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false brome
false brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.)Beauv.)
ODA rating: B
Perennial grass; forms short "squatty" bunches. Stems hollow with broad, flat one quarter to one third inch wide lax leaves and a leaf sheath open to the base. Leaf color a bright green that often remains through fall and part of winter. Leaf margins and lower stems hairy; ligules membranous . Flowers born in a true spike that droops noticeably, and spikelets with short or no stalks.
False brome can quickly become the dominant plant species in forest understories, demonstrating great shade and drought tolerance. It is able to grow in a wide variety of habitats and competes strongly for early season moisture. Its presence in commercial timberlands creates a perfect environment for rodents which damage tree seedlings. It can dominate oak savannah habitats and can be expected to severely restrict native oak regeneration. This weedy grass is a threat to natural areas and has the potential adversely impact commercial timber production.
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Dyer's Woad Patch
Images courtesy of Glenn Miller, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture.
If images are downloaded and used from the ODA web site please be sure to credit the photographer.
Oregon is the North American epicenter of this introduced European grass.
Distribution in Oregon

Map legend
Yellow:  limited distribution
Red:      abundant
Grey:     not known to be present
Biological controls
No approved biological control agents are available at this time.
Informational links

Page updated: May 14, 2007

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