Solid Minerals Division
News Release on Colorado RD&D Leases Link to announcement of comment on preliminary EAs. Link to press release announcing open houses. Link to EAs for Shell, Chevron, and EGL proposals Link to EA of OSEC proposal Llink to news release announcing results of IDRT review. Link to BLM Washington Office information page. Link to BLM Wyoming energy program webpage Link to press release on proposals to be reviewed. Text of Section 379 of Energy Policy Act (PDF) Link to Federal Register notice seeking nominations. Link to Federal Register Notice seeking comments on oil shale leasing. Link to Utah news release on Oil Shale development. Press release announcing issuing of lease to OSEC

Reverse-Chronological Timeline, RD&D Program (2004-present)

Roll your mouse-pointer over the graphic to reveal links related to actions and events in the timeline.