All application packages will be reviewed on an individual basis and will require seven separate items:
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Both the General Admissions Application and the Essay Application forms, as well as the accompanying materials, will be evaluated in assessing each applicant's qualifications for EFOP acceptance. Final selection is competitive due to the limited number of available slots. Each applicant will be notified in writing as to acceptance or nonacceptance into the EFOP. Qualified women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
The application package must be sent to:
Office of Admissions, Building I, Room 216
National Emergency Training Center
16825 South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg, MD 21727-8998
NOTE: Candidates may submit an application package at any time during the year. However, there is a cutoff date of June 30 for each fiscal year. Thus, in order to be considered for the FY 2009 (October 1, 2008 to September 30, 2009) EFOP, the application must be postmarked no later than June 30, 2008. Applications postmarked after that date will be considered for the next fiscal year.
Because of the intense competition for admission to the EFOP, the Academy has very stringent requirements for continuing eligibility. Reduction of a participant's rank or responsibility, either voluntarily or involuntarily, will result in removal from the EFOP. Changes in a participant's employment status during the 4-year period of the program may alter eligibility to continue in the EFOP. Any such change must be brought to the attention of the Academy immediately in order to determine continuing eligibility. Participants are required to notify the NETC Office of Admissions in writing immediately if they cannot attend a scheduled course; otherwise, they will be removed from the EFOP.
NOTE: Future participation in EFOP courses is contingent upon the successful completion of the required Applied Research Projects. The participant bears the responsibility for any travel costs associated with course cancellation, and for failing to complete the required research in a timely manner.
Individuals who have completed EFOP courses in a non-EFOP status later may elect to apply for the EFOP. Those interested in this must follow the application process stated earlier. If the applicant is accepted, consideration will be extended toward any EFOP course(s) already completed. If the course(s) completed is accepted as a valid equivalency, the individual will be provided a period of time to complete the Applied Research Project(s) for the course(s) completed. These research project(s) must be completed before the applicant participates in the next scheduled EFOP course