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Walter D. Cruickshank, Ph.D., Deputy Director
Minerals Management Service

Photo of Walter D. Cruickshank, PhD., MMS Deputy Director.Walter D. Cruickshank, Ph.D., was designated Deputy Director of the Minerals Management Service on April 8, 2002. Cruickshank assists the MMS Director in the administration of programs that ensure the effective management of energy and mineral resources located on the nation’s outer continental shelf — including the environmentally safe exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas — and the collection and distribution of revenues for minerals developed on federal and American Indian lands.

Cruickshank previously served as Associate Director for Policy and Management Improvement for MMS since 1997. In that capacity he, provided leadership for advancement of the Presidents' Management Agenda; maintained a focus on high-priority issues; ensured that policy options were analyzed from a variety of perspectives; provided the Director with an administrative appeals process; provided coordination, guidance and expert advice; enabled MMS compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act; and conducted selective pilot projects.

Cruickshank received a Bachelor of Arts in Geological Sciences from Cornell University and a Doctorate in Mineral Economics from The Pennsylvania State University.

Cruickshank resides in Maryland with his wife and two children.

DOI Seal.

Walter D. Cruickshank, Ph.D.

Deputy Director
Minerals Management Service
U.S. Department of the Interior

MMS Seal.

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Last Updated: 10/31/2007, 05:28 AM Central Time

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