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The Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness Portfolio’s focus is to apply industry best practices to government. FY 2004 accomplishments continued business transformation successes by increasing cross-agency partnerships, empowering citizen focus and prudent utilization of resources, and encouraging stovepipe systems reductions.

Through the E-Training Initiative the Federal government is migrating on-line training services from over 40 agencies to one, while supporting areas of competency in achieving Human Capital goals. The Enterprise Human Resource Integration (EHRI) Initiative is providing HR managers and specialists with a data warehouse and workforce planning and analysis capabilities such that trends for retirement, promotions, and reassignments can be accurately and efficiently forecast. E-Payroll, through the efforts of multi-agency teams, is continuing the migration of agencies from the present 26 providers to 2 payroll partnerships, with a projected lifecycle cost savings/cost avoidance of $1.1 billion.

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE) has resulted in an agency-shareable single vendor-performance file; a single vendor registration area that makes it easier to do business with the Federal government, and a community platform for the Intra-Governmental Transfers, a significant governmental accounting challenge. The Recruitment One-Stop (ROS) Initiative is simplifying the process of locating and applying for Federal jobs by delivering a “create once, use many” basic job resume to apply to multiple Federal vacancies, agencies and systems.

E-Clearance is enhancing national security and streamlining the investigation process for an employee’s security clearance through automating the SF-86 security clearance application from a paper-based process into an on-line electronic format. The E-Clearance Initiative has also defined the aggregation and sharing of security clearances along a single entry point where 98% of investigations will be located with one search. The E-Records Management Initiative is providing policy guidance to help agencies better manage their electronic records, so that records information can be effectively used to support timely and effective decision making, enhance service delivery, and ensure accountability.