Press Room

January 6, 2006

The Honorable John W. Snow Statement on December Employment Report

"The year 2005 was a very good one indeed for the 2 million Americans who found new jobs. Today's employment report is the latest indication that the American economy is firing on all cylinders.  Before the hurricanes that hit us so hard this fall, the U.S. economy was generating about 200,000 jobs per month.  After two months affected by the weather – September and October – it appears we have regained that pace, creating over 400,000 jobs in the past two months.  I also note that we have enjoyed 31 straight months of job growth and, during that time, have added more than 4.6 million jobs.

"As we begin 2006, we have every reason to be optimistic that this economy – the most flexible, resilient and robust in the world – will continue to grow and create good jobs. The private sector, particularly America's entrepreneurs and small businesses, will continue to be the engine of the economy as long as government continues to give them the freedom they need to do so. Making the President's tax cuts permanent is the most important thing we can do in the coming months to make sure the economic environment in 2006 is as healthy, and as good for job-seekers, as it was in 2005."