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Emergency Public Information Subcommittee

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Emergency Public Information Subcommittee     


2008 Annual Meeting

Highlights from the 2008 EMI SIG Annual Meeting are now posted, along with presentations from the 2008 EPI Subcommittee Meeting. EPI Subcommittee presentations may be found at the 2008 Annual Meeting Highlights page.

The 2008 EPI Subcommittee Meeting Report provides a summary of this year's meeting events.

Fall EPI Subcommittee Teleconference

We are beginning the search for topics/speakers for the fall EPI teleconference. Your input as to new approaches, innovative technologies, lessons learned, and topics of interest in the EPI community would be most helpful as we begin promulgating the agenda.

If you have suggestions and/or leads for possible topics/speakers, please contact:

John Carter
EPI Subcommittee Chair
Email: jcarter@bnl.gov
Phone: 631-344-5195


Holly Jacobs
ORISE contact
Email: holly.jacobs@orise.orau.gov
Phone: 865-574-8846