The Competitive Training Grant Program (CTGP) provides funding for training initiatives that further
the Department of Homeland Security's mission to prepare the nation to prevent, respond to, and recover
from incidents of terrorism. CTGP was launched in 2004 to develop specialized training to strengthen
preparedness among first responders, public officials, and citizens. Congress appropriated $30 million
for CTGP in Fiscal Year 2005 and $33 million in FY 2004.
Applications for CTGP grants are judged according to specific criteria that stress a cross-disciplinary
approach to training, partnerships to maximize program impact, and strong program performance measures.
Other factors, such as the proposed program's scope and relevance to the preparedness priorities outlined
in the National Preparedness Goal, also are considered.
All proposals undergo a rigorous, independent peer review evaluation by representatives of academia and
industry, and practitioners at the federal, state, and local levels. From the hundreds of applications
submitted, DHS selects those that best meet the specified criteria within the CTGP's budgetary limits.
In FY 2005, DHS selected 15 CTGP grantees from the 267 applications it received. In FY 2004, DHS selected
14 grantees from the 217 applications it received.
Ball State University, Muncie, IN
Emergency Public Communications Training for Essential Communications Personnel
This program will significantly broaden the scope of public communications training to meet the needs (awareness, performance, management/planning) of essential communication personnel (i.e. 911 dispatchers, on-scene incident commanders, public information officers). A specially-designed public communications DVD will be provided to nearly three thousand 911 dispatch offices for independent study awareness training and a 7-8 hour electronic independent study module will be used in conjunction with onsite, hands-on training activities utilizing table top exercises and other observed techniques.
Arizona Board of Regents for and on Behalf of Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Campus Public Emergency Communications
Arizona State University will develop and offer distributed, flexible, and National Incident Management System (NIMS)-based online training in effective, multi-layered public emergency communications for administrators, communications experts, emergency managers, police, firefighters and other individuals working at our nation’s 3,700 college or university campuses, or otherwise having Homeland Security jurisdictional responsibilities in the areas of campus security and emergency response. The applicant will deliver 3 online courses, reaching 1,000-3,000 students, geared toward campus administrators and emergency managers.
National League of Cities Institute, Washington, D.C.
Leadership Training for Local Government and Community Leaders
The program will focus on joint training of local government elected and appointed leaders to effectively address the four missions of emergency management: prevention, protection, response and recovery. The program will be designed to meet the needs of jurisdictions of all sizes and organizational structures through three different training delivery models to educate local leaders about their roles in emergency management. Each training template will be tailored to the specific risks in each region and will be delivered using a blended approach of classroom instruction, table-top exercises, simulations, and web-based training. Forty workshops will be delivered during the three years of the project.
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT
Homeland Security Leadership Development Program
The program will immerse its target audience – governmental senior or emerging leaders with significant homeland security responsibilities – in an 8 week blended leadership development experience. The program consists of a 2 week web-based Crisis Leadership workshop; a 1 week engaging mobile leadership lab designed to develop collaborative leadership and critical thinking in homeland security; and a 5 week web-based Leadership in Action class. Engaging faculty with expertise in strategic planning, collaborative leadership and systems thinking in homeland security will empower participants to synthesize leadership lessons back at their organizations. Each delivery will accommodate 44 leaders in 15 cohorts, for a total of 660 leaders trained over the 3-year performance period.
Western Oregon University, Monmouth, OR
Scenario-Based Executive Level Training (S-BELT) – Enhancing Executive Leadership Capacity
The executive-level national training program will train and support approximately 6,040 executives from all communities with direct/indirect, formal/informal responsibilities in existing and emerging homeland security missions, policies, and procedures. The target audience includes public safety, medical, emergency first responder, local, state, federal, educational, military, tribal and or other executives who have direct oversight or involvement in homeland security operations. The program is hands-on and highly interactive, combining classroom instruction with state-of-the-art gaming technology that immerses leaders into the exploration of emerging issues and the strategies, policies, and organizational elements needed to address homeland security missions. Advanced gaming scenarios will support this program by providing real-life 3D homeland security events that allow leaders to continually integrate and synchronize the four missions of prevention, protection, response and recovery as they practice and apply their leadership skills in intelligence, information sharing, critical infrastructure, public health, threat recognition, public communication and incident and fear management.
Council of State Historical Records Coordinators, Iowa City, IA
Intergovernmental Preparedness for Essential Records (IPER)
Intergovernmental Preparedness for Essential Records (IPER) will develop and deliver Web- and CD-based training to state and local governments nationwide, providing the knowledge and skills needed to secure essential records and recover those damaged by natural or human-caused disasters. IPER will prepare teams of five trainers in each state to lead this training, encouraging intergovernmental/interstate cooperation through train-the-trainer institutes in each FEMA / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) region with staff from these Federal agencies actively involved. Each state team will include state archives and records management (ARM), emergency management, information technology, and local government staff. Teams will return to their states and deliver training to thousands of state and local government employees. Teams will hold at least one “webinar” in each state during the project and self-directed modules will reach several thousand more of the 87,900 state and local governments nationwide. The project proposes 280 trainers who will directly train at least 3,360 state/local employees, plus an estimated 10,000 self-directed during 3-year project.
American College of Emergency Physicians, Irving, TX
Medical Response Collaboration, Planning and Coordination Training
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) will provide web-based training on the processes to develop and maintain detailed and effective pre-incident plans to ensure the efficient distribution of patients, sharing of information and resources, and coordination of roles and responsibilities of state and local agencies involved in responding to disaster victims. Target audiences include city and state homeland security officials; city, county and state emergency managers; emergency operations centers (EOC); Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) commanders; EMS; fire chiefs; law enforcement officials; local emergency planning council (LEPC); public health personnel; and hospital disaster planners. The training will build effective planning teams comprised of multiple disciplines and responsibilities; develop skills in developing and revising response plans; and maintain collaborative working relationships to create flexible documents and agreements that can be easily modified to reflect changing environments and disaster response goals. The program will be delivered in 18 states, for a total of 1,800 trainees.
Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc., Silver Spring, MD
Implementing Special Needs into NIMS/ICS Plans
The purpose of this online course is to help emergency managers and responders in identifying ways they can incorporate people with special needs into their emergency plans following the Incident Command System (ICS). The curriculum will serve two very different audiences: emergency managers and people with special needs. The course will use case studies, videos, and where applicable, activities to teach both emergency managers and advocates how they can successfully work together to ensure the safety of special needs populations during emergencies that require the activation of the ICS in their localities. As many as 10,000 people will be trained.
The CNA Corporation, Alexandria, VA
Homeland Security Risk Management Training
This program will assist State and local officials to build and sustain a risk management (RM) capability within their jurisdictions. It will provide jurisdictions with the ability to analyze and understand their unique risk profile, and use that risk profile as a basis for Homeland Security planning, capabilities alignment, strategy development, and investment justification. The program will include web-based modules, onsite training throughout the Nation, a risk-capabilities alignment job aid, and an RM resource portal. The intent is to have training that builds successively with executives, managers, and operators all receiving similar awareness content. The primary audience is managerial-level officials in States and local jurisdictions who are involved in homeland security planning – particularly those engaged in NPG and NIPP implementation, investment justification, and resource allocation. These are individuals (managers) who will be responsible for a RM program in their jurisdictions. Additional RM awareness modules will be directed at two other training audiences: executive-level homeland security officials (executives) and other public safety officials and first responders (operators) with risk reduction roles. 1,000 (managers), 500 (executives), 10,000 (ops) are projected to be trained.
National Domestic Preparedness Coalition Inc., Orlando, FL
Operational Value of Threat, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
The program will develop and deliver nationally, a unique three day training course titled: “Operational Value of Threat, Risk and Vulnerability Assessment”. Training will assist homeland security professionals, from all emergency response disciplines, and private sector, responsible for managing risk, to understand and use operationally information gathered in various assessment methodologies. Course content focuses on helping homeland security professionals analyze, and apply information gathered in the assessment process to enhance operations including: patrol and tactical operations, intelligence gathering, community programs, emergency planning, resource allocation, response to Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS) color-code changes, and DHS Alerts, response and recovery, as well as selection of technology. On-site classroom instruction and practical exercises will be supplemented with a web-based pre and post-course resource site and a resource CD. Video tele-training, will be developed while onsite training is underway, leveraging DHS and DOD resources to reduce costs and maximize delivery capability. Up to 3,750 are projected to be trained.
The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
National Risk Management Certification for Sports Events
The Center for Spectator Sports Security Management (SSSM) will design, develop, and deliver a national risk management training certification for sports events to key personnel responsible for security management of intercollegiate athletic events. These personnel will include athletic facility administrators, campus police, Emergency Medical Services, fire/HAZMAT, and local jurisdiction emergency management directors at 1,055 National Collegiate Athletic Association institutions throughout the United States. Course components will include a pre-training online package, onsite training involving risk analysis simulation models, and a take home transition package. Ninety-five, 3-day regional athletic conference workshops will be conducted, training an estimated 5,370 participants.
University of the District of Columbia (UDC), Institute for Public Safety and Justice, Washington D.C.
DHS National Legal Preparedness Training Program (NLPTP)
This program will ensure consistency and soundness of legal recommendations and decisions made throughout the preparedness cycle, further aiding in the mitigation of exposure to liability and enhancing the ability to provide meaningful and prompt legal assistance to emergency managers and response agencies at all stages through the development of four courses. The target audience includes State and local government key advisors and legal counsel. The overall purpose of the NLPTP will be to support, train and guide them in their critical role in nationwide preparedness. Approximately 2,000 participants across 56 states and territories will complete at least one of the three direct delivery training courses.