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Glacier National Park
4-6 Activities

Just as in the K-3 activities, the 4-6 activities focus on connections as illustrated in the journey of Pluie the wolf. The connections are not just biological. They are also economic, political, cultural and spiritual. For this reason, we have intentionally widened the scope of the units and activities to a trans- or cross-discipline approach, and an ecosystem perspective.

Along with the ecosystem focus, the 7 units of the 4-6 activities also include explanations and discussion of 5 of the other significant themes for why Glacier is protected as a national park- biodiversity, wilderness, Native American connections, International Peace Park designation, and geology.

Many of the activities in this section are from the Native American Work House Curriculum.


Unit One: The Geography of Me - A geographic look at watersheds in the W-GIPP. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit One.

  • Activity 1: You Are Here – mapping play places and fitting them into the W-GIPP watershed context .
  • Activity 2: Boundaries and People – mapping watersheds on large and small scale maps – including W-GIPP map.
  • Activity 3: Turning Parks into IslandsY2Y (Yukon to Yellowstone) -adapted activity that role-plays fragmentation issues around parks.

Unit Two: The Ice Spirits (from Work House) – A Native American and geologic perspective on glaciers. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Two.

Unit Three: Our Medicine, Our Food (from Work House)- Native American Plant lore and use. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Three.

Unit Four: Shared Spirits (from Work House)– local people, animals and their environment. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Four.

Unit Five: Winter Wanderings – winter, and adaptations to cold and snow. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Five.

Unit Six: Skyscrapers: Cities in the Old Growth – studies in old growth forest. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Six.

Unit Seven: The Peace Park: A Climate Laboratory – student research and climate studies in the W-GIPP. Click here for teacher background information and the introduction to 4-6, Unit Seven.

  • Activity 1: Climate Mime-it - climate concepts charades game.
  • Activity 2: Predicting the Future – probability exercise on prediction of future climate.
  • Activity 3: Puzzle It Out – art and puzzle exercise on climate interactions.
  • Activity 4: Carbon Cycle Capers – fast-moving tag game on the carbon cycle.
  • Activity 5: Village Research – holistic thinking field trip on the complexity of social and climate conditions.
K-3 text
Activities from the Glacier Teacher's Guide
Seven units include lessons on: bears, rocks, decomposition and habitats.
7-12 text
Activities from the Glacier Teacher's Guide
Five units cover topics such as interrelationships, watersheds, and the concept of peace
Grizzly bears  

Did You Know?
Grizzly bears in the park have a wide variety of food sources, including glacier lily bulbs, insects, and berries. They may also make an early season meal of mountain goats that were swept down in avalanches over the winter.

Last Updated: December 05, 2007 at 10:27 EST