The Overall Fire Picture - 2007
- There were 3,430 civilians that lost their lives as the result of fire.
- There were 17,675 civilian injuries that occurred as the result of fire.
- There were 118 firefighters killed while on duty.
- Fire killed more Americans than all natural disasters combined.
- 84 percent of all civilian fire deaths occurred in residences.
- There were an estimated 1.6 million fires in 2007.
- Direct property loss due to fires was estimated at $14.6 billion.
- An estimated 32,500 intentionally set structure fires resulted in 295 civilian deaths.
- Intentionally set structure fires resulted in an estimated $733 million in property damage.
Source: National Fire Protection Association Fire Loss in the U.S. 2007 and USFA's Firefighter Fatalities in the United States in 2007.