U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1998 202/307-0784 MURDER BY INTIMATES DECLINED 36 PERCENT SINCE 1976 DECREASE GREATER FOR MALE THAN FOR FEMALE VICTIMS WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Intimates committed fewer murders in 1996 than in any other year since 1976, the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reported today. In 1996, just over 1,800 murders were attributable to intimates-- down 36 percent from nearly 3,000 in 1976. In 1996, three in every four victims of intimate murder were female. On average, the number of murders by intimates decreased by 5 percent per year for male victims and 1 percent per year for female victims over the past two decades. For this report, based on new and previously reported data, intimate violence includes murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault and simple assault committed by a current or former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend. Overall during the 1976-1996 period, intimate murder fell by 36 percent and spouse murder, its largest component, by 52 percent. The sharpest decrease in rates of intimate murder have been among black male victims. Since 1976, intimate murders with guns have declined, although in 1996, 65 percent of all intimate murders were committed with firearms. The most recent declines in intimate murder have been mirrored by declines since 1993 in non-lethal intimate violence. During 1996 there were an estimated 840,000 female victims of violent crimes inflicted by an intimate, compared with 1.1 million in 1993. By contrast, intimate violence against males, about 150,000 in 1996, showed no significant fluctuations during the 4-year period. In 1996, violence by an intimate accounted for about 21 percent of all violence experienced by female victims, compared to 2 percent for male victims. Women 16 to 24 years old experienced the highest per capita rates of intimate violence. About half of the incidents of intimate violence experienced by women were reported to police. Black women were more likely to make these reports than were women of other races. The most common reasons given for not reporting such crimes to the authorities were that they were personal or private matters, the victim feared retaliation or that the police would not be able to do anything about it. About one in 10 women victimized by a violent intimate sought medical treatment at a medical care facility. Women were about 84 percent of those seeking hospital emergency department treatment for intentional injury caused by an intimate assailant. Those who committed a violent crime against an intimate represent about 25 percent of convicted violent offenders in local jails and about 7 percent of violent offenders in state prisons. More than half of both prison and jail inmates serving times for violence against an intimate had been using drugs, alcohol or both at the time of the incident for which they were incarcerated. Nearly four in 10 offenders sentenced to local jail for intimate violence had a criminal justice status such as being on probation or under a restraining order at the time they committed the crime. The factbook, "Violence by Intimates" (NCJ-167237), presents up-to-date analyses of intimate violence drawn from a number of BJS and Department of Justice statistical programs, including the National Crime Victimization Survey, a hospital emergency department study, BJS surveys of jail and prison inmates and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program. It was written by BJS statisticians as a contribution to further inform a joint effort of the Department of Justice and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control in the Department of Health and Human Services to study potential enhancements to the collection of domestic violence data. Single copies may be obtained from the BJS fax-on-demand system by dialing 301/519-5550, listening to the menu, and selecting document numbers 98, 99, and 100 or by calling the BJS Clearinghouse at 1-800/732-3277. BJS's home page address on the Internet is: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Additional criminal justice materials can be obtained from the Office of Justice Programs homepage at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov # # # BJS98054 (I) After hours contact: Stu Smith at 301/983-9354 (END OF FILE)