Volcanism and Climate: A Comparison of the Mt. Pinatubo and El Chichon Events

M. J. Post

Multi-year, multi-wavelength lidar studies of two major volcanic events reveal details of buildup and decay that are important for proper climatic modeling of such events. Over the United States, build-up from these two tropical volcanoes appears to be similar but decay is dissimilar. Simultaeously, both the troposphere and the stratosphere are affected by such eruptions, a heretofore unknown result.

ETL / Review / Volcanism and Climate: A Comparison of the Mt. Pinatubo and El Chichon Events / Figure: Mt. Pinatubo, Build up: 1, 2, Ruby Lidar, 1, 2, 3, 4, El Chichon, Decay: 1, 2, Conclusion