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A portal to information for the news media about the Wastewater Treatment Division of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks

You can find news and current information about the regional wastewater treatment utility at the links below. News Media Contacts: To arrange interviews and ask questions, reporters and editors are urged to contact the utility's news media relations staff.

WTD Mission:

The Wastewater Treatment Division protects public health and water quality by conveying, treating and recycling wastewater and its byproducts. The clean water agency has been preventing water pollution for more than 40 years. Its first regional treatment plant began operating in 1965.

1965 to 2005 - 40 Years of Clean WaterResidents of King County voted in 1958 to create an independent wastewater treatment agency called the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle, or Metro. In 1993, voters approved the merger of Metro's wastewater and water quality functions (and its public transit function) with King County.

No longer called Metro, the regional wastewater treatment utility serves 17 cities and 17 local sewer utilities, and more than 1.4 million residents in King, south Snohomish and northeast Pierce counties. Maps of wastewater treatment service area.

History of King County's Regional Wastewater Treatment Utility

Current WTD Projects:

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Current News Releases:

Other WTD Information

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Other County Information:

King County Executive Ron Sims:

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King County Council:

Graphics, Photos and Multimedia:

  • Contact WTD Media Relations for help in getting county photos, logos and other graphic images.
  • Contact King County Graphics to get King County's logo and terms of use policies at 206-205-8556.
  • Contact King County Multimedia at 206-296-3171 about video and other mulitmedia footage.
  • Contact King County Civic Television at 206-296-0300 about broadcast of County Council meetings and the County Executive's weekly news briefings.

WTD News Media Contacts | Current Wastewater News Releases

We've tried to design the WTD Newsroom with information that can be useful to the news media. If you have questions or comments, contact Annie Kolb-Nelson.

Updated Sept. 9, 2008

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