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Unclaimed Property Finders
.: Finders FAQs :.
Barlow Road
Barlow Road photo Vickie Nokleby
What is a finder?
The administrative rules for Oregon´s Unclaimed Property Program, OAR 141-040-0040, define a "finder" as any person who assists in locating the owners of unclaimed, abandoned or escheat property for a fee or commission.
What restrictions apply to finders?
Oregon statute ORS 098.352, provides that information on unclaimed property accounts is confidential for one year before being reported to the State and for two years after being remitted to the Department. For more information, see General Information to Finders.

What information does the state make available to finders?
The Department of State Lands prepares a Finder´s Report of Unclaimed Property Accounts for those accounts with a value greater than $250. The report shows the name of the apparent owner, the value of the account, and, if known, the owner´s last known address. The Department also prepares a monthly Finder´s Report of Accounts Claimed.
How can a finder obtain these reports?
Finders should use the Finder Order Form   to contact the Department to obtain copies of these reports. There is a fee of $100 plus actual postage and handling for a Finder´s Report of Unclaimed Property Accounts, and an annual subscription fee of $50 for the Finder´s Report of Accounts Claimed.

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