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Bob Jacobs/Fred Brown
Headquarters, Washington
(Phone: 202/358-1600)

March 01, 2004
Important Information As NASA Television Prepares To Go Digital
The analog satellite signal used to broadcast feeds and other programming on NASA Television will soon become digital. Digital technology will enable NASA to concurrently broadcast multiple channels of broadcast-quality video, as well as interactive content and other information, all from one satellite transponder.

Your access to NASA TV content will be impacted by this upgrade in technology, and your ability to see the programming provided by the agency will be affected, unless you have the correct equipment to convert the new digital signal.

To keep you informed and to help you through this transition, the agency has set up an Internet site where you can join an e-mail list to receive periodic updates about the digital conversion.

For information on how to sign up for news about the transition from analog to digital, visit:

The NASA TV homepage has broadcast schedules and information about the transition process on the Internet at:

To better serve you in the future, we want to know how you use the material provided by NASA TV. You'll be asked to complete a brief survey, so we can send you the most appropriate information. No personal information will be collected, and those who register will only be contacted with news about the digital conversion of NASA TV.


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