Your Role in the Federal Criminal Justice Process

Your role in the criminal justice process varies depending on the case. Usually, victims and witnesses must provide information, both written and oral, that is relevant to their case. Some victims and witnesses may also be required to attend court-related proceedings. The justice system cannot operate without victims and witnesses who come forward to report crime and participate in the prosecution of a case. Your involvement is vital.

In addition to providing written and oral information about the case, you will be required to show documentation of your financial losses. You should save all paperwork relating to the crime, including such items as letters of solicitation, prospectuses, canceled checks, cash receipts, receipts for cashier's checks or money orders, bank statements, investment statements, or medical statements. If your case proceeds to trial and a conviction is secured, the judge will need this documentation to determine whether the offender will be ordered to repay you for your losses.

It is important that you tell the case agent, victim/witness coordinator, and federal prosecutor handling your case about any changes in your contact information (mailing address and telephone number). That is the only way you can be kept informed and involved.

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This document was last updated on June 26, 2008