United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Health Care Eligibility & Enrollment

Health Care Information

What is Primary Care?

Primary Care means having one provider in charge of your health care. Primary Care Providers are Family Practice or Internal Medicine Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, or Physician Assistants. The Primary Care Provider is supported by a team of nurses, clerks, social workers, pharmacists, and other skilled professionals who assure you receive well-coordinated high quality care.

Your Primary Care Provider is responsible for:

  • Managing any acute and chronic health problems you may have,
  • Health promotion and prevention services,
  • Immunizations,
  • Coordination of your health care,
  • Women’s health services (you may elect to receive this care at a VA Women's Health Clinic),
  • Referrals for VA specialty care and services,
  • Management of your medications,
  • Office visits for acute and chronic medical illnesses and periodic physical exams.

If you need to be hospitalized, your care will be managed by VA medical staff during your admission.

How can I receive the full range of services covered by VA Health Benefits package?

The full range of VA health benefits package is delivered through a comprehensive Primary Care program.

How can Primary Care help me stay healthy?

VA and your Primary Care Provider are committed to take care of you when you are ill or injured. We also want to help you stay healthy. Eating right, exercising, and seeing your Primary Care Provider for regular health exams are ways you can stay healthy. Your Primary Care Provider will also give you information about special prevention and health promotion programs or classes available to you.

Helping you stay healthy requires you and your Primary Care Provider to work together and communicate openly about your health needs and status. To promote good health, your Primary Care Provider will also make sure that you are current with immunizations, and that you are counseled and/or screened as appropriate for colorectal, breast, cervical, or prostate cancer, and for tobacco and alcohol use, as well as the benefits of good nutrition and exercise.

To maintain your good health, your Primary Care Provider will assess you for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and pulmonary disease, and develop a plan to monitor your health status on an ongoing basis.

How do I access my Primary Care Provider between visits?

Your Primary Care Provider will give you instructions about how to contact the clinic during your first appointment. If you are experiencing an urgent health care issue that is not an emergency, or need health advice that cannot wait for your next scheduled appointment, you are encouraged to contact your Primary Care Provider. You also have the option to call your local facility’s telephone care program, also called VA Telehealth. Information about VA Telehealth will also be provided during your first appointment.

How do I find out about my test results ?

If you have lab work and/or x-rays during your primary care visit, we will contact you if the lab or x-ray results indicate a need to change your treatment. We will also notify you about biopsy, Pap smear, and mammogram results. Otherwise, we will discuss test results at your next primary care visit.

How do I schedule, reschedule, and cancel my appointments?

To make a follow up appointment, reschedule, or cancel an appointment, contact your local local VA facility. If you make an appointment and then find out you cannot keep it, be sure to cancel by calling the "Scheduling" phone number for your clinic at least 24 hours in advance. Another patient may be able to use your appointment if we receive advance notification of your cancellation.

How can I make the most of my health care appointments?

  • Arrive on time
  • Bring a written list of your most important concerns and questions
  • Be prepared to talk about any changes in your health. Tell your provider about any unusual symptoms or lifestyle changes
  • Ask about recent test results
  • Bring a list of your current medications from all VA and private providers or bring all of your medications with you to your first appointment. Be sure to include on-prescription medications and herbal products you are taking too
  • Ask about your treatment options
  • Tell your provider if you have had any recent medical care elsewhere
  • Tell your provider if you think you need help from other members of the Primary Care team (nurse, social worker, dietitian, pharmacist)
  • If possible, bring copies of recent medical records including laboratory results from any non-VA health care provider you are seeing in your community

What if I need to change Primary Care Providers?

You have the right to change health care provider(s). Discuss any problems or concerns you have with your current provider and try to reach an agreement. If you cannot reach an agreement, ask your assigned care team or the Patient Advocate to assist you in making a change.

Help Us Help You

It is very important that we have your current address and phone number. This ensures that your Primary Care Provider can contact you if necessary and that your medications will be sent to the right address. If you have a change of address or phone number, please notify the receptionist when you check in or contact VA Enrollment Office by phone. You may be contacted occasionally before your scheduled appointments to update your contact and insurance information.

If you move, contact your Primary Care Provider or care team. Options will be discussed with you about health services in your new location.

What are Advance Directives and why would I need one?

You have the right to make decisions regarding your medical care. This includes the right to accept or refuse medical treatment. An Advance Directive is a written statement about medical decisions you want made for you in the event you can no longer speak for yourself.

The two most common forms of Advance Directives are:

  • Living Will: a document in which you state in writing your wishes about medical care.
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care: a document giving a person you appoint, such as a relative or friend, the authority to speak for you about your treatment, should you be unable to do this for yourself.

These documents are maintained as part of your medical record and are periodically reviewed with you. Talk to your Primary Care Provider if you have questions about Advance Directives or wish to complete one.

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For questions about Health Care Eligibility, please visit the VA inquiry website.