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Environmental Data in King County, Washington

Environmental Stewardship in King County
2007 Annual Report, Department of Natural Resources and Parks

2007_dnrp_annual_report_coverEnvironmental Stewardship in King County, the 2007 Annual Report for King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, describes the department, what it was tasked to do and what it accomplished in 2007. The report provides maps, facts and figures to convey the breadth of department responsibilities and includes overviews of executive initiatives, performance measures and results, and awards won by the department in 2007.

The 2007 Annual Report describes accomplishments by the department's four divisions including:

  • Wastewater Treatment;
  • Water and Land Resources;
  • Solid Waste, and
  • Parks and Recreation.

The report also outlines the 2007 achievements of the King County GIS Center, and includes an overview of finances for the department and its divisions.

Environmental Stewardship in King County, the Department of Natural Resources and Parks' 2007 Annual Report, is available in Adobe Acrobat format, and is available in sections for faster download. For help using Acrobat files, please visit our Acrobat help page. To request a paper copy of this report, please call 206-296-6500 or e-mail us at

Download the document here: