Electronic Mail Services


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What is Labmail?

ITD maintains the Labmail system, via the LDAP directory, which provides mail forwarding services for BNL. Labmail is the BNL system for providing a generic e-mail address for BNL employees. This system allows people to contact registered users through an address of the form username@bnl.gov, rather than using the final destination address. The Labmail system will look up the address username@bnl.gov and determine where to forward the message. This allows employees to transparently change where they receive their mail, while maintaining the same e-mail delivery address.

As an example, John Doe is registered in Labmail with the address jdoe@bnl.gov. His forwarding address is jdoe@mail.bnl.gov, which is the mail server where he actually receives his mail. Later on he can change his registration information, so that his mail is now forwarded to jdoe@exchange.bnl.gov. Mail sent to jdoe@bnl.gov will now be forwarded to the new address.

Registering for Labmail

To register for Labmail, send an e-mail message to itdhelp@bnl.gov. The message should be sent from the host where you wish to receive mail, or you may include a comment in the registration request specifying where the mail should be forwarded. Include your full name, your life number or guest number, a primary Labmail alias, and any additional aliases you would like to use. If you are using a mail client that allows you to specify what your return address will be, please include your real e-mail delivery address in the registration.


  • To: itdhelp@bnl.gov
  • Subject: Labmail Registration
  • John J. Doe
  • 12345
  • jdoe
  • johnny jjd

Please forward my labmail to jdoe@mail.bnl.gov.

This request is processed by a person and not an automated procedure, so may include any comments or questions you have on the service. You will be contacted when your registration request has been accepted.

Changing your Labmail registration

If you wish to make any changes to your Labmail registration, simply submit another registration request. Your new request will be compared to your current registration information, and any necessary changes will be made

Looking up a Labmail user

The easiest way to lookup users registered for Labmail is through the BNL Phone Directory lookup page.

Listing all Labmail users

This feature is no longer enabled. If you need to lookup a user, you should use the lookup function in the BNL Phone Directory.

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Last Modified: July 31, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Web Services