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Department of State Lands

Easterm Oregon State-owned land

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Speakers Bureau

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Unclaimed Property

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Wetland Resources

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Speakers Bureau
Professional staff in the Department of State Lands give presentations on the agency's programs. The following topics and speakers may be available to your organization, based on staff availability. The general DSL contact for speeches and presentations is:
Julie Curtis, Communications Manager
503-986-5298; Julie.Curtis@state.or.us
Or you may contact the individual staff person directly.

Topic Presenter/Contact Information
Department of State Lands Overview
Gives the history of the agency (one of Oregon's oldest) and an overview of DSL's core programs (Land Management, Wetlands and Waterways, Unclaimed Property and Estates) as they relate to DSL's mission of ensuring a legacy for Oregonians and their public schools through stewardship of the Common School Fund.
Louise Solliday, DSL Director
Julie Curtis, Communications Manager
Managing State Lands
At statehood, the federal government granted sections 16 and 36 in every township to Oregon "for the use of schools."  Today, the Land Management Division oversees all programs that generate revenue for the Common School Fund from these trust lands and from other land management activities under State Land Board jurisdiction. This presentation provides information on waterway leases and other authorizations for DSL-owned land, including the submerged and submersible lands underlying Oregon's navigable waterways.
Specialized presentations include the department's Asset Management Plan, which guides land management activities and outlines priorities for growing the Common School Fund over the next decade and beyond; and such topics as mineral and energy resources on state lands, uses of the Territorial Sea, and title navigability.
Steve Purchase, Assistant Director, Land Management Division
Nancy Pustis, Eastern Region Manager
John Lilly, Asset Manager
Jeff Kroft, Senior Policy Specialist
Oregon's Removal-Fill Law
Explains Oregon's removal-fill law, enacted in 1967, to conserve, restore and protect "waters of the state" for public navigation, fisheries, commerce and recreation. Waters of the state include all natural waterways: bays and estuaries; constantly flowing streams (navigable and non-navigable); some intermittent streams; wetlands, lakes and other bodies of water; the Pacific Ocean within three miles of shore; certain ditches; and artificially created wetlands, ponds and channels. Provides information on how to obtain a removal-fill permit, an overview of DSL's regulatory responsibilities, and permit streamlining initiatives.
Kevin Moynahan, Assistant Director, Wetlands and Waterways Conservation Division
Lori Warner-Dickason, Western Region Manager
Eric Metz, Eastern Region Manager
Oregon's Wetlands
Presentation topics may include an overview of the importance of Oregon's wetlands and their functions, how to identify wetlands, benefits of Local Wetland Inventories and planning, wetland restoration, wetland mitigation, and mitigation banking. Presentations may be oriented toward a general or a technical audience.
Janet Morlan, Wetlands Program Manager
Dana Field, Wetland Mitigation Specialist
DSL's Role on the State Economic Revitalization Team
Provides information on DSL's participation in the ERT, including technical assistance and regulatory streamlining for industrial sites seeking "project-ready" certification, removal-fill law and wetlands assistance to identified economic revitalization projects throughout the state, and collaborative problem-solving between member agencies and local government on economic revitalization issues.
Kirk Jarvie, Economic Revitalization Liaison
Oregon's Unclaimed Property Law
Provides detailed information regarding Oregon laws pertaining to unclaimed property, how individuals may claim their unclaimed property, and state requirements of individuals and organizations holding unclaimed property. DSL holds unclaimed property in trust forever until the rightful owner can be found. Examples of unclaimed property include savings or checking accounts, uncashed payroll or dividend checks or safe deposit box contents.
Cyndi Wickham, Unclaimed Property Manager
Estates Program
Oregon law requires the Department of State Lands to be notified immediately upon the death of a person when it appears there are no known heirs or a valid will. This notification is provided by anyone knowledgeable of the death, including county Medical Examiners, landlords, nursing home administrators, hospitals, funeral homes, neighbors, friends and attorneys. This presentation explains the DSL Estates Program, the public service it provides and how organizations or businesses can comply with Oregon's estate law.
Pamela Konstantopoulos, Fiscal Services and Estates Manager
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Staff of the South Slough provide both technical and informational presentations on a wide variety of topics, including: Introduction to Estuaries, the National Estuarine Research Program; Tides and Sea Level; Restoring Native Oysters; Coastal Wetland Restoration; Salmon in Estuaries; Watershed Stewardship; and Dealing with Coastal Natural Resource Damage. The Reserve provides an array of educational programs for preschoolers through senior citizens, information for coastal visitors, and technical research and monitoring programs for scientists and coastal decision makers.
For further information regarding available speakers, contact:
Mike Graybill, Reserve Manager
541-888-5558, ext. 24
Robin Elledge, Operations Manager
541-888-5558, ext. 23

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