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Glacier National Park
There Once Was a Daisy

From the National Wildlife Federation
Sung to the tune of "I Knew and Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly"

daisy team:
There once was a daisy that grew on a plain.
Where the sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain

bug team:
There once was a bug who nibbled on flowers.
Nibbled on flowers for hours and hours!
daisy team:
The bug ate the daisy that grew on the plain,
Where the sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain

wren team:
There once was a wren who gobbled up bugs,
And creepies and crawlies and slimies and slugs.
bug team:
The wren ate the bug, who nibbled on flowers,
Nibbled on flowers for hours and hours!
daisy team:
The bug ate the daisy that grew on the plain,
Where the sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain

snake team:
There once was a snake who often grabbed birds.
And swallowed them whole, or so I have heard
wren team:
The snake ate the wren who gobbled up bugs,
And creepies and crawlies and slimies and slugs.
bug team:
The wren ate the bug, who nibbled on flowers,
Nibbled on flowers for hours and hours!
daisy team:
The bug ate the daisy that grew on the plain,
Where the sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain

fox team:
There once was a fox, and I'll make a bet.
He'd eat anything he could possibly get.
snake team:
The fox ate the snake who often grabbed birds.
And swallowed them whole, or so I have heard
wren team:
The snake ate the wren who gobbled up bugs,
And creepies and crawlies and slimies and slugs.
bug team:
The wren ate the bug, who nibbled on flowers,
Nibbled on flowers for hours and hours!
daisy team:
The bug ate the daisy that grew on the plain,
Where the sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain

last verse team:
The fox, he grew older and died one spring day,
But he made the soil rich when he rotted away.
A new daisy grew where he died on the plain.
The sun helped it grow, and so did the rain-
Links in a food chain.

Mount Cleveland  

Did You Know?
Did you know there are only 6 peaks over 10,000 feet high in Glacier - Cleveland, Stimpson, Kintla, Jackson, Siyeh, and Merritt.

Last Updated: September 12, 2007 at 10:07 EST