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Archived News and Features
King County Flooding Information

News and Features

July 23, 2008
External article, Seattle Times
Staying ahead of the floods

July 16, 2008
External Opinion, Seattle P-I
County plans to stanch the flooding

Dec. 10, 2007
King County Council approves Sims’ proposal to waive disposal fees for flood-damaged items

December, 2007
External article, Governing Magazine
Local Warming
It's too late to stop climate change. What we can do is plan for it.

Dec. 6, 2007
Sims proposes waiver of disposal fees for flood-damaged debris, Dec. 13-16

Dec. 5, 2007
Damage reporting hotline open

Dec. 4, 2007
External article, Seattle P-I
Climate change could mean more massive downpours

Dec. 4, 2007
King County issues emergency proclamation

Dec. 4, 2007
Seattle P-I Editorial Board
King County: Why we tax

Dec. 4, 2007
External article, Seattle Times
Storm drenches region; rescuers "overwhelmed"

Dec. 3, 2007
External article, Seattle P-I
State of emergency declared as deadly storm hits region

Dec. 2, 2007
External article, Seattle Times
Flood of changes

Nov. 29, 2007
External article, Seattle P-I
Senator to keep EPA focused on Duwamish

Nov. 29, 2007
External article, Seattle Times
Bigger floodplain, bigger worries

Nov. 7, 2007
Businesses, transportation corridors protected as repairs completed on damaged Green River levee

Flood Safety in King County, Washington

Oct. 30, 2007
King County's Flood Warning Center poised for duty as winter weather arrives

Oct. 30, 2007
Region’s leaders announce new measures to speed winter response as they kick-off annual storm campaign

Oct. 30, 2007
King County reducing flood threats to residents, region's economy
County's flood management planning is among nation's best

Oct. 24, 2007
New report demonstrates regional economic value of businesses within county floodplains
Severe flooding could cost regional economy more than $46 million a day

Oct. 16, 2007
Kathy Lambert and Larry Phillips
Flood-control improvements protect all county residents

Oct. 15, 2007
Federal flood maps updated to digital format; Public meetings set to gather input

Oct. 7, 2007
External column, Seattle P-I
For West, climate change is about water

Oct. 5, 2007
External article, Seattle P-I
Seattle readies for winter storms
City and county urge residents to be prepared

Sept. 27, 2007
External article, King 5
Another nasty winter on the way to Western Washington?

Sept. 28, 2007
Sims pleased with best-in-nation flood honor, but ‘won’t rest easy’ until aging levees are repaired
October is ‘Flood Awareness Month', King County residents urged to prepare

Aug. 6, 2007
King County, Corps of Engineers to rebuild damaged levee
Improvements will protect Kent and hundreds of millions in investments

July 30, 2007
Snoqualmie Valley farmers get tools to protect against winter flooding

Archived Flooding News

Jun. 13, 2007
External article, Seattle P-I
Residents reluctant to leave the Raging River

Apr.16, 2007
Sims' plan to repair levees moves forward

Feb. 7, 2007
King County Proposes Global Warming Action Plan
Other cities, counties and private sector urged to join effort

Feb. 2, 2007
Seattle Post Intelligencer
19 levees in King County at risk of failure, corps reports

Feb. 2, 2007
Seattle Times
Trees called threat to King County river levees

Jan. 17, 2007
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Flood-control plan backed
County's next step: How to pay for it

Jan. 16, 2007
King County's flood protection gets boost from County Council's unanimous vote

Jan. 16, 2007
Shoreline management review launched in King County

Dec. 15, 2006
King County wastewater facilities resuming normal operation after severe storms, flooding

Dec. 15, 2006
Emergency proclamation issued in King County
Wind, more flooding

Dec. 13, 2006
Seattle Post Intelligencer
King and 10 other flooded counties to get federal aid

November Flooding:

Dec. 11, 2006
Trees along Green River levee must be removed to avoid damage to flood-prevention structure

Nov. 9, 2006
Preston road collapses into Raging River

Nov.7, 2006, 10pm
Executive Sims visits flooded areas in King County

Nov. 3, 2006,
King County ready to protect people, property from floodwaters

Oct. 30, 2006
Sims: Predictions of warmer, wetter winters heighten need for flood-protection upgrades

Oct. 2, 2006
As flood season nears, Sims encourages residents in flood-prone areas to prepare for rising waters
Executive also reiterates need to shore up aging levee system

July 21, 2006
Sims and Nickels share national environmental award

Executive Proposed 2006 King County Flood Hazard Management Plan
Water and Land Resources Division

July 12, 2006
External Article, Seattle Times
Global warming: They're not laughing at Ron Sims now

July 6, 2006
Sims says flood protection can't wait, proposes countywide district to shore up aging levees

June 5, 2006
Seattle Times
An even grayer Seattle from global warming?

May 18, 2006
External link, King 5
Katrina-like levee failures could happen in Western Washington

March 8, 2006
External link, Seattle Times
Green River levees slowly deteriorating

Video: Winter 2006 Flood Response
(Real Media format)

Jan. 16, 2006
County crews continue efforts to control massive slide near Renton

Jan. 13, 2006
Half of Marymoor Park's popular off-leash dog area closed due to flood waters

Greenprint for King County
Regional conservation strategy

Nov. 10, 2005
King County's Flood Warning Center poised for duty as winter weather arrives

Nov. 10, 2005
Levee repairs, floodplain mapping and capital projects prepare for rising waters
Sterling flood rating means citizens pay less in insurance premiums

Oct. 27, 2005
King County praised as national leader in addressing climate change

Oct. 26, 2005
Sims outlines efforts to reduce emissions, prepare for global warming

Oct. 19, 2005
Best in the nation floodplain management rating

Oct. 5, 2005
Sims encourages residents in flood-prone areas to prepare for rising rivers

Oct. 3, 2005
Climate expert, Dr. Stephen Schneider, joins King County Climate Change Conference, Oct. 27, 2005

Oct. 1, 2005
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Early flood is just a start for wet, windy winter

Dec. 28, 2004
You can know if a tsunami is heading your way

» Critical Areas Package - CAO Resources

Nov. 10, 2004
StormReady designation rewards King County's nationally-acclaimed work serving flood-prone areas

Nov. 10, 2004
King County's Flood Warning Center poised for duty as winter weather arrives

Oct. 22, 2004
Advisory group to meet on Flood Hazard Reduction Plan

Sept. 30, 2004
With flood season on the way, Sims encourages residents to keep families safe

Sept. 29, 2004
Snoqualmie community, agencies celebrate expected relief from destructive floodwaters

Aug. 24, 2004
King County removes willows in effort to improve Sammamish River flood protection

Aug. 24, 2004
Late summer storms causing winter-like problems in King County

Measuring for Results
Natural Resources and Parks Second Annual Performance Measures Report.

Jul. 12, 2004
Interested in floodplain issues?
King County seeks property owners, stakeholders for floodplain advisory committee

Jun. 10, 2004
King County's Clark receives national award for flood hazard reduction efforts

Mar. 12, 2004
Previously flood-prone Fall City neighborhood benefits from King County drainage improvement project

Feb.27, 2004
Sims works with City of Kenmore to reduce flooding in Swamp Creek Basin

Feb. 20, 2004
Flood map work begins in March

Feb. 10, 2004
Executive Sims transmits plan to protect more than 600 flood-prone homes in upper Snoqualmie Valley

Feb.5, 2004
King County project provides Issaquah Creek property relief from flooding, erosion

Jan. 16, 2004
Panther Creek drainage improvement project gives Kent area drivers more peace of mind

Clearing the way for Flood Preparedness

Nov. 7, 2003
When rivers rise, King County's Flood Warning Center is ready to roll

Nov. 7, 2003
Residents, property owners in flood-prone areas benefit as King County readies for winter's rising waters

Nov. 7, 2003
Taking Winter by Storm press conference video and text transcript

Nov. 7, 2003
King County Roads Division is prepared for winter's worst

Oct. 24, 2003
King County's efforts to reduce flood hazards helped protect people and property from record-setting rainstorm

Oct. 23, 2003
King County Government saves citizens 30% on flood insurance premiums

Oct. 22, 2003
Floods stress septic systems, may lead to damage or failure

Oct. 21, 2003
External link: Seattle P-I
Seattle a soaked, soggy mess

Oct. 21, 2003
Record rainfall causes overflows at three of 42 wastewater pump stations

Oct. 20, 2003
Local projects under way to get clean rainwater out of region's sewer system

Oct. 2, 2003
Executive Sims cautions that now is the time to prepare for flood season

Federal Emergency Management Agency information on Floods

May 6, 2003
Agencies invite landowner participation in lower Snoqualmie River flood hazard reduction program

Jan. 30, 2003
King County, Corps of Engineers, Snoqualmie sign agreement on flood reduction project