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Aas Christopher Sandia National Laboratories
Addis Robert Savannah River Nuclear Solutions LLC
Alai Maureen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Arendale Michael U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
Armstrong Dennis Washington Safety Management Solutions
Arnold Steven Theta Pro2Serve Management Co., LLC
Atencio Amparo Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education


Baer Ken Washington Savannah River Co.
Barbosa Patricia U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Barnea Nir National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Baskett Ron Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Baumann Brian Fluor Hanford, Inc.
Bayne Stuart AWD Management Services, Inc.
Bellinger Tom B&W Y-12
Bigger Samuel Department of Energy
Billy Patty Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Blackburn Polly Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Blair Natasha Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Bolling John Unwin Company
Bond Jayne-Anne ATL International
Bonner Darryl Bechtel Jacobs Co. LLC
Brandhuber Robert Sandia National Laboratories
Brekke David Sandia National Laboratories-Livermore
Bressler George DHS/CBP
Brog Terry AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Brynildson Mark Sandia National Laboratories
Burgess Howard U.S. Department of Energy


Campbell Corey Washington Safety Management Solutions
Chang Shu-Chun Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
Childs Carl National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Christensen Rick DOE/NNSA
Cohen Dorothy Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Cook Jeff California Air Resources Board
Coon Melissa Idaho National Laboratory
Copper Scott National Nuclear Security Administration
Cornish Robert U.S. Department of Energy
Cowlam Thomas Savannah River Site Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS)
Craig Douglas K. Advanced Technologies and Laboratories International
Crandall Thomas M. U.S. Department of Energy


Dalton Linda Washington TRU Solutions
Davis Richard Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Davis Wayne Washington Safety Management Solutions
de la Rosa Diana Sandia National Laboratories
Dennis Raymond Air Resources Laboratory
Dieckman Lynda Argonne National Laboratory
Dillon Michael Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Drost Portia Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
Dunkle Marie M.K. Dunkle Consulting
DuTeaux Shelley State of California
Dyer Debra U.S. Department of Energy


Emrick Ann Brookhaven National Laboratory
Erickson Todd CH2M HILL, Hanford Group, Inc.


Fairobent James U. S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Farr James K. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Foster Kevin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Freshwater David U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration


Gee Robert B&W Y-12
Geib Sandra U.S. Department of Energy
Gentile Bill U.S. Department of Energy
Gibeault Gerald Idaho National Laboratory
Gilliam Bob U.S. Department of Energy
Glantz Clifford Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Glynn Steven DynMcDermott
Goode George Brookhaven National Laboratory
Griest Wayne Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Haggard Courtney WSMS-Mid America
Hale Roger Spectra Tech, Inc.
Harris John D. U.S. Department of Energy
Harvey Brad Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Hawks Scott U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Hayes William Fluor
Heitkamp Michael Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Henderson Sam SAIC
Hendrix Bruce CH2M-WG Idaho
Hickey Eva Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Hicks Clyde Honeywell Federal Manamgement &Technologies Kansas City
Hodgin C. Reed AlphaTRAC, Inc.
Hoefs Jeff Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Homann Steven Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hooper Lisa Sandia National Laboratories
Horn Frank Brookhaven National Laboratory
Huckabee Jack Navarro Research and Engineering
Huff Darrell U.S. Department of Energy
Hunter Chuck Savannah River Nuclear Solutions


Inglis Robert B&W Pantex


Jamison James (Jim) Science Applications International Corporation
Jivelekas Aprill WSMS-MA
Johnson Deborah U.S. Department of Energy


Kabela Erik Savannah River National Laboratory
Kedzierski Thaddeus Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
King Bruce Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Knazovich Michael Sandia National Laboratories


la Pointe Lisa Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lakeotes Laura National Security Technologies, LLC
Lakeotes Laura National Security Technologies, LLC
Locklair Vicki U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration
Lombard John Wackenhut Services Inc.
Long Jeff Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Lorenzetti David Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lu Po-Yung Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Luckett Stephen U.S. Department of Energy
Lunsford Dan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Manis Lori Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Marsick Daniel U.S. Department of Energy
Martin Amber Navarro Research and Engineering
Martin Greg Science Applications International Corporation
Martin Pete Excalibur Associates, Inc.
Matonis Peter Idaho National Laboratory
Matz-Siegel Dina Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mazzola Carl Shaw Environmental, Inc.
McDonnell Mister NSTec
McDougall Vernon ATL International
McNitt Jim National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Merrick Jr. John Carolina Emergency Management Consulting
Mikkola Brenda Value Added Solutions, Inc.
Miller Cash Excalibur Associates
Miller Mark National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Mitchell Roger Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mogolesko Fred Entergy Nuclear
Moore Kevin National Nuclear Security Administration


Napier Bruce U.S. Department of Energy
Nasstrom John Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Newby Deborah Idaho National Laboratory
Nickels William National Security Technologies


Ogden Chad ATL International
O'Keeffe Michael National Security Technologies
O'Kula Kevin Westinghouse Safety Management Solutions
O'Shaughnessy Michele U.s. Department of Energy
Outlaw Doug SAIC


Paslay Robert Washington TRU Solutions
Pegram David U.S. Department of Energy
Pendergrass Will National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
Peterson Shana B&W Y-12
Petrocchi Rocky Petrocchi, LLC
Pfeiffer Phil Idaho National Laboratory
Pobanz Brenda National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center
Possidente William National Security Technologies
Powers Jim U.S. Department of Energy/NNSA
Purtymun William Los Alamos National Laboratory


Ramsdell Van Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Randerson Darryl Air Resources Laboratory
Rishel Jeremy Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Rives Charles B&W Pantex
Roberto Frank Idaho National Laboratory
Rodi Diane Argonne National Laboratory
Rogers Thomas Unwin Company
romo adrian washington TRU solutions
Rose Howie Roane County
Rotella Thomas U.S. Department of Energy
Royce Barbara Brookhaven National Laboratory
Rust Steven Fluor Hanford


Sabnis Amishi ATL International
Salmonson Bradley Battelle Energy Alliance/Idaho National Laboratory
SanAgustin Jesus U.S. Department of Energy HQ
Sanchez Nancy U.S. Department of Energy
Schoonmaker Chris Operations Tech Support
Searing John Brookhaven National Laboratory
Seidel David Los Alamos National Laboratory
Simon Gary DynMcDermott
Skene Derek AlphaTRAC, Inc
Southerly Michael University of Nevada, Reno
Sparkman Debra U.S. Department of Energy
Stopford Bettina Science Applications International Corporation
Stuart Verl Bechtel-BWXT Idaho


Tapia Jonathan LANL
Terranova Joseph Brookhaven National Laboratory
Thomas Richard Intercet, Ltd.
Thornton Melissa WSMS Mid-America
Tobin Paul U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Tregub Igor National Nuclear Security Administration
Trent Joel Idaho Operations Office
Trott Donna Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Tuccinardi Thomas ATL International
Tupin Mr. Edward Environmental Protection Agency


Van Gorp Gail Argonne National Laboratory
van Warmerdam Charlotte Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Vazquez Gustavo U.S. Department of Energy
Vigeant Steven Shaw Environmental
Vigil Jacob Department of Energy
Vitaliani Ernest Savannah River Nuclear Solutions
Vorachek Mike Idaho National Laboratory
Vosburg Susan Sandia National Laboratories
Vrooman Robert NNSA Sandia Site Office


Walker Hoyt Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Wallace James (Brad) U.S. Department of Energy
Wang Te-Chuan Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER), R.O.C
Weeks Jim Advanced Technologies and Laboratories
Wester Robert Wester and Associates
Williams Charles U.S. Department of Energy
Winner Gary Argonne National Laboratory
Wolfgram Michele WSMS Mid-America
Woodard Robert Independent Consultant
Woodring James Argonne National Laboratory-East
Wyatt Louise ORISE


Young Kenneth Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Yu Xiao-Ying Pacific Northwest National Laboratory