World News

Burma Redux

When Burma was hit by a devastating cyclone, MobLogic gave a Flip camera to disaster relief workers. This is the footage they captured.

MobLogic at the U.S. Open

When the U.S. Open came down to an 18-hole playoff, MobLogic had no choice but to cover the story.

A Panhandler at Ground Zero

Lindsay talks to a man who tells her how a human being becomes an animal.

Martyrdom For Khalid Mohammed

Alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has asked for the death penalty. Should we give it to him?

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September 9, 2008

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From the MobLogic Blog

September 11, 2008

Some Thoughts About Run for the Fallen

by Jon Bellona, Director & Founder of Run for the Fallen
It is sometimes hard to capture what the run means or what the run itself manifests. For me, my undying pledge of love for my fellow man, my fellow American, has always been the cornerstone for my love of country and my love of […]

August 22, 2008

Update: Brian Conley still in Beijing prison

We just got an email update from the folks at Alive in Baghdad. Not much has changed, but we have a little more background about the situation.

August 20, 2008

Brian Conley detained in China

Friend of the show Brian Conley, creator of Alive in Baghdad, the citizen journalist web show based in Baghdad, was detained in Beijing last night after attending a recent protest of Students for a Free Tibet. They were taking pictures and shooting video of the protest.
Here’s more, from NewTeeVee:

Brian Conley, creator of the citizen […]


Lindsay chats with Run for the Fallen director and founder Jon Bellona 2 days ago
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