Arthur Godfrey

Born Aug 31, 1903 – Died March 16, 1983

Popular radio and television entertainer in the 1940’s and 50’s. Born in New York City he originally enlisted in the Navy and trained as a radioman. After four years of service in the Navy he enlisted in the Coast Guard in 1927. In the Coast Guard his career as an entertainer began when he became involved in Coast Guard entertainment programs. When he left the service the Coast Guard was instrumental in obtaining his first job at WFBR, a Baltimore radio station, first as a singer, then as an announcer, and finally as station manager. During the 1940s he became a popular entertainer with CBS. During WWII he entered the Naval Reserve as an officer. In 1959 Godfrey developed lung cancer and although he recovered from it he did not return to CBS until 1972. Arthur Godfrey was always proud of his close association with the Navy and the Coast Guard.

Last Modified 7/21/2008