Promotional Event Ideas


Letter A

s National National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) quickly approaches, now is the time to begin planning for special events and activities that will help your organization call attention to the important issue of adolescent alcohol and substance abuse treatment. Here are some ideas to consider as vehicles to promote this year’s theme, Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time.

Community Forums

Community forums are an excellent opportunity to engage physicians and other health professionals, community organizations serving youth, schools, the juvenile justice and family court systems, parents and families, substance abuse treatment providers, the faith community, the media, and others in a dialog about how to improve alcohol and substance abuse treatment services in the community. These forums can be aired through a number of options, including your local public or commercial broadcast radio or TV stations or your local cable system. The organizing plan for community forums can be limited or broad-based. Community forums can be organized at the community, city or town, or state levels.

  • The primary target audiences for the September 2000 Recovery Month are:
  • Health professionals who serve adolescents
  • Health policymakers and insurers
  • Community-based organizations serving youth
  • Schools and the education community
  • Juvenile justice and family court systems
  • Workplace
  • Parents and families

As you begin to identify panel members and forum participants for your community forum, be sure to include representatives of these sectors. Coordinate with your local public and commercial broadcast radio and television stations, or local cable system to tape and air a discussion panel about adolescent alcohol and substance abuse treatment and recovery issues in your community. This discussion should create a greater understanding on the part of viewers and listeners of the magnitude of the alcohol and substance abuse problem, identify the substance abuse treatment needs of children and adolescents, and the community’s responsibility to support its young people. The discussion should also explore ways to minimize the stigma of substance abuse treatment and recovery.

Recruit members from your community who are knowledgeable or who have an interest in adolescent alcohol and substance abuse treatment to participate in a broadcast community forum. Panel members should include health professionals, representatives from community organizations serving youth, an elected official or other policymaker, a treatment provider, and someone who has been an adolescent in recovery, if possible. Ensure that the panel is representative of your community’s cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity. Plan to have one or two people standing by in the event of any last-minute cancellation from one of the confirmed panelists.

Identify an experienced facilitator to host the session, keep the discussion focused, and make sure that all points are covered. The facilitator should read an introduction and a closing statement from the teleprompter to summarize the key points of the discussion. Make sure the facilitator’s opening and closing remarks are consistent with the messages you believe are important.

Make sure that the key points of the discussion can be covered within the timeframe allowed by the broadcast station. Meet with panelists on several occasions in advance of the broadcast to clarify the purpose of the discussion. One of the additional goals and benefits of this process is to bring together a wide range of school, business, and community leaders to brainstorm about these issues. They should have the opportunity to create their own agenda for the forum.

The community forum agenda may include the following topics:

  • An overview of the extent, magnitude, and consequences of the adolescent substance abuse problem in the community.
  • Identification of current substance abuse treatment efforts that are effective, and a dialog about unmet needs for substance abuse treatment and recovery.
  • A discussion of "stigma" and its effect on adolescents who might otherwise seek substance abuse treatment.
  • Recommendations to health professionals, community leaders, and schools on the benefits of identifying, discussing, and providing substance abuse treatment to adolescents in need.

Media Events

Conduct a press event at which the mayor and/or the governor issue a proclamation designating September as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. To celebrate this year’s theme, Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time, the event could recognize leaders in the community who have helped youth overcome addiction problems. Consider inviting a youth leader in recovery to speak. Coordinate with the mayor’s or governor’s office and the recovery community on news releases and media outreach to obtain quotes, encourage press coverage, and to ensure all parties are conveying the same message.

Host an open house at a treatment facility to observe Recovery Month. Present different ways in which the recovery community can partner with schools, churches, and other members of the community to address adolescent substance abuse. Invite community leaders, the public, treatment providers, faith leaders, the media, family members and youth in recovery. Discuss why communities should work together to address adolescent alcohol and substance abuse. Work with the facility and its clients to ensure that the privacy rights of treatment recipients are respected. Encourage all members of the community to support the expansion of available alcohol and substance abuse treatment for adolescents.

Incorporate a variety of activities to draw people to your event:

  • Conduct a tour demonstrating the key services provided by the facility.
  • Distribute information brochures on alcohol and substance abuse treatment options.
  • Show a video about the facility and the people it serves.

Other Activities

Send out a year-to-date news release highlighting activities your organization has conducted in the last year, including a summary of the breadth of services provided, the total number of people served by your facility, and a summary of adolescent-related outreach activities conducted. Identify adolescents who are willing to tell their story to the media to highlight the individual faces behind the statistics. Include quotes from these individuals focusing on the support and assistance they received from their family, school, and your organization, and their commitment to help other youth in recovery. You may also consider using the back-to-school timeframe or the beginning of fall sports season as an opportunity to highlight the need for substance abuse treatment programs for youth and their families.

Arrange for speaking opportunities for the executive director of your organization and a treatment program graduate at hospital seminars, school workshops, and community forums about the importance of substance abuse treatment. It is important that you emphasize specific messages, such as how to recognize the signs of alcohol and drug abuse in youth, and the various ways the community can support recovery.

Produce a short article that discusses the benefits and positive outcomes associated with alcohol and drug treatment for adolescents. Include your organization’s phone number and/or a local hotline number for readers to call for more information. Work with hospital publications and newsletters of church, school, and community groups to encourage them to include this feature in their September issue.

Consider creative ways to promote this year’s theme, Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time, such as holding a silent auction with prizes donated by area businesses to benefit a nonprofit substance abuse treatment center. Publicize the auction to the public through outreach to local media in your community.

Set up an exhibit booth at a local hospital, school, or community event to disseminate information about effective treatment options and other key substance abuse treatment information as it relates to adolescents.

Display banners in your community promoting September as Recovery Month in highly visible areas and large outdoor venues. Ask businesses, schools, and community organizations to recognize Recovery Month with posters and fliers in cafeterias, on bulletin boards, and in other public places. Include a hotline or other local number for people to call for more information or learn how to get involved.

Create public service announcements and special programming promoting adolescent alcohol and substance abuse treatment. If your local public and commercial radio and television stations, and local cable system do not already broadcast information on substance abuse treatment, provide them with material, and request that they do.



Sample Press Release


CONTACT: (Name of person within your organization who is available to answer questions from the press. Be sure to add the contact’s phone number.)

(name of Local Official) and (your organization)
Join Forces to Address Adolescent Alcohol
Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment

(Add the city and state where your organization is located; also add the date you want this press release published.) (Name of your city and the name of your local official) joined with the (your organization’s name) today to proclaim September as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month). During this time communities are encouraged to join together to help adolescents with substance abuse problems begin to lead healthier, happier, and more productive lives.

Recovery Month celebrates the tremendous strides taken by individuals who have undergone successful treatment and recognizes those in the field who dedicate their lives to helping young people in need. This local initiative is part of a national campaign to promote the benefits of substance abuse treatment and embrace this year’s theme, Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time.

"Never in our nation’s history have alcohol and so many illicit drugs been so widely available to our youth," said (add the name of your local official). "In fact, in 1999 more than half of our nation’s 12th graders reported that they have tried an illicit drug, and more than one-quarter have tried a drug other than marijuana. And, although the consumption of alcohol is illegal for those under 21 years of age, more than 10 million current drinkers are age 12 to 20. The time has come for all of us to work together to remove the stigma of substance abuse treatment and help our teens with substance abuse problems get on the road to recovery." (Work with your local official’s office to develop a quote such as the one above.)

According to (add the spokesperson, title, and your organization’s name), "Adolescent substance use has far-reaching impact on our communities and schools. Drug abuse can compromise an adolescent’s mental and emotional development. Getting help early can reduce substance use related problems that may occur later in life. It’s time to close the treatment gap, so that our young people enjoy healthy and successful futures."

Several awareness activities will take place throughout the month of September:

  • Presentations at schools, places of worship, and community events on identifying adolescents with substance abuse problems and available treatment options
  • Distribution of fact sheets to policymakers, the juvenile justice and family court systems, and the workplace outlining the effectiveness and costs benefits of substance abuse treatment programs
  • Exhibit at the (add your city) community center on (add the date).

# # #



Helpful Hints for Writing a Press Release
Letter M

any news stories are triggered by a timely, well-written press release. Sometimes small newspapers will run the release word-for-word or with minor changes. Most media, however, will use it as background information. Following are some tips to help you in writing your own release to promote your organization’s news that you want published or aired.

  • Always have a good reason for developing a release. To be useful, a release must be newsworthy. For example, you might issue a release if your organization:

  • Announces the results of a poll, survey, or study on adolescent substance abuse
  • Launches a new public education program
  • Begins a new type of service or makes significant changes to existing services
  • Hires a new director or high-level staff person
  • Receives a grant or donation
  • Wants to publicize the local impact of a national news event
  • Forms a special task force
  • Conducts seminars or workshops featuring a local or national celebrity speaker
  • Plans local activities to tie into a well-known day, week, or month
  • Honors an individual or organization.
  • Keep it short. A release should be no more than two pages, double-spaced, and contain short sentences and paragraphs.

  • Stick to the format. Releases should be typed on organization letterhead. At the top of the page, include the name and phone number of a contact for more information. The release should begin with the name of your city and the date. If the release is longer than one page, type "-more-" at the bottom of each page, except the last. Signify the end of the release by typing "# # #" or "-30-" centered after the last sentence.

  • Give the most important details first. Begin with a headline that summarizes the release. The first paragraph should answer the five basic questions—who, what, where, when, and why.

  • Be careful with language. Avoid using slang or technical terms. If necessary, explain terms.

  • Check for accuracy. Be sure to verify all spelling, statistics, names, and titles.

  • Write factually. Opinions should be expressed in direct quotes only. When quoting an individual get consent before publishing.

  • Seek placement. Distribute your release to local print and broadcast reporters in your community. Follow up to encourage them to write or air a story. Try to schedule an interview with an official of your organization. Collect samples of any resulting coverage to document your outreach efforts.



Sample Media Advisory


(name of your Local Official) and (your organization)
to Announce Adolescent and Youth Recovery Campaign

To kick off the September 2000 National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month observance, (add city or state, and the title and name of your local official) and (add the name of your organization) will launch a statewide campaign (add the day and date) to increase awareness of adolescent substance abuse treatment and recovery issues.

During this month people who interact with teens in the community are encouraged to increase awareness about the effectiveness of adolescent substance abuse treatment. (Name and title of local official) will be joined by members of the recovery community to discuss ways in which family members and the community can work together as a team to support teens in need of substance abuse treatment and to launch a series of outreach activities taking place throughout the month.

In addition, testimonials will be given by youth in recovery and members of the recovery community.


  • (add his or her name, the name of your local official)

  • (add a representative from your organization)

  • (add the names of youth leaders in recovery who are participating)


(day and month)


(time of the event)


(address where the event will be held)


(name of the person from your organization who will field phone inquiries)

Phone number:

(add the contact person’s phone number)



Tips for Sending Out a Media Advisory
Letter A

media advisory is a simple way to inform local media outlets about an upcoming press conference or a briefing. This document provides print and broadcast reporters with the information they need to plan and cover your activity. Below are some helpful suggestions for successfully distributing your advisory.

  • Place it on the "daybooks" and in "week-ahead" columns. Call newswire services in your city or state, such as the Associated Press or United Press International, and ask them to place the advisory on their daybooks—a daily listing of all activities that the media are invited to attend—the week before, the day before, and the day of the event. Ask for the name of the daybook editor and the fax number. Also try to place the advisory in the "week-ahead" columns of local newspapers and business publications that list upcoming activities.

  • Create a media list. Send the advisory to local media outlets in your community one week before your event. To do so, you should develop a current media list—a fundamental tool of public relations. Your list of media outlets must be accurate and up-to-date to effectively reach reporters with your story. Here are some tips to get you started:

    • Check your local library or book stores for media directories of daily and weekly newspapers, television stations, radio stations, newswire services, magazines, newsletters, and business trade publications in your community. Some examples of media directories include Bacon and Gebbie’s All-In-One Directory. Use the phone book or the Internet to supplement your list.

    • Once you have developed a list of phone numbers and addresses, call each outlet to verify the information and to determine which editors and reporters are the most appropriate for your news.

    • For each print and broadcast media outlet, create a list with the following information: name of media outlet, address, telephone number, fax number, and the names and titles of specific reporters or editors who cover substance abuse/drug treatment and business-related issues. You should also determine the best time to call each reporter (i.e., how far in advance/what time of day) about your event.

    • Be sure to include specialized media on your list, such as African American, Hispanic/Latino, or other minority newspapers or radio stations. Other specialty media that you may wish to include are university/college newspapers; television and radio stations; small community papers or neighborhood newsletters; and publications produced by local organizations, such as businesses, hospitals, women’s centers, health care clinics, professional associations, churches and other faith-based institutions, drug stores, and local clubs.

  • Follow up.  After you mail or fax the media advisory, contact reporters by phone to determine their interest in attending or covering the event. Sometimes the personal touch can make a difference in generating media interest.



Sample Op-Ed Article

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents Is Effective

Alcohol and Substance abuse is a major public health problem in the United States. In fact, in 1999, more than half of our nation’s 12th graders tried drugs and more than one-quarter tried a drug other than marijuana. And, although the consumption of alcohol is illegal for those under 21 years of age, more than 10 million current drinkers are age 12 to 20.

Never before in our nation’s history have alcohol and so many illicit drugs been so widely available to our youth. Although national surveys indicate that the use of illicit drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and inhalants has held steady, the same surveys report that the use of the dangerous club drug MDMA (ecstasy) appears to be increasing among older teens. In addition, in 1999, alcohol was reported fairly easy or very easy to get by 72.3 percent of 8th graders and 88.2 percent of 10th graders.

Substance abuse puts millions of adolescents at increased risk for alcohol-related and drug-related traffic accidents and other unintentional injuries, delinquent and criminal behavior, mental health problems, and sexual practices that place them at increased risk for unplanned pregnancies, as well as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Substance abuse treatment is effective. A national study of community-based treatment programs for adolescents found that reported weekly marijuana use dropped by more than half in the year following treatment. Treatment for adolescent substance abuse can also reduce heavy drinking and criminal behavior, and improve psychological adjustment and school performance.

An investment in substance abuse treatment yields a greater than 2-to-1 return on taxpayers’ investment because of post-treatment reduction in costs associated with medical care and crimes related to alcohol and drugs. Despite the benefits of treatment a significant gap exists between the number of adolescents who need substance abuse treatment and those who receive it. According to a study in Minnesota, only one-fourth of youth age 14 to 17 who need substance abuse treatment were able to receive it.

There are a number of ways to find out about substance abuse treatment programs in your local area. Local sources of referral could include your school district’s nursing staff, psychologist, or substance abuse coordinator or counselor, your doctor, local hospital, or county mental health society. Public and private agencies, such as local health departments or state alcohol and drug authorities may compile directories that can help you locate treatment programs.

This September, as we observe National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, let us help our adolescents with substance abuse problems get their lives back on track through treatment and recovery. People who interact with adolescents in the home or community need to be alert to changes in behavior and appearance that may signal drug abuse. By recognizing the potential signs and symptoms of drug use, you may be able to get help for a teenager in need of treatment. Family and community members need to stay informed about available local resources and be involved in organizations that advocate for public policies and funding that support substance abuse treatment and recovery programs. Getting help for teens with substance abuse problems early in life can ensure healthy and successful futures.

The time is now for the community at large to join with the treatment and recovery community to remove the stigma of substance abuse treatment and help our teens with substance abuse problems get on the road to recovery. Decreasing adolescent substance use is not an easy task. There are no easy answers. Yet, research has found that substance abuse treatment is effective for adolescents. As a community, we must work together as a team to assist teens in getting the help they need. We must also work towards securing policies and funding for treatment programs.

(Provide local referral numbers or names of facilities.)

(Finish with an "authorship line," which should include your full name and a brief description of who you are and what you do that makes you an expert on the subject. You should also include your daytime telephone number.)

# # #



Writing and Placing an Op-Ed
Letter N

ewspapers generally publish a page of opinion columns and letters opposite the editorial page, hence the term "opposite editorial," or "op-ed." The op-ed pages are the arena in which ideas and issues are debated and an excellent place to raise awareness of an issue. During National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month), you have an excellent opportunity to address important issues related to adolescent substance abuse treatment programs. Writing an op-ed places you in the role of a columnist expressing your views while presenting the facts.

Here are some tips for writing and placing an op-ed:

  • Begin by making an outline. It will help you stay focused and act as a reminder to cover key points.
  • Stick with one subject per submission.
  • Express an opinion and be clear and well-stated from the beginning.
  • Do not assume your readers are aware of the issue or your viewpoint. Give them enough background information to help them follow your logic.
  • Support your position with statistics or study results, but do not bury them in numbers.
  • Use appropriate anecdotes; reference a recent news event or story.
  • Contact one or more of the listed Recovery Month planning partners for a relevant quote.
  • Localize your story whenever possible.
  • Be clear and firm in your approach, but not fanatical.
  • Keep your op-ed to 800 words or less. More is not better.

There are two ways to reach a publication with your op-ed—by phone or by mail. Either way, get the process started about a month before the kickoff of Recovery Month.

Tip: Many newspapers produce special supplements for young readers. You may want to contact that supplement’s editor since this year’s theme is Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time.

Begin by calling the paper to find out the name of the appropriate party to contact. At this point, you may learn that the policy of the paper is to send a written copy (or fax) of the op-ed to the editorial page editor. The op-ed should be accompanied by a letter that explains who you are and provides some background information about Recovery Month and the topic. It should briefly but clearly state the issue and why your thoughts on the subject are important. Give your article a week or so to arrive and then call the publication to be sure the op-ed was received and to answer any questions.

Regardless of how you choose to approach a publication, be sure to include an "authorship line" at the end of the piece. This information should include your full name and a brief description of who you are and what you do that makes you an expert on the subject. It should also include your daytime telephone number.



Radio Public Service Announcements

Alcohol and substance abuse among teens is a serious problem. Treatment options are available in your community. For more information about treatment, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P. That’s 1-800-662-4357. A public service of this station and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

If you are a teen struggling with an alcohol or other substance abuse problem, effective treatment programs are available in your community. To learn more, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P. A public service of this station and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

Effective treatment for teen alcohol and substance abuse problems is available in your community. September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Find out what you can do to help, call 1-800-662-H-E-L-P. That’s 1-800-662-4357. A public service of this station and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

Teen alcohol and substance abuse treatment is effective. September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. To learn more about treatment options in your community, call 1-800-662-HELP.  A public service of this station and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

About These Announcements

Radio is a wonderful medium to promote the fact that September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) and to provide the public with a toll-free number that can be used to find out more about treatment services. Remember, a radio public service announcement (PSA) qualifies for free air time only if it is used to promote a nonprofit organization or public service. Stations will often accept prewritten scripts from organizations seeking to convey a public service message that benefits members of the community. The station can read these scripts over the air.

Two 30-second and two 15-second radio PSA scripts have been provided for your use. The scripts give the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s toll-free national helpline, 1-800-662-HELP, as a resource sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. If your state, county, or community has its own toll-free hotline number, we encourage you to use it in place of the national number. Please inform those operating the hotline that you will be using their number in the scripts.

Call your local radio station to find out the name and correct address of the public affairs director. If there is no one at the station with that exact title, ask for the name and title of the person in charge of PSAs. Explain that you are working as part of the national effort to promote Recovery Month and to secure the support of radio stations in promoting treatment and informing listeners in your area where they can go for help.

Once you have spoken with your contact, you should either fax or mail copies of the PSA scripts for consideration. When you retype the scripts to send them out, do not forget to list your contact name, organization, and phone number. Make sure to include a cover letter summarizing the main points you discussed, and state your appreciation for the air time these important messages will receive.



Sample Proclamations

Letter P

Proclamations are an effective tool to draw the public’s attention to a given event or celebration. Having a top official sign a proclamation designating September as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) is a good way to gain government support and recognition for your Recovery Month campaign. Publicize the proclamation to maximize exposure and optimize its use as a public information tool.

Proclamations can be issued by governors, state legislatures, municipalities, counties, cities or towns. All you have to do is to write a letter or contact a member of the respective government entity’s communications office to identify the appropriate mechanism to follow for the issuance of a Recovery Month proclamation. Once you secure the proclamation, there are many ways to publicize it. If the signing takes place at a news conference, distribute copies to reporters. You can also have the proclamation photo-enlarged to poster size for display at the news conference. Afterward, display this "visual prop" (and additional copies) in the lobby of any government buildings or other public places. Also, send copies to local newspapers. Traditional proclamations are a series of "Whereas’s" followed by a "Therefore." "Whereas" means "because," "inasmuch as," or "since." The "Whereas’s" justify the final "Therefore," which is the actual proclamation. They set the stage, state the problem, and suggest action to remedy the problem. The "Therefore" is the actual declaration and request for specific support.

The sample proclamations on the following pages are presented in two ways. The first is more contemporary, leaving out the "Whereas’s." The second proclamation includes them and restructures the topic sentences of some paragraphs. Modify these sample proclamations by inserting information about the problem in your community.

Sample Proclamation 1

In the past 20 years medical science has made great strides in learning about substance abuse and the nature of addiction. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing illness that involves a number of brain chemistry disorders. Treatment for addiction is as effective as treatments for other chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Adolescents who undergo substance abuse treatment report less use of marijuana and hard drugs, less heavy drinking, and less criminal involvement. Other benefits include better psychological adjustment and improved school performance after treatment. In (your city or state here), we are (talk about specific adolescent substance abuse treatment programs or initiatives taking place in your community).

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) celebrates the tremendous strides taken by individuals who have undergone successful treatment and recognizes those in the treatment field who have dedicated their lives to helping people recover from addiction. This year, the national campaign focuses on supporting adolescents in addiction treatment and recovery and embraces the theme Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Office of National Drug Control Policy, and (the name of a substance abuse treatment organization in your community here) invite all residents of (your city or state) to participate in Recovery Month.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, (name and title of your elected official here), do hereby proclaim the month of September 2000 as:

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

in (name of your city or state here) and encourage all residents to promote the benefits of alcohol and drug addiction treatment and recovery and to support adolescents involved in these programs.



Sample Proclamation 2

WHEREAS, on behalf of the citizens of (your city or state here), I am pleased to join the (name of a participating substance abuse treatment organization) in celebrating September 2000 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month in (your city or state here); and

WHEREAS, acknowledging September 2000 offers advocates of substance abuse treatment an opportunity to educate the public and policymakers about the effectiveness of treatment, both societal and financial; and

WHEREAS, substance abuse is a major public health problem that puts millions of adolescents at risk for alcohol-related and drug-related traffic accidents, risky sexual practices, juvenile delinquency, and developmental problems; and

WHEREAS, thousands of health care providers have dedicated their lives to the recovery process and to the education of the public about alcoholism, drug dependence, and treatment issues.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, (name and title of your elected official here), do hereby proclaim the month of September 2000 as:

National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month

in (name of your city or state here) and encourage all citizens to support this year’s theme—Recovering Our Future: One Youth at a Time—by supporting adolescents who are in alcohol and drug addiction treatment and recovery.
