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Judicial Security

The oldest and most important duty of the Marshals Service is to protect everyone involved in judicial business so it is free to resolve disputes fairly.
 Some ways the Marshals Service provides safe court surroundings are by:
Star Bullet protecting over 2,000 federal judges and other court officials such as prosecutors, witnesses, jurors and public observers
Star Bullet making sure over 400 federal courthouses are secure and that each is safe and free of electronic devices that may interfere with judicial proceedings (such as recorders, telephones or cameras)
Star Bullet making sure each judicial proceeding is fair by reducing chances to:
Star Bullet tamper (try to influence) with evidence (things to prove)
Star Bullet intimidate (try to bully)
Star Bullet extort (try to force)
Star Bullet bribe (try to buy)
Star Bullet keeping custody (hold) of prisoners and protecting them during judicial proceedings.
COURT BUILDING SECURITY: The Marshals Service hires contract guards called Court Security Officers (CSOs) to help deputy marshals protect everyone in the court building. More than 4,500 CSOs guard all entrances and make sure all equipment is working properly. Some of the ways deputy marshals and CSOs work together to protect everyone are:
Star Bullet survey each building and courtroom to see if either needs more protection
Star Bullet screen (check) all court building and courtroom entrances by making sure:
Star Bullet Every person walks through a metal detector. A metal detector is a gate like structure that looks for hidden metal objects that could be used as weapons, like guns, knives or sharp objects
Star Bullet Every package goes through an x-ray machine. This machine looks through items then takes pictures of objects that could be used to hurt someone or for cameras, telephones and recording devices that are not allowed in courtrooms.
Star Bullet watch everyone in the courtroom for disorderly conduct
Star Bullet test all security equipment on a regular basis, making sure they work properly
Star Bullet train the court staff on how to protect themselves
Star Bullet  search courtrooms and surrounding areas before each court session for weapons or suspicious persons. After the search, the courtroom is locked until court begins.
Star Bullet if persons are suspected of being on drugs or alcohol, turn them over to the local police
COURTROOM SECURITY: Before a criminal case is brought to court, deputy marshals plan how many deputies, guards and equipment will be needed to protect everyone based on the following factors and questions:
Star Bullet Charge: is there a serious crime such as murder or terrorism?
Star Bullet Defendant: is the person accused of a crime of violence or tried to escape?
Star Bullet  Number of defendants: is there more than one defendant or is the defendant associated with a dangerous group?
Star Bullet Interest in a case: has the public or media showed an interest in the case?
All these factors may suggest possible danger and a need for more security than other cases.
JURY: To help jurors come to a fair verdict (a decision of guilt or innocence) and use only the facts discussed in court, a judge may have the jury sequestered (to separate) from people or news. A sequestered jury needs more deputy marshals to protect it from other ideas or news reports about a case. While protecting these juries, deputy marshals may have to:
Star Bullet provide transportation
Star Bullet provide hotel rooms
Star Bullet provide meals
Star Bullet limit access to TV, newspaper, books, mail and telephone calls
Star Bullet arrange for personal or business visits
PERSONAL SECURITY: Sometimes a person is threatened harm for doing their duty to the courts. People making threats may be angry or dangerous and sometimes try to frighten others into making unfair decisions. Deputy marshals protect judges, witnesses or jurors, especially, if someone threatens to harm them. A threat may be delivered by telephone, letter, messenger, e-mail or in person. A threat hints someone or someone in their family may be hurt. The courts want fairness in all its decisions, but a threat might make someone nervous or afraid to make the right decision. The Marshals Service takes all threats very seriously and will protect everyone so no one harms them for doing their duty. If needed, deputies will provide protection 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) until the person is out of danger or the person making the threat is apprehended (arrested). It is a very serious crime to threaten harm to anyone.
Learn more:
Combating Fear and Restoring Safety in Schools
Inside the Courtroom
Glossary of Legal Terms
Ben Franklin’s Judicial Branch
Ben Franklin’s Executive Branch