BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Trade Events

Promote your product or service to targeted, pre-screened buyers

Trade Missions afford a cost-effective way to arrange face-to-face meetings with pre-screened business partners and include country briefings, logistical support, and follow-up counseling.

The International Buyer Program brings thousands of foreign buyers to U.S. trade shows each year.

Certified Trade Fairs place you in the best international trade shows with access to thousands of buyers and targeted matching.

Catalog Exhibitions and Product Literature Centers give you presence at major overseas trade events by showcasing your product and service literature and sending you the leads--all without leaving home.

Single Company Promotions help you successfully present product or service seminars and demonstrations overseas. Our overseas staffs can arrange meeting venues, work with you to generate the invitation list, and promote your event.


Budapest's Chain Bridge