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MMS Industry Awards Program and Luncheon  -- Offshore Energy and Minerals Management
United States Department of the Interior

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Minerals Revenue Management Home
Industry Awards Program Home
Winners: April '08
Winners: April '07
Winners: April 2006
Winners: April 2005
Winners: April 2004
Winners: April 2003
Winners: April 2002
Winners: April 2001
Winners: April 2000
Winners: April 1999
2008 Presentations
Presentations: April '07
Presentations: April '06
Presentations: April 2005
Presentations: April 2004
Presentations: April 2003
Presentations: April 2002
All SAFE Winners
CORLA Criteria
Program History
SAFE Criteria
SOAR (Safe Operations and Accurate Reporting) Award
Stewardship Award Criteria

 Offshore Content:         Margaret Thomas
     Debbie O'Brien

     Margaret Thomas

     OMM Web Team


  Stewardship Award Criteria

Background on the Secretary of the Interior's
Mineral Revenues Stewardship Award

Minerals Revenue Management’s mission is to provide timely, accurate, and cost-effective mineral revenue collection and disbursement services.

The Secretary of the Interior established the Mineral Revenues Stewardship Award to recognize companies who demonstrate exceptional compliance with mineral revenue laws, regulations, lease terms, and financial requirements and cooperation in issue resolution.

The Stewardship Award elevates the awareness and importance of how proper reporting and payment practices contribute to MRM’s success in achieving its mission. Companies are recognized as outstanding for low error rates, timely payment, and responsiveness to compliance and enforcement requests and orders.

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Last Updated: 07/15/2008, 12:14 PM

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