Agriculture in the Classroom

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Cane and Corn: The Tale of Two Teachers
Margaret Perret of Louisiana and Julie King of Illinois Learn how two teachers, who met at the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, partnered to create an exciting year-long project for students in Louisiana and Illinois. Margaret Perret of Louisiana and Julie King of Illinois, joined "educational forces" to teach their students about geography, state products, food production and processing, economics and much more! More than "pen pals," the teachers swapped strategies for increasing student achievement in mathematics, reading and writing which culminated in a classroom visit (Julie went to Louisiana!) and "virtual tour."
Click here to view their PowerPoint Movie!

  Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Awards Program
This program is designed to focus national attention on the critical role of teaching, and will honor teachers for their outstanding contribution to education about American agriculture.

  National Resource Directory
Search a nationally reviewed teacher agricultural resource directory with hundreds of classroom educational materials including lesson plans, webquests, DVDs, virtual tours, kits, books, maps, posters, and more.
National Resource Directory Movie (Flash)

  Essential Nine Teaching Strategies
Research-based classroom stragies that work

  State Agricultural Profiles
Doing a state report? Start here to learn about your state's agriculture.

  AITC Screen Savers
Watch agriculture change with the seasons, view the bounty of United States agriculture, or explore exciting career opportunities.

Teachers may use these quizzes as they are or select questions to create your own agricultural literacy quiz.

  Virtual Tours
You don't have to leave the classroom to go on some great agriculture-related field trips. What a great idea!

  Science Projects
Help your students win the science fair! This includes basic how-to's and great ideas.

  Teaching Award
National Resource Directory
Essential Nine Strategies
State Agricultural Profiles
AITC Screen Savers
Virtual Tours
Science Projects
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