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2008 Papahanaumokuakea Maritime Heritage Expedition
Mission info 2007 Nancy Foster Cruise

Expedition Team

Kelly GleasonDr. Kelly Gleason
Maritime Archaeologist
Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

Kelly Gleason is a maritime archaeologist with the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Following an undergraduate degree at the University of Notre Dame, Kelly pursued a master's in Nautical Archaeology at St. Andrews University in Scotland and a Doctorate at East Carolina University in North Carolina. In 2004, she began working for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries in Honolulu, Hawaii as part of the Pacific Islands Region and became the maritime archaeologist for the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the fall of 2007. In addition to her experience working on sites in the Main and Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, she has worked on shipwreck sites in Scotland, North Carolina, Northern California, the Great Lakes and the Caribbean.

Hans Van TilburgDr. Hans Van Tilburg
Historian and Maritime Archaeologist
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Pacific Islands Region

Hans Van Tilburg is the maritime heritage coordinator for the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' Pacific Islands Region. Trained as an historian and nautical archaeologist, he holds degrees from the University of California at Berkeley, East Carolina University's Maritime Studies Program, and the University of Hawaii. For a number of years he ran the University of Hawaii's graduate certificate program in Maritime Archaeology and History, and he continues to teach maritime history there. Hans has worked on maritime archaeology projects in Alaska, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Florida, Bermuda, Washington and Hawaii. Hans is also a commercial diver, dive instructor and serves as NOAA's Unit Diving Supervisor for the region.

tane CasserleyTane Casserley
National Maritime Heritage Coordinator
NOAA's Maritime Heritage Program
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries

Tane Casserley, the National Maritime Heritage Coordinator for NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, specializes in 19th-century warships and deep-water archaeology. Tane holds a graduate certificate in maritime archaeology from the University of Hawaii and a master's degree from the Program in Maritime Studies at East Carolina University. He has led NOAA archaeological expeditions in the Florida Keys, the Great Lakes, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Alaska, the USS Monitor, he dove with the National Park Service on a sunken B-29 in Lake Mead, and most recently served as principal investigator on an expedition to document three German U-boats from the WWII Battle of the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina. Tane's projects have used technical diving, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and manned submersibles. Tane is a dive instructor and certified trimix and closed-circuit rebreather diver with the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI).

Cathy GreenCathy Green
Education and Outreach Coordinator
Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

Cathy Green is a nautical archaeologist and education and outreach coordinator for Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Cathy combines her background in nautical archaeology with her experience teaching on tall ship college semester at sea programs to bring the maritime heritage resources of the sanctuary program to a wide audience. She holds a MA in Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology from East Carolina University and a BA in History and Fine Art from Indiana University. She has worked on many underwater archaeology projects from the Great Lakes to Micronesia for the past 12 years, and has taught a variety of maritime subjects while sailing the East and West Coasts, the Caribbean and Hawaii. She lives in Alpena, Michigan with her husband and their two year old twin boys.

Dee O'ReganDeirdre O'Regan
Editor, Sea History Magazine
National Maritime Historical Society

Deirdre O'Regan is the editor of SEA HISTORY magazine of the National Maritime Historical Society. She is a licensed professional mariner and spent a decade at sea working aboard Sail Training ships, mostly schooners, as both a mate and as an educator. In that time, she also spent time ashore as a sailmaker for Nat Wilson, who designs and builds sails and rigging for traditional and historic sailing ships. She has an undergraduate degree in English literature from Cornell University and a master's degree in Maritime History and Nautical Archaeology from East Carolina University, where she participated in a number of field surveys documenting shipwrecks along the eastern seaboard and the Caribbean. Her masters thesis focused on 19th-century sailmaking in New England. Her home ashore is on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Jason RauppJason Raupp
Consulting Nautical Archaeologist
Adelaide, South Australia

Jason Raupp is currently employed as a consulting maritime archaeologist and dive instructor (NAUI) living in Adelaide, South Australia. He holds a B.A. in Anthropology from Northwestern State University (Natchitoches, Louisiana) and an M.A. in History and Historical Archaeology from the University of West Florida (Pensacola, Florida). Jason has worked as both an archaeologist and diving officer on various projects in the US, Africa, Australia and the Pacific. Previous employers include the National Park Service, the Florida Division of Historical Resources and the University of West Florida. Since moving to Australia in 2006 he has worked as the technical officer for the Department of Archaeology at Flinders University, and as interim Senior Maritime Heritage Officer for South Australia's Department of Environment and Heritage.

Stephani GordonStephani Gordon
Flyingfish Science & Film, llc.

After 12 years as a field biologist in the northwestern Hawaiian islands and other remote locales, Stephani now lives in Montana and is finishing up a graduate degree in Science & Natural History Filmmaking at Montana State University. She loves being underwater, and finds it very satisfying to now have a video camera that can come with her to document a few of the amazing things to be seen there.

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