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You are here: Home / Life Stages / Adolescents / For Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers 
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Life Stages

Eat Smart. Play Hard.™ Healthy Lifestyle
USDA. Food and Nutrition Service.
Site designed for parents and caregivers to provide information on healthy eating, being more physically active and acting as a role model for kids.
BodyWise logoBodyWise Handbook
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Provides information for grown-ups, including health care providers and school personnel, on detecting eating disorders and teaching healthy body image and healthy eating behaviors.
Kids and Their Bones: A Guide for Parents
DHHS. NIH. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
Provides answers to commonly asked questions about children's bone growth and development. Also includes information on helping children eat more calcium rich foods. Also in PDF|457 KB.
Divider For Parents & Caregivers
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Provides resources and links for parents and caregivers of young girls (ages 10-16) to help them deal with some of the issues young girls may face.
Powerful Bones. Powerful Girls™. ~ for Parents
DHHS. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Provides useful information to parents on how to help young girls develop lifelong bone-healthy habits.
Body Image and Your Kids
DHHS. OWH. National Women's Health Information Center.
Learn how parents' attitudes about their own bodies and eating can affect kids' attitudes and body image. Discover how to promote a healthy body image.
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)
DHHS. National Institutes of Health.
A national program for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8-13 years old stay at a healthy weight.
YourSELF Middle School Nutrition Education Kit
USDA. FNS. Team Nutrition.
For educators, provides links to PDF files which contain information about nutrition guidelines and helpful tools for teaching adolescents about nutrition. Includes student workbook, teacher's guide and yourSELF magazine.

Last Modified: Jun 12, 2008  
Life Stages
					   General Resources
					   For Tweens and Teens
					   For Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers
					   Weight and Body Image
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