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Home > Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site > Radiation Accident Response

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center and Training Site

Radiological/Nuclear Incident Response

For more than 25 years, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) has provided the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with a comprehensive capability to respond effectively to medical emergencies involving radiological or nuclear materials.

An Emergency Response Asset

ORISE's Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS) is a deployable DOE National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) asset, on call 24/7 to offer its expertise on managing the medical component of a radiation incident.



REAC/TS has developed an interdisciplinary radiation emergency medical response approach that integrates medicine with health physics. This enables rapid dose assessment, radiological and medical triage, diagnosis, and medical management during a radiation emergency.

REAC/TS response teams are ready to deploy 24/7REAC/TS maintains specialized response teams to ensure our readiness to respond. Each team consists of a physician, nurse/paramedic, and a health physicist—all cross-trained in the details of managing a radiation emergency.

Our response teams are equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment that can be transported to a site or used in our unique facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn., located adjacent to the Methodist Medical Center. The staff are equipped to perform at REAC/TS:

A cytogenetics biodosimetry laboratory as well as several health physics laboratories are also located on the ORISE campus. Cytogenetics biodosimetry can be used for determining the radiation doses to victims.

A World Health Organization Collaborating Center

World Health Organization (WHO)To offer a comprehensive response capability, REAC/TS also maintains collaborative working relationships with national and international radiological emergency response professionals. Specifically, REAC/TS works closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as well as the World Health Organization (WHO).

REAC/TS was designated a WHO Collaborating Center for Radiation Emergency Assistance in 1980. REAC/TS responds to international incidents as part of WHO's Radiation Emergency Medical Planning & Assistance Network (REMPAN).

In this role, we hold several responsibilities that further enhance our expertise:

Radiation Accident Registries

REAC/TS maintains a Radiation Accident Registry System that consists of the following components:

Data from the registry system is used:

National Exercises

As a deployable DOE response asset, REAC/TS participates in all national exercises where the simulated terrorist attack involves a radiological weapon of mass destruction. REAC/TS staff provide the expertise on the medical management of the victims.

Example exercises include:

Response Examples

As an international expert in managing radiation accidents, REAC/TS has been called to respond to the following accidents:

REAC/TS was also immediately deployed following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States as part of DOE's Consequence Management Response Team. The team stood ready to respond in the event that additional terrorist acts immediately following Sept. 11 involved nuclear materials.


For more information

Dr. Doran Christensen
Associate Director, REAC/TS
Dr. Albert Wiley
Director, REAC/TS


(Ask for REAC/TS)

Support for NASA Launches

New Horizons blastoff

As part of DOE's Advanced Launch Support Group, REAC/TS assists the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) prepare for the launches of space probes powered by radioactive materials.

REAC/TS initially trains local emergency responders before the launch. REAC/TS personnel are also deployed to the site for the launch.

REAC/TS has been on hand for the:


Related links

Radiation Emergencies: Preparedness and Response on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web site

ORISE's National Security & Emergency Management Exercise Planning & Development