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Questionnaire Modules - Keywords

Topic Keywords -- associated with topic
Demographic Information
(Date/Place of Birth, Income, Education, Religion)
education, religion, birthplace, family income
Ethnic Background race, gender, born, birth, history, immigration, nationality, origins, background, immigrants, nationality, ethnicity, ethnic
Cultural Assimilation dialects, languages, traditions, religions, Asian descent, background, first-generation Americans
Family History of Cancer first cancers, second cancers, first-degree relatives, second-degree relatives, genetic studies, parents, siblings, grandparents, first-generation Americans, second-generation Americans, cancer families, cancer family history, cancer in relatives
History of Tobacco Use smoking, smoke, non-filtered cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff
History of Alcohol Use drinks, bottled drinks, draft beer, malt liquor, ale, lager, home-brewed liquor, moonshine, hard liquor, home-brewed wine, drinking, alcoholism
Consumption of Coffee, Tea, Other Beverages decaffeinated coffee, instant coffee, ground coffee, hot tea, iced tea, drinks, soft drinks, fruit juice
Food Frequency Questionnaire
-- American Diet
diets, fat intake, vitamins, nutrients, cooking, meats, vegetables, fruits
Food Preparation cooking practices, charcoal broiled, charbroiled, diets, fat intake, vitamins, nutrients, meats, vegetables, fruits
Food Frequency Questionnaire
-- Shanghai Diet
diets, fat intake, vitamins, nutrients, cooking, meats, vegetables, fruits
Use of Dietary Supplements minerals, vitamins, iron, calcium
Use of Prescription, non-Prescription Medicines non-prescription medications, laxatives, diuretics, hypertensive drugs, remedies, aspirin, ibuprofen, pills, insulin
Use of Hormone Supplements estrogens, progesterones, pills, progestins, birth control pills, hormone replacement, hormones
Medical History personal illness, surgeries, X-rays, hospitalizations, surgery
Personal Medical History of Cancer diagnosis, surgery, medical conditions, medical procedures, radiation, X-rays, primary cancers, tumors, growths, malignancies, malignancy, diagnoses, surgeries, cancer history, neoplasms
Non-Cancer Personal Medical History diagnosis, surgery, medical conditions, medical procedures, radiation, X-rays, primary cancers, illnesses, hospital visits, surgeries, hospitalizations, diagnoses
Anthropometric Measurements//Men physical development, height, weight, measurements, size, anthropometry, kilos, BMI, body mass index, pounds
Anthropometric Measurements//Women physical development, height, weight, measurements, size, anthropometry, kilos, BMI, body mass index, pounds
X-ray and Other Radiation Exposures (Personal History) diagnosis, surgery, medical conditions, medical procedures, radiation, X-rays, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, occupational exposures, dental X-rays, diagnoses, surgeries, mammograms, CAT scans, CT scans, MRI's
X-ray and Other Radiation Exposures (Work History) diagnosis, surgery, medical conditions, medical procedures, radiation, X-rays, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, occupational exposures, dental X-rays, diagnoses, surgeries, mammograms, CAT scans, CT scans, MRI's
Sexual History sex, intercourse, marriage, single, wife, husband, spouse, partners, miscarriages, infertile, infertility, condoms, rubbers, prostitutes, anal intercourse, sexual behaviors, contraceptive use
Gay Sexual Practices and HIV Exposures Gays, AIDS, masturbation, condoms, anal sex, oral sex, ejaculation, partners, homosexuals, rectal intercourse
History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases STD's, sex, viruses, AIDS, homosexuals, HIV, gonorrhea, clamydia, herpes, syphilis, the clap, VD's, venereal diseases
Menstruation/Menopause History periods, age at menopause, age at menarche
Reproductive History birth control pills, oral contraceptives, children, abortions, miscarriages, baby, babies, stillborn babies, stillbirths
Use of Contraceptives & Other Exogenous Hormones birth control pills, oral contraceptives, OCs, hormone replacement
Breast Cancer Risk Factors plastic surgery, silicone implants, breasts, menstruation, menstrual periods, pregnancy, children, breastfeeding, miscarriages, births, stillbirths, contraception, oral contraceptives, uterus, ovaries, hormones, menopause, medications, mammograms, lumps, abortions, family history, age at first birth, age at menarche, pregnancies, stillborn babies
Household Pesticide Exposures
(inside and outside)
chemicals, insecticides, sprays, gardens, herbicides, farms, rat poisons, cockroaches, termites, fleas, weeds
EMF and Radon Exposures electromagnetic fields, basements, heating, air conditioning
Exposures to electrical appliances electric blankets, curling irons, hair dryers, heating pads, humidifiers, stereo sound systems
Exposures from hobbies and/or household exposures dust, carpeting, vacuuming, carpets, rugs, painting, building models, model building, furniture stripping, furniture refinishing, household exposures
Exposures from carpeting and vacuuming household exposures
Other personal exposures hobbies, paints, gasoline, painting
History of Sun Exposures sunburns, latitudes, tans, suntan lotions, SPF, suntans, sunlight protection factors, moles, freckles, blisters, UV exposures, ultraviolet exposures
History of Recreational
Drug Use
nitrite inhalants, poppers, sniffs, marijuana, cocaine, crack, snorts, injections, recreational drugs, homosexuals, ecstasy, heroin, dope
Exercise and Physical Activity athletics, sports, walking, running, swimming, bicycles
Occupational History
job history, job-specific modules, work, industry, practices, company, chemicals, chemical exposures, radiation, industrial exposures, jobs
Exposures to Pets fleas, ticks, dogs, cats
Use of Hair Dyes rinses, hair colors, hair colorings, highlights, hair drying
Residential History home addresses
Water Source History wells, drinking, residential addresses, reservoirs
Childhood Immunizations shots, vaccinations, injections, vaccines, inoculations