United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Health Care Eligibility & Enrollment

Combat Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. What is Combat Veteran Enhanced Eligibility and Enrollment?
  2. What does VA accept as proof of combat service?
  3. What health benefits are available under the “Combat Veteran” authority?
  4. What happens after the enhanced eligibility period expires?
  5. What about combat veterans who do not enroll during the enhanced eligibility period?
  6. Do combat veterans have to pay medical or prescription copays?
  7. Are combat veterans Eligible for dental care?


What is Combat Veteran Enhanced Eligibility and Enrollment?

Veterans, including activated Reservists and National Guard members, are eligible for cost-free health care services and nursing home care for conditions possibly related to military service and enrollment in Priority Group 6 if they served on active duty in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998, and have been discharged under other than dishonorable conditions as follows:

  • Currently enrolled veterans and new enrollees who were discharged from active duty on or after January 28, 2003, are eligible for the enhanced benefits for 5 years post discharge.
  • Veterans discharged from active duty before January 28, 2003, who apply for enrollment on or after January 28, 2008, are eligible for the enhanced benefit until January 27, 2011.

Combat veterans who were enrolled in VA's health care system on or after January 28, 2008, are covered by the new authority. Combat veterans who applied after January 16, 2003, but were not accepted for enrollment based on high income will be automatically enrolled under the new authority.

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What does VA accept as proof of combat service?

For purposes of establishing special eligibility for VA health care services, VA accepts service documentation that reflects service in a combat theater, receipt of combat service medals and/or receipt of imminent danger or hostile fire pay or tax benefits.

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What health benefits are available under the “Combat Veteran” authority?

  • Cost-free care, including medications, for conditions potentially related to their combat service during the enhanced authority period.
  • Enrollment into Enrollment Priority Group 6 if not otherwise qualified for a higher enrollment priority group assignment.
  • Full access to VA's Medical Benefits Package

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What happens after the enhanced eligibility period expires?

Veterans who enroll with VA under this authority will continue to be enrolled even after their enhanced eligibility period ends. At the end of their enhanced eligibility period, veterans enrolled in Priority Group 6 may be shifted to Priority Group 7 or 8, depending on their income level, and required to make applicable copays.

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What about combat veterans who do not enroll during the enhanced eligibility period?

For those veterans who do not enroll during the enhanced eligibility period, eligibility for enrollment and subsequent care is based on other factors such as: a compensable service-connected disability, VA pension status, catastrophic disability determination, or the veteran's financial circumstances. For this reason, combat veterans are strongly encouraged to apply for enrollment within their enhanced eligibility period even if no medical care is currently needed.

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Do combat veterans have to pay medical or prescription copays?

Veterans who qualify under this special authority are not subject to copays for conditions potentially related to their combat service. The VA health care provider is responsible for determining if treatment is possibly related to the veteran's combat service. In making this determination, the health care provider must consider that the following types of conditions are not ordinarily considered to be due to military service:

  1. Congenital or developmental conditions, for example, scoliosis,
  2. Conditions which are known to have existed before military service, and
  3. Conditions have a specific and well-established cause and that began after military combat service.

Combat veterans, while not required to disclose their income information, may do so to determine their eligibility for a higher priority, beneficiary travel benefits and exemption of copays for care unrelated to their military service.

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Are combat veterans Eligible for dental care?

Eligibility for dental benefits is based on very specific guidelines and differs significantly from eligibility requirements for medical care.

Combat veterans may be authorized dental treatment as reasonably necessary for the one-time correction of dental conditions if:

  • They served on active duty and were discharged or released from active duty under conditions other than dishonorable from a period of service not less than 90 days and
  • The certificate of discharge or release does not bear a certification that the veteran was provided, within the 90-day period immediately before the date of such discharge or release, a complete dental examination (including dental X-rays) and all appropriate dental service and treatment indicated by the examination to be needed and
  • Application for VA dental treatment is made within 180 days of discharge or release

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For questions about Health Care Eligibility, please visit the VA inquiry website.