Office of Science


Access to EMSL computing resources is granted when a proposal describing the research objectives is submitted and approved. Upon proposal approval, users may apply for UNIX accounts on the computers listed in the proposal form.

If you already have an account, it may not be necessary to submit a second proposal unless your needs extend beyond the scope of the first one. See your point of contact for more details.

Getting an Account

If you have submitted a proposal and been notified of its approval or have an account on another one of the EMSL computers, then select a box from the matrix based on:

Logging In

Information for first-time users logging into EMSL environments follows.

Managing Allocation Accounts

EMSL supercomputer users receive an allocation of time to run batch jobs. If you have special requirements that cannot be met by running in the batch environment, send an e-mail to for other options. Additional information follows regarding supercomputer usage. This information does not apply to the other EMSL computing resources (e.g., workstations and PCs).

User Policies for Computer Resources

Lack-of-Use policy

Computing Capability Steward :Erich Vorpagel | , 509-371-6448