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Fulbright Specialists Program Brochure

Fulbright Specialists Brochure

Fulbright Specialists Program


The Fulbright Specialists Program is designed to provide short-term academic opportunities (two to six weeks) for U.S. faculty and professionals. Shorter grant lengths give specialists greater flexibility to pursue a grant that works best with their current academic or professional commitments. Applications for the Fulbright Specialists Program are accepted on a rolling basis, and peer review of applications is conducted eight times per year.

Program Goals

To increase the participation of leading U.S. scholars and professionals in Fulbright academic exchanges

To encourage new activities that go beyond the traditional Fulbright activities of lecturing and research

To promote increased connections between U.S. and non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions


Program administration

The Fulbright Specialists Roster

Sample Fulbright Specialists activities

Eligible disciplines

Worldwide coverage

Eligibility criteria

Duration of grants

Terms of the grant

Grant opportunities

Peer Review Calendar and Notification Dates

Scholar Stories

Staff Contact Information

Program Administration

Applicants apply throughout the calendar year for candidacy on the Fulbright Specialists Roster. Peer review is conducted eight times each year. CIES builds lists of qualified Specialist candidates for each eligible discipline and facilitates matching Senior Specialist candidates with project requests.

Non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions submit Senior Specialist project requests through the appropriate Fulbright agency in their country. Once approved by the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy, the Specialist project request is forwarded to the U.S. Department of State for final approval.

Fulbright Specialist Roster

The Fulbright Specialists Program differs from the traditional Fulbright Scholar competition in that the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) builds a roster of specialists in a variety of disciplines through an open application process. Applicants recommended by specialist peer review committees and approved by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board become candidates for Fulbright Senior Specialist projects.

Fulbright Commissions and U.S. Embassies access the Fulbright Specialists Roster through a secure Web site. The roster is searchable by a variety of criteria including discipline and specialization.

Sample Fulbright Specialists activities

Fulbright Specialist projects are designed to provide U.S. faculty and professionals with opportunities to collaborate with professional counterparts at non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions on curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of other activities. For example, grantees may:

  • Conduct needs assessments, surveys, institutional or programmatic research at non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions
  • Take part in specialized academic programs and conferences in conjunction with other scheduled activities
  • Consult with administrators and instructors of non-U.S. post-secondary institutions on faculty development
  • Present lectures at graduate and undergraduate levels
  • Participate in or lead seminars or workshops at non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions
  • Develop and/or assess academic curricula or educational materials at non-U.S. post-secondary academic institutions
  • Conduct teacher-training programs at the tertiary level

Note: Personal Research is not funded via the Fulbright Specialists Program.

Eligible Disciplines

Eligible disciplines for the Fulbright Specialists Program are listed below.  Each eligible discipline has designated subdisciplines.  To view the available subdisciplines in each field, click on the discipline name.  At the time of application, an applicant will select a discipline and one subdiscipline from the list of available specializations within the discipline selected.  Additional specializations may be entered in the “Additional Expertise” section of the application.

Requiring applicants to select a primary discipline and specialization assists prospective applicants in discerning whether they are eligible to apply to the Fulbright Specialists Program.   CIES uses the primary disciplines and subdisciplines to assign applicants during the peer review process. The discipline you select must match your academic and professional credentials.

The discipline categories are also used by CIES in matching roster candidates with projects, although they do not preclude roster candidates from participation in grant opportunities that are outside their primary discipline but for which they are qualified.  Identification by primary discipline and specialization is not intended to pigeonhole applicants or roster candidates.

American (U.S.) Studies
Applied Linguistics/TEFL
Business Administration
Communications and Journalism
Environmental Science
Information Technology
Library Science
Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies
Political Science
Public Administration
Public/Global Health
Social Work
Urban Planning

Worldwide coverage

The Fulbright Specialists Program is active in all world regions.

Countries eligible to participate in the program include those where there is a U.S. embassy or a Fulbright Commission. Lists of these countries can be found at http://usembassy.state.gov/ and http://exchanges.state.gov/education/fulbright/commiss.htm

Eligibility Criteria

The Fulbright Specialist Program is open to qualified U.S. scholars and professionals in the disciplines listed above. Applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin and /or physical impairment.
Applicants must meet all of the following minimum eligibility requirements. In matching candidates with grant opportunities, preference will be given to candidates with the most relevant professional experience.

  • U.S. citizen at the time of application. Permanent resident status is not sufficient. If a naturalized citizen, applicant must provide actual date of naturalization.

  • For academics, a Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree at the time of application plus a minimum of five years of post-doctoral teaching or professional experience in the field in which you are applying.

  • Limits apply to previous Fulbright Scholar grantees
    Important Message from the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board about Newly Adopted Eligibility Guidelines for all those applying for awards in the 2007-2008 year and all years beyond.

  • For professionals and artists outside academe, recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments plus a minimum of five years of professional experience in the field in which you are applying (Note: Senior Specialists work with colleagues at non-U.S. post-secondary, academic institutions. In the application, professionals and artists outside academe should highlight 1) experience as a college/university teacher or trainer and/or 2) how their experience could benefit foreign academic institutions).

  • Disclosure of prior conviction or current indictment for commission of a felony. Prior conviction or current indictment may result in disqualification.

  • Employees, spouses or dependent children of the United States Department of State or public and private organizations under contract to the United States Department of State exchange programs are ineligible to apply for a Fulbright grant until one year after the employee's termination.

  • Fulbright senior specialists must be residing in the United States at the time they are approved for a grant and intend to return to their U.S. institution after the grant's completion. Roster applicants or candidates need not necessarily be residing in the United States in order to be approved or accepted for the roster, but must be residing in the United States in order to receive a grant.

After State Department approval of the project, CIES contacts the preferred candidate indicated by the requesting institution or, for open requests, contacts appropriate Specialist candidates to ascertain their interest and availability for the project. CIES processes the grant and administers the grant payment for the candidate ultimately selected for the Specialist project.

Duration of grants

The program will award grants ranging from two to six weeks and will make use of serial grants if deemed necessary.

Terms of the grant

Grant benefits include international economy fare travel and approved related expenses plus a $200 per day honorarium. The honorarium is payable upon completion of the grant and submission of an online final report and travel expense report. Host institutions normally cover in-country per diem costs for lodging, meals and transportation.

News & Announcements
New Fulbright Scholar Program Eligibility Policies

New Grant Opportunities
Fulbright Specialists Newsletter (.PDF)
The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the US Department of State. CIES is a division of the Institute of International Education

© Copyright Council for International Exchange of Scholars . 3007 Tilden Street NW Suite 5L
Washington DC 20008-3009 . Phone: 202.686.4000 . Fax: 202.362.3442 . E-mail: cieswebmaster@cies.iie.org