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Guaranteed Ride Service

Many people who consider joining car or vanpools worry that they will be left stranded if they have to work late or an emergency arises on days they don’t have their cars at work. This service is being offered by Long Island Transportation Management (LITM) to Commuter Choice Program rideshare participants to help alleviate this concern. If an emergency should arise, you want to know that you can get home. This service provides that security and a ride when you need it.


Any BNL or DOE Brookhaven Area Office employee who is an active member of a car or vanpool and has completed and returned the BNL Rideshare Registration Form (PDF) can use the service. Completed forms can be returned to BNL’s Employee Transportation Coordinator, Jeffrey Williams, in Building 120 or return by e-mail to

Employees who are new to ridesharing must also complete and return the BNL Rideshare Registration Form, after successfully making rideshare arrangements with another BNL employee from the list of potential rideshare partners provided by LITM. Each person who submits a BNL Rideshare Registration Form will receive a Guaranteed Ride Voucher, which must be presented to the taxi driver upon his arrival.

Service Rules

You may use the service when:

  • Your supervisor requests that you work beyond scheduled hours without advanced notice; or
  • The regular driver of your car/vanpool leaves work early to respond to an emergency or is required to work beyond scheduled hours without advance notice; or
  • You or a family member becomes ill or experiences a personal emergency.

The service may not be used when:

  • You need to run personal errands; or
  • You stay late for personal reasons; or
  • You have a pre-scheduled doctor’s appointment; or
  • You stay after work for recreational activities, or
  • You voluntarily work late or when you have been assigned preplanned overtime

Procedures to use this service

For unexpected overtime, when you are a passenger in a car/vanpool:

  1. When you know that you will need a ride home, alert other carpool/vanpool members to your situation to let them know you are working late and are making other arrangements for a ride home after work.
  2. Notify your supervisor that you need a ride home, and he or she should contact Lindy’s Taxi at 473-0777 to arrange a taxi pick-up.
  3. When the taxi arrives, fill out the participant section of the Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher that you received and have the driver complete the driver section. Give the driver the white copy of the voucher, in place of the fare, and keep the pink and blue copies.
  4. Within 5 working days, return the pink and blue copies of the voucher to BNL’s Employee Transportation Coordinator, Jeff Williams, in Building 120. Before a new Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher is issued, you must complete and return the Guaranteed Ride Questionnaire (PDF).

For unexpected overtime, an emergency at home or illness to the driver of your car/vanpool:

  1. When you know that you will need a ride home, you should contact Lindy’s Taxi at 473-0777 to arrange a taxi pick-up.
  2. When the taxi arrives, fill out the participant section of the Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher that you received and have the driver complete the driver section. Give the driver the white copy of the voucher, in place of the fare, and keep the pink and blue copies.
  3. Within 5 working days, return the pink and blue copies of the voucher to BNL’s Employee Transportation Coordinator, Jeff Williams, in Building 120. Before a new Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher is issued, you must complete and return the Guaranteed Ride Questionnaire (PDF).

If you or a family member becomes ill or experiences a personal emergency, and you are a passenger in a car/vanpool:

  1. Alert other carpool/vanpool members to your situation to let them know you must leave work early.
  2. Notify your supervisor that you need a ride home and either your supervisor or you can contact Lindy’s Taxi at 473-0777 to arrange a taxi pick-up.
  3. When the taxi arrives, fill out the participant section of the Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher that you received and have the driver complete the driver section. Give the driver the white copy of the voucher, in place of the fare, and keep the pink and blue copies.
  4. Within 5 working days, return the pink and blue copies of the voucher to BNL’s Employee Transportation Coordinator, Jeff Williams, in Building 120. Before a new Guaranteed Ride Home Voucher is issued, you must complete and return the Guaranteed Ride Questionnaire (PDF).

* You will be responsible for any taxi charges from the original destination to a secondary destination (e.g., child’s school to home).

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Last Modified: February 4, 2008