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Aerospace Supplier Development Mission to China

Aerospace Supplier Development Mission to China

Aerospace Supplier Development Mission to China
Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou & Zhuhai
October 26 – November 4, 2008

The Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration (ITA) Aerospace & Defense Technologies Team and the U.S. Commercial Service China Transportation Team (CS China) will organize an Aerospace Supplier Development Mission to China from October 26 - November 4, 2008.

The goals of the Aerospace Supply Chain Development Mission to China are to:
• introduce US companies to Chinese joint-venture groups and Western OEMs operating in China;
• explore supplier opportunities on other aerospace programs, including Chinese programs and Western programs with Chinese firms “risk sharing”; and,
• participate in Airshow China in Zhuhai.

October 26-28 / Beijing
October 28-November 2 / Shanghai & Suzhou
November 2-4 / Guangzhou & Zhuhai


As a participant in the Aerospace Supplier Development Mission to China, you will benefit from the following:

  • Pre-travel briefings/webinar on subjects ranging from Chinese business practices to security;
  • Mission briefing in Beijing, including CAAC standards briefing;
  • Roundtable meeting with the US-China Aviation Cooperation Program leadership;
  • A U.S. Aerospace Supplier Technical Sales Presentation in Shanghai;
  • Pre-scheduled meetings with potential partners, distributors, end users, or local industry contacts in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou, and at Airshow China in Zhuhai;
  • Transportation to airports in Beijing and Shanghai;
  • Coach class airline ticket between Beijing and Shanghai;
  • Bus transportation between Shanghai and Suzhou;
  • Coach class airline ticket between Shanghai and Guangzhou;
  • One Airshow China entry pass per company representative;
  • Participation in industry receptions at Airshow China;
  • Meetings with CS China aviation industry specialists;
  • Optional interpreters; and,
  • On-site mission coordination.

Participation Fees: $5,000 per company (500 or more employees) plus plus $600 for each additional company representative; or, $4,150 per company (500 or fewer employees) plus $600 for each additional company representative.

Participation fee does not include airfare to/from China, hotel, rooms, most meals, individual interpreters, and incidentals.

Space is limited to 10 companies.


Contact information:

Eric Nielsen
Arizona USEAC
Tel: (520) 670-5808
William Lawton
Tel: (305) 526-7425 ext 26
Gwen Lyle
U.S. Embassy, Beijing
Tel: (86-10) 8529-6655 ext. 807