Press Room

April 7, 2006

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
On the March Employment Report

"Today's employment report showing 211,000 new jobs in March is clear-cut evidence that the President's economic policies are working.

"Since the President's Jobs and Growth Act took effect, we have seen 5.2 million new jobs. This really speaks to the strength of the U.S. economy, with more Americans working than at any time in our history. Moreover, they have more money in their pockets.

"The American economy is clearly moving in the right direction, and I am confident that we will remain on a good path.

"Lower tax rates, especially on investment, lie at the heart of this strong expansion. The record is clear; now Congress needs to act to extend the President's tax relief and make it permanent. I commend Congress for making real progress this past week on a package to extend the President's tax relief for capital gains and dividends for two years and providing AMT relief.  I strongly urge them to complete work on this package when they return from recess."