OR
european space agency OR
(ames [ad] NOT (iowa [ad] OR
ia [ad])) OR
((langley [ad] AND center [ad]) NOT porter [ad]))   OR
((exobiology [mh] OR
exobiology [tw]) OR
((environmental microbiology [mh] OR
environmental microbiology [tw]) AND (geologic sediments[mh] OR
geologic sediments[tw]))) OR 
((elementary particle interactions [mh] OR
elementary particle interactions [tw]) OR
linear energy transfer [mh]OR
linear energy transfer [tw] OR
heavy ions OR
((elementary particles [mh] OR
elementary particles [tw]) AND (radiation, ionizing [mh] OR
radiation, ionizing [tw]) AND space) OR
(cosmic radiation [mh]OR
cosmic radiation [tw]) OR
(particle accelerators [mh] OR
particle accelerators [tw]) AND (radiation, ionizing [mh] OR
radiation, ionizing[tw]) OR 
(radiation protection [mh] OR
radiation protection [tw]) AND space)  OR
((decompression sickness[MeSH Terms] OR
"decompression sickness"[tw]) OR
g suits[MeSH Terms] OR
(atmosphere exposure chambers [mh] OR
"atmosphere exposure chambers"[tw]) OR
(ecological systems, closed [mh]OR
"ecological systems, closed"[tw]) OR
diving/ph OR
((life support systems [mh] OR
"life support systems"[tw]) OR
controlled environment [mh:noexp]) AND (biological [tw] OR 
lighting [mh] OR 
lighting[tw] OR  
light [mh] OR  
photoperiod [mh] OR 
photoperiod[tw] OR  
bioregenerative [tw] OR  
crops [tw] OR
(crops, agricultural [mh] OR 
agricultural"[tw]) OR  
(water purification [mh] OR 
"water purification"[tw]) OR
(air conditioning [mh] OR 
"air conditioning"[tw]) OR  
habitability OR  
"bioreactors"[MeSH Terms] OR 
"bioreactors"[tw] OR
food handling[mh]OR 
"food handling"[tw]) OR  
life support systems/is OR  
(waste management [mh] AND ("bioreactors"[MeSH Terms] OR
"bioreactors"[tw])) OR  
zeoponics)  OR 
(lbnp[mh] OR 
lbnp[tw]) OR 
(cardiovascular deconditioning[mh] OR
cardiovascular deconditioning[tw]) OR  
(((orthostatic hypotension[mh] OR 
orthostatic hypotension[tw])OR
(orthostatic intolerance[mh] OR 
orthostatic intolerance[tw])) AND ((bedrest [mh] OR 
bedrest[tw]) OR
(hemodynamics [mh] OR 
hemodynamics[tw]))) OR  
((fluid shifts [mh] OR 
fluid shifts[tw]) AND 
(posture[mh] OR 
posture[tw])) OR 
((pressoreceptors[mh] OR 
pressoreceptors[tw]) AND (baroreflex [mh] OR 
baroreflex[tw]) AND carotid AND (cardiac output[mh] OR
cardiac output[tw]))   OR 
(((integrins[mh] OR "integrins"[tw]) OR 
(cytoskeleton[MeSH Terms] OR 
"cytoskeleton"[tw]) OR 
(mechanoreceptors[mh] OR 
"mechanoreceptors"[tw]) OR 
tensegrity[tw] OR 
mechanotransduction[tw] OR 
(extracellular matrix[mh] OR 
"extracellular matrix"[tw])) AND ((mechanical stress[mh] OR mechanical stress[tw]) AND (signal transduction[MeSH Terms] OR 
"signal transduction"[tw])))   OR 
((plant growth regulators[mh] OR 
"plant growth regulators"[tw] OR 
"plant growth regulators"[Pharmacological Action]) AND (signal transduction[mh] OR 
signal transduction[tw]) AND (plants[mh] OR 
plants[tw])) OR  
((motion Sickness[mh] OR 
motion Sickness[tw]) OR  
(coriolis force[mh] OR 
coriolis force[tw]) OR  
(space adaptation syndrome[mh] OR 
space adaptation syndrome[tw]) OR  
((vestibule[mh] OR 
vestibule[tw]) AND (head movements[mh] OR 
head movements[tw])) OR  
(vestibular AND (head movements[mh] OR 
head movements[tw])) OR  
reflex, vestibulo-ocular[mh] OR  
((visual perception [mh:noexp] OR  
motion perception [mh] OR  
eye movements [mh]) AND (acceleration [mh] OR 
acceleration[tw])) OR  
(motion perception [mh] AND (rotation [mh] OR 
rotation[tw] OR 
tilt)) OR  
((vestibule[mh] OR 
vestibule[tw]) AND 
(acceleration[mh] OR 
acceleration[tw])) OR  
(vestibular AND (acceleration[mh] OR 
acceleration[tw])) OR  
(neuronal plasticity [majr] AND ((adaptation, physiological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw]) OR  
(acceleration[mh] OR acceleration [tw]))) OR  
((orientation [mh] OR  
proprioception [mh]) AND (acceleration[mh] OR 
acceleration[tw])) OR  
(dynamic [tw] postural [tw] control [tw]) OR  
(tilt vestib*))   OR  
((circadian rhythm[mh] OR 
circadian rhythm[tw]) AND ((work schedule tolerance[mh] OR 
work schedule tolerance[tw]) OR  
sleep deprivation [mh] OR  
melatonin [mh] OR  
(adaptation, physiological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw]) OR  
(adaptation, psychological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw])))   OR  
((((human engineering [mh] OR 
human engineering [tw]) OR  
(anthropometry [mh] OR 
anthropometry[tw])) AND (aviation [mh] OR 
aviation[tw])) OR 
(((social isolation [mh] OR 
ocial isolation[tw]) OR  
(adaptation, psychological[mh] OR 
adaptation, psychological[tw])OR  
(stress, psychological [mh] OR 
stress, psychological[tw])) AND ((arctic regions [mh] OR 
arctic regions[tw])OR  
(antarctic regions [mh] OR antarctic regions[tw])) OR  
(pilots OR 
(aviation [mh] OR 
aviation[tw])) AND ((workload[mh] OR 
workload[tw]) OR 
(mental processes[mh] OR
mental processes[tw])OR  
(group processes [mh] OR 
group processes[tw])OR  
(cross-cultural comparison [mh] OR
cross-cultural comparison[tw]))))   OR 
(bone density [mh] AND (weight-bearing [mh] OR  
bed rest [mh] OR
biomechanics [mh:noexp] OR  
(acceleration [mh] OR 
acceleration[tw])) OR  
bone and bones/ph AND (weight-bearing [mh] OR
bed rest [mh] OR  
(acceleration [mh] OR 
acceleration[tw]) OR  
biomechanics [mh:noexp]) OR  
((bone and bones [mh] OR
(muscle, skeletal[mh] OR 
muscle, skeletal[tw])) AND (reload  OR 
unload OR 
reloading OR 
unloading)) OR
((bone development [majr] OR  
bone remodeling [majr]) AND (acceleration OR  
weight-bearing [mh] OR  
bed rest [mh] OR 
biomechanics [mh:noexp])) OR  
((bone and bones [majr] OR  
biomechanics [mh:noexp]) AND ((adaptation, physiological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw])OR  
(models, biological[mh] OR 
models, biological[tw]))) OR  
(((muscle fibers [mh] OR 
muscle fibers [tw])OR 
(muscle atrophy[mh] OR 
muscle atrophy[tw]) OR  
(muscular atrophy [mh] OR 
muscular atrophy [tw])OR  
(skeletal muscle[mh] OR 
skeletal muscle[tw])) AND ((bed rest[mh] OR 
bed rest[tw])OR  bedrest[tw] OR  
(acceleration [mh] OR 
acceleration[tw]) OR  
((adaptation, physiological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw]))) OR  
(bone demineralization, pathologic[mh] OR 
bone demineralization, pathologic[tw]) OR  
bone resorption [mh] OR  
calcification, physiologic [mh]OR  
bone matrix [mh] OR  
calcification, physiologic [mh] OR  
osteogenesis [majr] OR  
osteoblasts [majr] OR  
osteoclasts [majr] OR  chondrocytes [majr] OR  
((muscle proteins [majr] OR  
calcitriol [majr] OR  
vitamin d [majr]) AND ((adaptation, physiological[mh] OR 
adaptation, physiological[tw]) OR  
bed rest [mh] OR  
(acceleration [mh] OR 

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Last reviewed: 26 June 2008
Last updated: 26 June 2008
First published: 05 October 2001
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