Press Room

February 3, 2006

Statement of Treasury Secretary John W. Snow
On the January Employment Report

"Today we have terrific news that the unemployment rate has now dropped to 4.7 percent – the lowest it has been since July of 2001 – and that 193,000 new jobs were created in January. On average, 200,000 jobs have been created each month over the past three months. People who have been unemployed are finding it easier and easier to find jobs.  These numbers are a positive indicator that the American economy continues to hold great promise for all Americans who are seeking employment.  

"The strength of the American economy has created 4.7 million jobs since May of 2003, and I am optimistic that we will remain on a good path and expect to see rising employment and wages in the months ahead.

"I commend the Senate for moving the process forward towards extending the President's tax cuts, but encourage Congress to go further by making the President's tax cuts permanent. I encourage the United States Congress to look closely at the good direction of our economy and resist calls to increase taxes on the American people."