Press Room

March 10, 2006

Treasury to Host Tax Relief Symposium Investing in America's Future -- Preserving the Lower Tax Rates on Dividends and Capital Gains

The U.S. Department of Treasury will host symposium on preserving the lower tax rates on dividends and capital gains. The event will feature several speakers, including Treasury Secretary John Snow, CEA Chairman Ed Lazear, and former CEA Chairman Martin Feldstein.

Secretary John W. Snow
Treasury Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy Mark Warshawsky
Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Analysis Robert Carroll
CEA Chairman Ed Lazear

Tax Relief Symposium: "Investing in America's Future -- Preserving the Lower Tax Rates on Dividends and Capital Gains"

Tuesday, March 14, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (EST)

The Cash Room Main Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20220

Note: Media without Treasury press credentials should contact Frances Anderson at (202) 622-2960, or with the following information: name, Social Security number and date of birth.
