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MeSH Subheadings

Abbreviation MeSH Subheading Abbreviation MeSH Subheading
AB Abnormalities MA Manpower
AD Administration and Dosage ME Metabolism
AE Adverse Effects MT Methods
AG Agonists MI Microbiology
AA Analogs and Derivatives MO Mortality
AN Analysis NU Nursing
AH Anatomy and Histology OG Organization and Administration
AI Antagonists and Inhibitors PS Parasitology
BI Biosynthesis PY Pathogenicity
BS Blood Supply PA Pathology
BL Blood PK Pharmacokinetics
CF Cerebrospinal Fluid PD Pharmacology
CS Chemical Synthesis PH Physiology
CI Chemically Induced PP Physiopathology
CH Chemistry PO Poisoning
CL Classification PC Prevention and Control
CO Complications PX Psychology
CN Congenital RE Radiation Effects
CT Contraindications RA Radiography
CY Cytology RI Radionuclide Imaging
DF Deficiency RT Radiotherapy
DI Diagnosis RH Rehabilitation
DU Diagnostic Use SC Secondary
DH Diet Therapy SE Secretion
DE Drug Effects ST Standards
DT Drug Therapy SN Statistics and Numerical Data
EC Economics SD Supply and Distribution
ED Education SU Surgery
EM Embryology TU Therapeutic Use
EN Enzymology TH Therapy
EP Epidemiology TO Toxicity
ES Ethics TM Transmission
EH Ethnology TR Transplantation
ET Etiology TD Trends
GE Genetics US Ultrasonography
GD Growth and Development UL Ultrastructure
HI History UR Urine
IM Immunology UT Utilization
IN Injuries VE Veterinary
IR Innervation VI Virology
IS Instrumentation    
IP Isolation and Purification    
LJ Legislation and Jurisprudence    

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